Banished to Another World

Chapter 260: The Jiu Yuan’s Way to Get Out

Chapter 260: The Jiu Yuan's Way to Get Out

People across the earth fault ditch were surprised to find that The Jiu Yuan did not send the high-ranking warrior against The Water God, but that the young priest went to the riverbank.

Tu Qiu muttered to his brother Tu Hou, "Brother, shall we help them? What if The Water God Da-Ren ate Mo Da-Ren?”

"Help? How can we help? Let's see what happens first.” Tu Hou has a very good impression of Yan Mo and The Jiu Yuan, but it is not enough for him to offend the most evil force at the door.

Bianxi people and The Earth Cliff Tribe have similar views.

The Huang Jing Tribe, who lives on the other side of the river, is wary and cautious of The Moer-Gan, butthey are not afraid of the other side, nor does he want to reach out to help The Jiu Yuan, who is still a stranger, to see the lively scene.

The Snake People are probably the most favorite of the Jiu Yuan among the tribes in the market, and it also involves future migration. The security of the Jiu Yuan is relatively tense, but it is not at this time that they have want to intervene. Besides, they also want to see the strength of the Jiu Yuan and its ability to cope with the crisis, so they are not in a hurry to go standing on the side of The Jiu Yuan.

The Moer-Gan People, with the exception of slaves, wanted the Water God to swallow the little priest in one gulp.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond their expectations, even Yuan Zhan and others did not think of it.

Yan Mo had been paying attention to the sacrificial slaves who had been thrown into the river. He had planned to ask Jiu Feng for help and rescue them at the first time. But when he saw The Water God sweeping them to the shore with his long Python tail, he did not rush over.

But the situation of those people are still not good.

Maybe the Water God is in a bad mood and doesn't want to enjoy the sacrifices, or it is angry at the human behavior of throwing everything into the river. The tail sweeps not gently.

Two of the slaves seemed to be seriously injured. The water near the riverbank was not clear, but they could not even struggle to stand up in the water. The other slaves were probably frightened and fluttered. They did not know that they would be on the shore as long as they stood up and went a few steps further. Of course, they did not care to save their companions.

Yan Mo couldn't rush to the river to save people. The Water God was still staring at him. She had no eyes, but she was looking in the right direction. No, he was wrong. The largest head had no eyes, but its other seven heads had all five senses.

Yan Mo went to the riverbank, raised his head and held out his hand. This time, instead of using the trumpet, he mobilized all his energy and spoke smoothly to the huge thing that had emerged from her upper body and said, "Hello, The Water God Da-Ren, can you understand me?"

The Water God opened her mouth and seemed to have wanted to spray water on him, but when she heard the conversation, her mouth was still stiff.

"Ouch -! Human beings, you, can... Speak?"

Perhaps for the first time, there was human who can communicate with it? Tian-Wu hesitated for a while before answering him intermittently.

Yan Mo smiled, just be able to communicate is already enough to calm the mood. “Water God Da-Ren, I am the Priest of the ancestor god. The ancestor god has given me the ability to communicate with all things in the world. First of all, I hope you can understand that I don't mean to hurt you. In addition, there are several people in the river. Can I go down and save them? I don't think you're going to eat them either."

Tian-Wu was silent for a while, seemingly understanding the meaning of Yan Mo's words, then she answered "No."

Yan Mo is also trying to understand what the other person's message is, "You mean I'm not going to get them out? But those guys are dying."

"No, no, no, no... Eat."

Daring lover is also picky, meat must eat the freshest. Yan Mo guessed that the Water God Da-Ren was not hungry yet, so he threw the slaves who had been thrown into the water to the riverbank's side. He probably knew that people would drown if they stayed in the water for a long time.

"But those guys will die if they don't care about them anymore."

"Dead, it's also mine!" The Water God flicked her tail and stirred the waves.

"Jie! Mo-Mo, do you want those Two Legged Monsters? I'll catch them for you! "Jiu Feng hurled and flew over.

The Water God is angry, but she seemed a little afraid of Jiu Feng. She looked at Jiu Feng flying to save people. She just beat the waves angrily, but she didn't stop him.

Yan Mo walked slowly into the river. In order not to let The Guide find any reason to punish him, he had to do what he looked like he was not afraid, although the danger was as high as that. The waves were so big that he could hardly stand still.

Yuan Zhan frowned fiercely. He wondered why Mo ventured into the water to save the slaves of The Moer-Gan.

Da-He and Ding Fei have rushed past, followed by Da-da.

Da-da sniffed as he ran, and seemed to hate the smell coming from the air.

Da-He and Ding Fei are going to rush into the river and were stopped by Yan Mo. He can protect himself, but he can't keep more person from harm.

"You stay on the shore, Jiu Feng is going to throw people over, you drag them onto the shore, and if they are injured, you treat them." Yan Mo snapped orders.

Da-He and Ding Fei had to stand by the riverbank and wait for Jiu Feng to throw people over. Da-He sighed softly in his heart. Their priest was the greatest but he was a little too kind.

Da-He thought how can Yan Mo be bitter? Isn’t it enough to say that he even wants to save people and not to save the slaves of The Moer-Gan?

But he saw Qi Shui throw people into the river, and now the situation is that he is fully capable of rescuing these people, if he does not start saving them, it is a person + 10 point SCUM VALUE!

The Fruit of Witchcraft was in his stomach again, shouting at him, "Let me eat it!"

"You calm down for me. Don't you see so many people beside the riverbank? Or do you really want those people to take you back and raise you?" Yan Mo was angry.

The Fruit of Witchcraft was temporarily calm

Yan Mo continues to approach Tian-Wu and wants to lead him to speak.

People across the earth fault ditch were amazed.

"What's the little priest doing? Does he want to swim to The Water God?”

Qi Hao saw it as a good opportunity and immediately said to the people around him, "Let the Lancer be ready!"

Qi Shui had returned to him and said, "No, it's already dark. If a spear is thrown at The Water God, it will be angry and will fight us back."

"I'll tell the warriors to pay attention." Qi Hao went his own way, and after a while, he really couldn't see anything clearly.

"God! What's that?" Qi Hao and Qi Shui suddenly heard a burst of exclamation from their camp.

Together, they looked up at the riverbank. First, they saw the huge dark shadows reflecting the sunset and glowing with gold and red light.

Yan Mo also looked up at the Moer-Gan side, where Jiu Feng had restored his original size for the convenience of saving people.

The Moer-Gan People saw a huge black shadow swooping down in the sky, grabbing the offering beside the riverbank at a very fast speed and flying into the sky again.

"Jie! Mo-Mo’s Two Legged Monsters!” Jiu Feng's claws were loose and two slaves fell from a half-space three meters high.

Da-He and Ding Fei made a flying dive and managed to catch the two poor slaves who were sacrificed to death.

Jiu Feng seemed to find the game very interesting. He turned around and flew back to catch the remaining two.

"Human being," Tian-Wu probably thought it was rare for this human being to talk to her. She hung down her huge head and said in a loud voice, "Help me, do things, I will take the sacrifices... Give them to you."

"What do you want me to do for you?" Yan Mo thought Tian-Wu was interesting too. When Jiu Feng caught the offering and sent it to him, he immediately changed his mind.

Tian-Wu is thinking very seriously. It seems to be organizing her words.

Yan Mo paddled his arms in the water to float himself on the river, but the waves were too big. He ate the muddy water one after another. He wanted to go back to shore, but he didn't want to be the target of The Moer-Gan hate.

"The water rush grass has changed, not... The original smell. Tell... Moer, I hate... Don't add to the excrement.”

"Moer? The Moer-Gan Tribe? Do you have any agreement with them?” Yan Mo has a sharp nose. Although Qi Shui threw the herb in a much concealed way, he is sensitive to herbs and can smell it a little.

It didn't smell bad. It was a bit like roasted cow dung, with a green grass smell, but Tian-Wu clearly hated the smell.

Da-da also hated it, because Yan Mo refused to let it go, and Da-He and Ding Fei helped save people, so he followed the riverbank to find the source of the smell.

Found it!

Da-da rushed into a cluster of Bushes, grabbed the herb that had been smoldering for most of the time and threw it into the river. Fortunately, it was spring and the wet at the riverside. The plants had just sprouted and had enough water growing near. The herbs burned for a while and did not cause fire.

"Aou -!" The Water God flung the herbs which has just touched by the river to The Moer-Gan, and it seems that it knows in its heart that it was them who set it on fire.

The Moer-Gans were a little flustered.

Qi Shui was calm and used the smell of the burning drug as a tool to point out the direction of the enemy. It was the original agreement between the Water God Da-Ren and the Moer-Gan’s priest that the Water God Da-Ren would not be angry with them even if she not happy.

Unfortunately, The Water God Da-Ren doesn't know what Qi Shui is thinking or what he says, otherwise it will complain, just like what Yan Mo is complaining about now.

Yan Mo probably understood the relationship between Tian-Wu and The Moer-Gan from Tian-Wu's incoherent narrative.

It turned out that long, long ago, Tian-Wu knew a human named "Moer", which was also her first mate. Before that, he had been looking for big fish in the river or animals on the bank.

He loved the human, did not eat him after mating, and gave him the deepest water fishwort growing in Da-He. He said that if he lit water fishwort, it would smell even in the river, and then come to him.

Then Moer agreed with him where he would throw the burning fishwort, and Tian-Wu would help him eat the human and wild animals there or get involved in the river.

Year after year, the first Moer died, and the human tribe living near the riverbank grew bigger and bigger. They would bring sacrifices when she needed a spouse, and found that it was extremely hateful to colts. Later, Moer began to add animal's excrement to fishwort and burn it, because they found that the smell would make it go crazy.

Tian-Wu is very dissatisfied with this!

It's getting darker and darker, and the sun is going to set completely.

Yuan Zhan watched the attention of the Moer-Gan side being attracted by Yan Mo and The Water God, and yuan Zhan quietly made a gesture behind him with one hand on his back.

On the high ground not far away, the warrior who had been especially responsible for staring at Yuan Zhan's movements immediately jumped up and ran to Shen-Gu when he saw the meaning of Yuan Zhan's gesture.

Nobody noticed the movement of those people on the high ground, even if they paid special attention to it, they could not see clearly. The main reason was that the distance was slightly far away and the sky became dark again. When they looked at the shadows on the high ground, they thought that people were still there.

"I like it, your smell." Tian-Wu's head suddenly reached in front of Yan Mo and sniffed at him.

A human's face showed a salivating expression.

It smells good. It likes it.

Tian-Wu opened her mouth wide. She wanted to eat this human with a good smell, but she hesitated. For a long time, no intelligent creature could communicate with her, let alone human beings. Even the first Moer couldn't talk to it. They could only guess each other's meaning.

If you eat this person who smells good, will it be a long time before you meet a creature who can talk to you? Maybe it won't ever happen again.

Yan Mo holds the bone knife in his hand and is ready to call Jiu Feng at any time.

Jiu Feng had first discovered Tian-Wu's anomaly, and immediately threw away the two half-dead slaves he had captured, shouting furiously: "Hey-! Don't eat my Mo-Mo!"

Tian-Wu was caught in the head and exclaimed with anger: "moo Aou!"

She's right to fear Jiu Feng, but that's the natural fear of any race for the powerful race of Human-face Kunpeng. In fact, it's not weaker or even stronger than Jiu Feng.

Tian-Wu spewed clouds to hide Jiu Feng's sight. His tail rolled like a python into the sky. He wanted to drag Jiu Feng into the water.

Jiu Feng can only fly high because his sight is blocked, but he can fly high. He can't catch the big eight-legged fish. The wind blade spits out does little harm to the thick skin of the strange fish. The wind from his wings will only make Mo-Mo in the river more unlucky.

Yan Mo watched the two giants fight and then made an effort to swim to the riverbank.

Da-He and Ding Fei shouted anxiously to him, "Mo Da-Ren, this way! This way!"

Da-He and Ding Fei also gradually entered the water.

The waves here are very big.

Qi Hao saw the opportunity and immediately ordered, "The spear at the ready, take care of the little priest, throw it!"

A large number of spears were thrown at Yan Mo who was swimming in the river.

Yuan Zhan moved!

His figure disappeared from its original place.

At the same time, the 500 spear warriors behind him rushed forward and roared at the same time.

Jiu Feng saw the spear thrown at the riverside and dived down in spite of the clouds. He wanted to rescue Yan Mo from the water.

"Moo Aou!" Tian-Wu also roared.

But what happened is what nobody thought of, that Tian-Wu's roar was not directed at Jiu Feng, nor at any one of the Jiu Yuans, she was angry at The Moer-Gan.

It was hard for her to find a person who could hear her. She had just complained about fishwort and the feces. There were many things she hadn't said yet.

She fought with the Human-face bird, which has not yet grown up, just for fun. It doesn't really want to fight Jiu Feng to death. They have fought like this several times.

They're having a good time here, and it's deliberately raising waves to keep the smelly human from leaving the river and returning to the shore. How could it be that Moer wanted to kill him?

Her huge python tail flicked out, and a large number of water waves collided with spears that were thrown, some of them flying back to the Moer-Gan.

Jiu Feng rushed to the river but did not find his little Two Legged Monsters. He burst into a rage and rushed towards the Moer-Gan. He wanted to scrape up the two Legged Monsters!

Qi Hao looked at the sudden change in the river and shouted to the warriors not to panic, and called the priest to appease the Water God.

QiGui’s face suddenly changed. "Where is the 7th Rank blood warrior?"

I don't know. Nobody can answer him. The 500 spear warriors shouted at this side with their spears high. They couldn't see who was in the earth.

QiGui roared: "Move back! Leave the riverbank! Quick!”

"Father?" Qi Hao shouted incomprehensibly.

"Don't you understand? You fool! That high-ranking warrior's ability is control of the soil! The Jiu Yuan People have been here at riverbank for five days! "QiGui burst into a curse, jumped on the War Beasts and whipped away, making a sharp scream tearing the air.

"All the Moer-Gan warriors obey orders! Back to God's cave with me! Quick!”

Not only did the Moer-Gan People move, but the other Tribesmen, who heard Qi Gui's cry, also pulled out their feet and ran to the nearby highlands.

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