Banished to Another World

Chapter 291: Yu-Wu’s Commitment

Chapter 291: Yu-Wu's Commitment

Zhe Fei looked at the magnificent city. Before he came, he was ready to take over the tribe, but when he saw the city, he found that he still underestimated the tribe.

The city covered a wide area. The outer moat was raised. The wall is so high that you have to hold your head up. You may not see the figures walking on it.

Fei Li breathed in surprise. "When we left here last year, they were digging the foundations in the outer city. In less than a year and a half, they have built such a large outer wall?”

"You say their chief is 4th rank soil control blood ability warrior?" Zhe Fei asked in a low voice.


"No more than a thousand people in there?"

"If you don't add dwarfs. But last winter, they traded more than 1,000 slaves from The Moer-Gan, all women and useless children. In addition, there were scouts who reported that they had seen some slaves from the river, but they still looked like women and children.” Fei Li and Duo Fei were puzzled about this. If the Jiu Yuan was short of women before and it was reasonable to trade so many slaves in winter, why did she bring back women and children this time?!

[1] the slaves Duo Fei saw were the slaves who Yan Mo sent from Moer Gan using the tug boat he got from Qi Hao

"Is it possible for them to get slaves from other places, but you didn't notice?"

Fei Li dared not bother to make assumptions. "Maybe. They have Jiu Feng, a Human-face bird, and I dare not fly more here with him around.”

Zhe Fei stroked the bristles of the War Beasts under him. "To build such a city in just over a year, their slaves must be tens of thousands, no, tens of thousands are not enough. The city is not built of earth walls, but of stone bricks and boulders. Whether its boulders or bricks, they need to be transported, broken and cut from a distance. You haven't found such a big movement yet?”

Fei Li shook his head.

Zhe Fei looked at the base of the wall, and his eyes gazed. "They must have mastered something we didn't know. Look at their wall, the lower part of it is like a huge stone, and it's like a natural stone wall made of crushed stone mixed together and solidified. Is this stone wall original here?"

"No." Fei Li shook his head again and then added, "Would it be the mermaid who gave them something to strengthen the wall? The tribe and the Mer-people get along very well. Da-Ren, you see, there's the Mer-warrior patrolling in their moat.”

Zhe Fei looked admiringly at the Mer-warrior rafts, and secretly estimated the combat effectiveness of the Mer-warriors. "You don't mean Her Highness Duo Fei lived with them for some time, and she didn't know about that?"

"Her Highness Duo Fei lived with them for some time, but according to her, the teenager The Priest took her seriously. Although she saw the Jiu Yuan People build the city, they never let her go where they used to make bricks and lay foundations. She also asked the wild people, who refused to tell her about the power of the priest.”

Zhe Fei thought for a moment, "Even if the Mermaids gave them some special building materials, they couldn't build this fast."

Fei Li shrugged, and he couldn't figure it out.

Zhe Fei said "There are two possibilities. Firstly, if the tribe does not have tens of thousands of slaves and the blood ability warrior is the only their chief who can complete such a magnificent construction of the city in such a short time, it can only be said that the Chief of the tribe is not only 4th rank, but probably has reached 6th rank maybe even 7thrank."

"Impossible!" Fei Li fades. "In a little more than a year, he rose from 4th Rank to 6th rank? Even if he had acquired blood ability warrior's ability training method, he could not have absorbed a large number of crystals so quickly.”

"Then there's a second possibility." When Zhe Fei vomited out this possibility, he overthrew his original impression of the Jiu Yuan. "This tribe has more than one blood ability warrior who can control the soil, at least five of them, and their ability is no less than 3rd rank."

Fei Li's face became cautious too. He wanted to say that it was impossible, but the fact was in front of him.

The warriors behind Zhe Fei also heard the conversation between the two men, and everyone fell silent. If the tribe had only five or more 3rd rank soil-control warriors, it would be the first possibility. How lethal a high-ranking blood ability warrior would be is beyond imagination for anyone who has not seen a high-ranking blood ability warrior.

"Da-Ren, when we left last year, this tribe had only one blood ability warrior who could control the soil. I don't think that even if they were awakened later, they would be able to wake up more than five at once, let alone all rise to 3rd rank in just one year."

Zhe Fei suddenly said a digression: "Did you notice that there were two warriors in the warriors who had found us before, and those who had come to welcome us and notify them in the city?"

Uh huh? All of them, including Fei Li, began to recall, and they really hadn't noticed that yet.

Zhe Fei added: "We saw that the marked warriors are all below 3rd rank. What are the ranks of the two unmarked warriors?"

Fei Li swallowed his saliva and found that his intelligence was not only lagging behind, but also had a big problem. "Da-Ren, their warriors had markings on their faces, even their Chief and The Priest."

"But you haven't seen them for more than a year, and you haven't got any useful information about them." Zhe Fei did not intend to criticize Fei Li, but raised his chin. "Their men are coming, and we'll see what's going on in a moment."

Unlike the previous Ye He Trio's assertion that he was a superior, Zhe Fei and his party did not force to enter the territory of the Jiu Yuan. At the border between the Duo Fei tribe and the territory of the Jiu Yuan, they expressed their intention to visit the Jiu Yuan friendly to the guards of the Jiu Yuan.

After that, Zhe Fei and his party did not run around, and they followed Jiu Yuan Zhan until they were led to the West gate.

And they didn't wait long. Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo, who got the news in advance, had sent people out of the inner city.

Hei Qi and Wu Chen came forward with a group of people and smiled before they spoke.

Hei Qi went forward to introduce their identities and asked Zhe Fei about their identities.

"Hello, guests from afar. I am Hei Qi, this is our Priest Da-Ren's chief disciple, Wu Chen, Chief and Priest Da-Ren asked us to come to greet your guests.

Zhe Fei glanced at Hei Qi and Wu Chen. He was not angry because the other party sent a child to greet him. Instead, he was the first to see the blood ability warrior mark on Wu Chen's face. He was only 1st rank, but the fact that he could wake up at such a young age. It was not common in the Three Cities. If he visited the Temple of the Three Cities, he would be angry. There is no limit to his pathway.

Now he listened to Wu Chen, a disciple of The Priest. He feels that this child should be the disciple because of his blood ability. At the same time, he also held down the last trace of discontent.

If this is a very ordinary tribe, he Tianqiancheng-Heaven City general came here, tribe's chief and The Priest did not come out to greet, and it a disrespect to him, and his staff will give the tribe a little beating to see their strength.

But this tribe is not an ordinary tribe, even he was also deterred by the magnificent size of the city walls, coupled with their previous speculation, his staff did not dare to move without an order.

Zhe Fei did not blame the Jiu Yuan for his negligence, but he did not go down to the War Beasts. He sat on the tall War Beasts and nodded slightly to Wu Chen and Hei Qi, and uttered a very simple sentence: "Zhe Fei, from Tianqiancheng-Heaven City." I want to see your Chief."

Hei Qi politely gave way and generously signaled Zhe Fei's party to follow them into the city.

Zhe Fei was not surprised that the Three Cities could enter the city unless there were special circumstances. He did not know that the Ye He Trio had not been able to enter the Jiu Yuan before.

Fei Li saw the Jiu Yuan People let them go to the city without any fear or guilt, and did not think that the disappearance of the High Priest was related to the tribe at all.

The city is very empty.

This is Zhe Fei's first impression when he entered the outer city.

There are not many pedestrians on the road, or even very few.

There are two rows of trees on both sides of the broad and smooth road. After the trees, you can see the neat arrangement of stone houses and large tracts of farmland.

He seemed to see warriors practicing, but at a distance, he did not see very it clearly.

On the left seems to be the place where the dwarves live, and many dwarfs are coming in and out.

The second impression was that the city was clean and not as messy and chaotic as some of the big tribes he had visited.

A scout came up and said a word in Zhe Fei's ear.

Zhe Fei nodded. There was no smell left by The Ye He Trio in the city. The High Priest probably just turned around outside the tribe and left. But why didn't The High Priest go to the city? Doesn't he want to know more when he sees a city like this?

Wu Chen looked up at this moment and smiled wildly. "There were also messenger s from Tianqiancheng-Heaven City some time ago, but neither Chief nor The Priest were there at that time. Only Mountain God Da-Ren was there. the Chief went to The Moer-Gan Tribe on the middle reaches of the river to participate in their spring market. The three adults didn't go to the city after they heard about it. They wanted to go to the city, but Mountain God Da-Ren didn't want strangers to go to the city. Nobody could talk to him without Priest Da-Ren. The three Da-Ren after seeing that Mountain God Da-Ren did not want them come in after talking. They told us that they would also go the river tribes for a visit.”

It seems that the human-face bird must be very strong. Wu Chen's words dispelled the last doubt in Zhe Fei's mind. He had a good impression of this young man, who was not arrogant or impetuous, and had a simple smile. At first sight, he was an honest child. "You often trade with the tribes in the middle reaches of the river?"

"No, it was the first time in spring. It was the Moer-Gan People who found us last year and asked us to go before we went."

"What do you trade with The Moer-Gan?" Zhe Fei asked gently.

"Our tribe has just been built and has little stuff, so we have to trade some fur, bones, herbs, and some dried vegetables."

"Did you also trade your cloth from The Moer-Gan?"

Wu Chen shook his head and said proudly, "No, this is what Priest Da-Ren taught us how to make."

"Oh?" Zhe Fei also became more convinced that the teenager The Priest came from a city temple.

Hei Qi interposed: "Guests, the front is the place where we let our guests stay. I will take you to settle down first. You must be very tired after a long journey. I'll send some people to boil water. You can take a hot bath and make some delicious food for you."

Zhe Fei reinforces The War Beasts. "No, I want to see your Chief and The Priest now."

Hei Qi did not refuse. "May I ask the guest who has come to our The Jiu Yuan? Do you want to trade or pass by?”

Zhe Fei said, "I want to see your Chief."

Hei Qi is not exalted or humble. "Our Chief has a lot of things to do. It's impossible for every guest to come and see him, can you tell me what's with you coming to The Jiu Yuan?”

Zhe Fei frowned, and his men were a little angry.

Wu Chen pushed Hei Qi for a moment and said with embarrassment, "This Da-Ren, Hei Qi is always more direct, but what he said is very good. He wants to know clearly and is afraid, but getting blamed by the chief. I also asks you Da-Ren to understand his position."

Zhe Fei's expression was gentle. "You go to tell your Chief that the Tianqiancheng-Heaven City is looking for a big tribe in a wild place that can help each other. If he wants to, let him come to see me."

Hei Qi wanted to say something else, and Wu Chen grabbed the lead. "Okay, Da-Ren, I'll pass on your message to him. The front is the reception area. Please go and have a rest first. I'll be back soon. Brother Hei Qi, take care of your messengers."

Hei Qi nodded. "Rest assured." Then he reached out to Zhe Fei and others and said, "Come with me, gentlemen."

Wu Chen went back and gave a detailed account of the experience, especially in praise of Hei Qi's wit.

"You seem to have worked well together." Yan Mo was glad that he had not misread the man. Hei Qi was indeed a smart man and praised the little fellow.

Yuan Zhan asked, "What do you think Zhe Fei meant by that sentence?"

Yan Mo, "It's just that he think our tribe is valuable and he wants for us to be affiliated to Tianqiancheng-Heaven City."

"What do you think?"

Yan Mo murmured for a moment. "Don't reject him first, but we might as well mention our intimacy friendship with Baixi City."

Wu Chen asked, "Shifu, do you mean to pretend that we are a tribe affiliated to Baixi City?"

"It's not affiliated, it's friendly terms. If they don't believe it, you can accidental let them see the three snake people. In a word, be as vague as possible. Let them guess for themselves."

Yuan Zhan, however, said, "Once we become their affiliated tribes, they will probably make us the first to fight the murderer who killed their High Priest."

"So keep him in suspense, just agree to the deal, and pretend that we have a big backer behind us. For this reason, I will remain mysterious for the time being. A-Zhan, you go to see them alone and remember to bring Ink-Murderer to threaten them. Other warrior leaders should also carry bone-refined weapons.”

"They'll probably want to see you even more then."

"You will say I'm back in the temple. When he sees you, I'm afraid he won’t dare to act rashly easily.” He will fool them away first.

Yuan Zhan took people to Zhe Fei and Yan Mo turned to Shen-Gu. He started to help Shen-Gustimulate his blood awakening two days ago. Today is the key time to get results.

On the way, Wu Guo suddenly stood up to him and said, "No, my identity has been found!"

Yan Mo stepped in and said, "So soon was it discovered?"

"Being unconscious and unable to control one's own energy makes it much easier to be found for me. Those witches who have the ability to predict and find things can find my whereabouts very clearly through the energy released by the being."

"How soon will they find out that it's false?"

"I don't know. It depends on how well they know when they find their intelligent creatures. In addition, I have allocated a lot of energy to that fake thing, now there is no way to completely cover up my energy, if those witches comes nearby, they will not be like Ye He last time he was close to me and couldn’t tell but they would. You have to be careful."

Yan Mo looked up to heaven and sighed. How long had it been quiet and something had happened? No wonder people in the top leading positions are prone to premature aging.

"If I took you around, would they find you so easily?"

"What are you muttering about alone?" A lazy but seductive male voice rings in Yan Mo's ear. "The connecting lake just behind your house has been repaired. When will you fulfill your promise?"

Yan Mo touched his itchy ear. "I'd like to keep my promise, but how can I help them if you don't bring mermaids?"

"Who told them not to believe in you?" Yu-Wu laughed and laughed suddenly. "Come with me, there's a woman who's just been pregnant for a short time. Her situation is very dangerous now. I can't stop her from aborting the baby. I can only delay it."

"Well, you won't come to me unless you can't put it off."

"... If you can save the child, as long as you can find a way to solve the problem of mermaid abortion, even if you and Yuan Zhan leave the Jiu Yuan, I will help you to look after the city.

Yan Mo was interested!

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