Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 – Friday VS Lu Bu, the Friendly Duel?

7 PM, March 14th .

Friday reached Anping as she was panting . She had been using Lamia Steps to hasten her journey . Her face drenched in sweat, and her clothes were soaked .

Upon arriving, she could see the tattered fortresses and traces of battles .

’Wow, it must have been difficult,’ Friday thought .

Friday showed her token to the inspecting scouts, who led her inside the camp .

Jia Xu came out to see her, but he walked away after seeing her condition .

"Go change your clothes and take a bath . I don’t want to get myself killed by that brat!"

Friday tilted her head in confusion . As soon as she saw her wet clothes, which revealed her skins and undergarments, she laughed .

’The ancient people are so honest! Hahaha!’

An hour later, Friday got her new robe and cleaned her body . She revisited Jia Xu to ask about their conditions .

When she learned that she had to guard Anping with Tong, instead of getting angry, she smirked .

"With pleasure! I’ll protect Anping . You guys can have fun with your domestic affairs! Ehehe!"

Jia Xu’s face twitched, "Well, while you are at it, please help Sir Li Feihong complete his Heavenly Mission . He has to kill Gao Lan in 15 days . "

"Ah, no problem . Where is this Gao Lan now, by the way?"

"Guangchuan County . If you want to raid it, please wait for Tong and go together . Wen Chou and Yan Liang are dangerous fellows . Besides, another immortal, Te Langpu is there . "

"Oho? Te Langpu? Okay, I’ll take both of them down together!"

Jia Xu shook his head as he gave up trying to have a decent conversation with her . With her childish attitude and her playful tone, he doubted that he could have a civil discussion with the lady .


March 15th .

The news about Xiao Wu’s arrival reached Lu Bu’s ears . He straddled straight to her tent but was stopped by panicking bodyguards .

"Sir Lu Bu, this is young master Zhang’s concubine’s tent . You can’t enter!"

Lu Bu frowned . It was indeed his fault, and it was inappropriate for a man to invade a lady’s private tent . However, this was an army camp . Men and women were equal here .

"Send her my words . I want to spar with the so-called strongest fighter among Zhang Tong’s subordinates . I want to compare notes!"

The bodyguards wanted to retort . What kind of a man challenged a woman into a duel? How manly were you?

Alas, they could not speak their thought, or they would be sent to the underworld .

Fortunately, Lu Bu’s haughty voice was loud enough that Friday could hear it, which woke her from her nap .

"SHADAFAQUP!! Who da fOOk disturb my beauty sleep!?"

Friday yelled from inside the tent . She opened the cloth-door to see who was making a ruckus outside .

Upon seeing a tall, burly man who was stopped by the guards, Friday narrowed her eyes .

"What do you want?"

Lu Bu scanned Friday from head to toes, astonished by Friday’s pretty face and her assets even though she was still wearing pink silk pajamas at the moment .

"I wish to request a spar with you . "

Standing before a beauty, Lu Bu subconsciously spoke in a more polite tone .

"Who are you?"

"Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian . "

"Ah, that muscle brain . When do you want to get your ass beaten?"

The face of Lu Bu twitched while the guards scrammed away in fear . They thought that someone would die in the next few minutes if they continued to stay .

"Anytime that you are ready!" Lu Bu became frank .

"Okay, okay . Jeez ..."

Friday scratched her head and yawned . She picked up a wooden pole and walked to an open field in her pajamas .

"Over here is fine?"

Lu Bu frowned, "Are you going to fight in those clothes?"

"Pfft! Even if you are Lu Bu, you can’t even touch me if I go all out . Come on, I’m ready!"

Blue veins appeared on Lu Bu’s face . He took a wooden pole and entered the field .

At this moment, several people had noticed the ruckus . They gathered around to see what had taken place .

Upon seeing Friday in her pajamas and Lu Bu, a commotion broke out among Julu men .

"Why the heck does he picked a fight with the lady!?"

"Is he nuts!? He will die!"

Meanwhile, Jinyang soldiers had another point of view .

"This is bad! Call Lord Zhang Liao and Lord Li Feihong!"

"The girl is done for . She has provoked Lu Bu!"

After a while, the soldiers realized their different views on the matter .

"You think our Lord will lose!?"

"Huh? It’s so obvious that he’ll lose! He’s up against that Xiao Wu, you know?"

"Who is this Xiao Wu? She’s just a harlot! She will be killed in one move!"

"Pfft! You haven’t learned a thing . Didn’t you participate in the ambush at Jinyang?"

The commotion got more intense as the soldiers began gossiping and comparing who would win the spar . The ruckus got worse the moment a smart guy opened a betting table .

"10 Gold on Lu Bu!"

"5 Gold on Xiao Wu!"

Zhang Liao, Li Feihong, Gao Shun, and Xu Huang also came to see the commotion . At first, they wanted to stop Lu Bu . But when they saw who Lu Bu had picked a fight, Li Feihong dragged everyone away .

"What’s wrong, Feihong?"

"Why did you stop us?"

"That’s a grown man bullying a woman . We have to stop them . "

Li Feihong shook his head, "We don’t need to do anything . Actually, Fengxian will taste a clean defeat today . "



On the field, Lu Bu waved his pole around as he had warmed up .

"I’m a challenger! You attack first!"

Friday made a duck face . She played her wooden pole with her fingers for a second before she disappeared from the eyes of the onlooker .



Friday reappeared in front of Lu Bu with a thrust pose . Meanwhile, Lu Bu already found himself flying in mid-air .


Lu Bu fell on the ground on his back, lying and facing the sky .

All Jinyang soldiers had the "O" mouth as they were speechless, including Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang .

Li Feihong gazed at the scene with a wry smile, "See? I told you . "

Friday exhaled out all air in her lung . What she displayed just now was equal to Tong’s [Time Alter: Triple Accel] . However, Tong could not even master his [Double Accel] yet as his body foundation and his cells manipulation was still weaker than Friday by miles .

Friday could feel the pumping blood in her veins . She took a few seconds to stabilize her inner organs so she would not suffer backlash damage to her body .

’I can’t fully use the speed of 3-winged with Tong’s 2-winged strength . I’ll have to help him awaken another wing as soon as possible . ’

She had tested her true potential with the current body foundation . Unfortunately, Tong’s true potential was still weak in her eyes . Friday could not display even the strength of a 3-winged immortal .

On the other side, Lu Bu finally realized that he was defeated in one hit . He sat up and stared at Friday in disbelieved .


Lu Bu did not shamelessly claim that the previous one did not count like a sore loser . Instead, he wanted another match in earnest . The eyes of Lu Bu glittered like a child who had found a new favorite toy .

A moment ago, Lu Bu could see how Friday thrust her pole at his chest in a split of a second, but his body failed to react in time .

Unlike when he fought Tong with his gun, he deemed that Friday did not use a cowardly trick to beat him . Thus, he respected Friday as a master warrior .

Friday, on the other hand, had an ugly expression .

"One more bout, and I’ll head back . No matter what happens, you can’t complain!"

Lu Bu nodded . He gulped and concentrated all muscles . His killing intent and all auras exploded outward and locked on to Friday . He would use everything against this girl .

Instead of waiting for her attack, Lu Bu stroke first .

Friday frowned and activated Tong’s [Double Accel], which she could continue using it without worrying about backlashes .



Both Lu Bu and Friday turned into illusions as they exchanged blows . Aside from Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun, no one managed to tell how this was a fight between humans .

Two minutes after the consecutive exchanges, Friday managed to regenerate her damaged veins in her brain .

’I’ve played enough . Time to end this . ’

[Time Alter: Triple Accel]


The tip of Friday’s pole hit Lu Bu’s forehead, which knocked him unconscious .

Like before, Friday kept her posture as she slowly exhaled .

"That’s enough . Drag him away! I’m going to take a morning bath . "



The news about Lu Bu’s defeat spread throughout the camp like wildfire . The lucky spectators who managed to catch a glimpse of the inhuman speed retold their stories with excitement .

The strange thing was, no one thought that the defeat was humiliating for Lu Bu . Instead, they saw it as an act of courage of an ordinary human who was brave enough to challenge an immortal and lost .

In addition, Tong’s reputation soared as all soldiers thought of him and his wives as a family of immortals .

Tong had declared himself as an immortal two years ago, and he was the pillar of the Yellow Turbans .

Hua Shi was known as the Goddess of Death because of her miraculous archery .

Then, Xiao Wu emerged from the ambush at Jinyang, and she repelled Sun Jian 60,000 soldiers with 1,000 men!

What kind of family was this? This was the question that gave the impression that Tong’s family was not an ordinary one .

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