Be A Son-in-law After Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 5

C5 – I Don’t Need Your Comfort!

Ye Yu didn’t care about these gazes at all.

At this juncture, a group of five or six individuals abruptly burst in from outside the clinic, wreaking havoc on the premises. While they didn’t harm any individuals, they obliterated everything in sight.

“For what purpose is this?” inquired Wang Yao. “Cease! Should you continue, we shall alert the authorities!”

“Cease your destruction. What is your objective? Identify yourselves!”

“So menacing, who exactly are they? Whom has our clinic provoked?”

Some clinic staff attempted to intervene, but to no avail. Some even sustained injuries while the more fearful ones sought refuge immediately.

After all, the intruders were armed with metal bars and wooden batons, displaying tattoos all over their bodies. The leader, sporting sunglasses and a facial scar, puffed a cigarette and wore a mocking grin, arrogance emanating from his demeanor as he held his head high, his nostrils flaring.

“Who here is Yan Xue? Step forward!” The man at the forefront demanded without hesitation.

Were these people here to find Yan Xue?

Yan Xue stepped out, with Lin Wei trailing behind her, his legs shivering noticeably; evidently, he was frightened.

Yan Xue, unacquainted with such circumstances, struggled to maintain her composure, questioning, “I am Yan Xue. Who are all of you? What rationale lies behind the damage inflicted upon our clinic?”

“You must be Yan Xue. I’m Chen Loong. You are aware of who I am, aren’t you?” “My brother, Chen Hu, came here with my niece for a trivial cold. However, you nearly compromised her well-being!” accused Chen Loong, his voice steeped in anger.

He berated, directing everyone’s attention to Yan Xue, “Look at her, the one who almost annihilated my niece! Would any of you still entrust your health to her?”

His vehement words triggered murmurs and whispers amongst the crowd.

“Could his accusations hold any truth? Did Dr. Yan really nearly lead someone to their demise?” “Impossible, her medical prowess is renowned!”

“Such negative remarks don’t arise without a reason. A woman of her allure likely lacks true capability. Why else would one seek to discredit her?”

“I concur. Someone as incompetent as she should not hold a medical position here. I refuse to return if she remains!”

Yan Xue felt wronged and distressed hearing the disparaging remarks. Since joining the clinic, she had diligently served the community, and it disheartened her to hear their unfounded accusations, spurred by Chen Loong’s words.

Lin Wei, his voice trembling, tried to defend her, “Please refrain from making baseless accusations. Dr. Yan has never committed such acts!”

“Silence! You have no right to interject!” retorted Chen Loong, making Lin Wei recoil, holding his tongue.

Yan Xue confronted Chen Loong, looking desolate and vulnerable as though forsaken by everyone.

Yan Xue bit her lower lip, not letting her tears flow down.

At that instant, Yan Xue felt the warmth of a hand enclosing hers. She was somewhat perplexed and turned her gaze towards the person next to her, only to find Ye Yu, wearing a smile, standing beside her.

“Only you can discern who truly has kindness in their heart for you. Why concern yourself with the whispers of others?” “Isn’t having a clear conscience sufficient?” Ye Yu spoke, his smile unchanging.

Yan Xue was unsure why, but the words of Ye Yu seemed to dissolve all her sorrows. Her turbulent heart found solace, yet she persisted, “I don’t require your consolation!”

“Being your husband, it’s only natural for me to console you, but today’s predicament isn’t something you can untangle! Allow me!” Ye Yu asserted.

“What do you intend to do?” Yan Xue, hearing Ye Yu’s proclamation, felt a wave of trepidation.

Yan Xue watched as Ye Yu began to advance. His face still held the smile, but his steps were unwavering.

“Halt, Ye Yu, what are you attempting to do? Desist!” Yan Xue’s demeanor altered sharply. These individuals were clearly not to be underestimated. Was Ye Yu intending to confront them?

“You’re the spouse of this charlatan, correct? I’ve heard you’re merely dependent on a woman. What can you possibly do? My brother has impaired vision; he might inadvertently cause you harm!” Chen Loong’s countenance displayed a menacing grin, disregarding even the need to glance at Ye Yu.

Chen Loong’s demeanor radiated disdain, his arrogance palpable as if Ye Yu was beneath his notice.

“Demolishing possessions here, don’t you feel any remorse?” Ye Yu’s smile remained steadfast.

“Remorse? Let me enlighten you on whether we’ve done any wrong.” “Break his leg!” A frosty smile materialized on Chen Loong’s face upon hearing this.

“No!!!” Yan Xue swiftly positioned herself in front of Ye Yu, pleading, “Please, don’t harm him. He is unaware of the circumstances!”

To Yan Xue, Ye Yu seemed frail. How could he contend with the people confronting them?

Yan Xue was drawn back by a hand and heard Ye Yu declare, “When a man is speaking, a woman should refrain!”

Yan Xue felt a surge of discontent. Had Ye Yu dared to utter such words under normal circumstances, she would have ensured he learned a lesson.

But now, Yan Xue noticed Chen Loong’s subordinates swiftly converging on Ye Yu. Their aggressive demeanor was plain, prompting a look of alarm on her delicate features.

Ye Yu’s gaze sharpened, causing all the subordinates to tense. Subsequently, they found themselves kneeling before Ye Yu, Chen Loong included.

What was occurring? Chen Loong and his subordinates found their bodies unable to rise.

Ye Yu had only unleashed a sliver of his aura, but it sufficed to immobilize them!

“I believe you mentioned wanting to shatter my legs, didn’t you?” Ye Yu approached Chen Loong, who was clutching a steel rod, a smirk still dancing on his lips.

“What do you intend to do? I’m Chen Loong, you can’t treat me this way!” Realization struck Chen Loong belatedly. A sudden agony in his right leg elicited a scream.

“My leg, my leg!” Chen Loong’s cries resonated.

“My health is poor, doctors recommend I rely on a woman’s care. Do you have a problem with that?” Ye Yu spoke with a light, playful tone.

“No, no problems! Absolutely no objections!” Chen Loong hastily assured.

Such a merciless individual!

The bystanders were aghast; Ye Yu had actually fractured Chen Loong’s leg.

Yan Xue’s expression subtly shifted. Why did Ye Yu seem so unrecognizable today?

Just then, the clinic’s entrance swung open, admitting an elderly man followed by Chen Hu and others.

“Father, you’ve arrived! Great, father! Someone has assaulted me, broke my leg!” Seeing his father, Chen Loong’s features lit up with unhinged elation. His father’s arrival meant Ye Yu wouldn’t get away easily this time.

Observing the old man’s demeanor, everyone could tell he was no ordinary individual. It seemed Ye Yu and his wife were poised for trouble!

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