Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 48: Birthed A Nest Of Eggs

Chapter 48: Birthed A Nest Of Eggs

Welp its here. Graphic birthing scene. And when I mean graphic, I am not exaggerating. For those who want to skip it, just read the baobao notes at the bottom. Ill put a summary of the chapter. (Though I do recommend everyone reading the notes before continuing)

The discomfort when his belly was growing had made Shu Jintian a little benumb, so even if Shu Jintians body was curling in pain, he still would not wake up. He dimly dreamt of having a stomachache but couldnt find a toilet wherever he went, and his anxiousness made him turn everywhere.

Tiantian, wake up! Shu Hanyu picked up Shu Jintian in concern, gently patting his face. The female was clutching his stomach in his sleep, and Shu Hanyu knew that Tiantian was about to lay eggs.

Wu~ Shu Jintians face wrinkled up into a bun and he opened his eyes. Everything was pitch black before him, without even a hint of light. It took a good while for Shu Jintian to see Shu Hanyus blurry face.

His stomach was both swollen and heavy like in his dream. It turned out that it was because of his body that he had such a dream?

Shu Hanyu hurriedly reached a hand out to bring the night pearl in, and there was some light in the bed.

Ngh- my stomach really hurts! Hanyu, hurry up and bring me out! Shu Jintian said while enduring the pain. The words he spoke were a little out of breath. His stomach was in incredible pain; he couldnt quite endure anymore.

Shu Jintian hooked an arm over Shu Hanyus neck, sitting up in Shu Hanyus legs with great difficulty.

Dont move, Tiantian. Shu Hanyu embraced Shu Jintians waist, reaching into his quilt and a large, cool hand groped Shu Jintians lower body.

Shu Jintians shivered from Shu Hanyus cold hands. Before he could ask anything, that large hand touched his back entrance. Shu Jintians chrysanthemum was stimulated until it shrank, but because of this, the swollen pain in his abdomen became even more severe.

Nh~ Hurry! I want to go out, Shu Jintian urged pressingly, and couldnt even speak clearly. A thin layer of cold sweat appeared on his bright and clean forehead.

Shu Jintians rear entrance had a burst of pain, and had already involuntarily loosened; one could assume he was about to give birth.

Shu Hanyu held Shu Jintian tight and carefully took off the blankets on him, only revealing his butt before covering Shu Jintians upper body and legs well.

Shu Jintian was startled, shouting, What are you doing?! I want to go to the toilet- Whats this for?

Shu Hanyu tenderly lowered his head to kiss the females clean forehead reassuringly, Dont worry Tiantian, the eggs will come out very soon. Its very cold outside, so birth them here. Be good!

In this posture, it was even easier for the thing in his stomach to slide down. Shu Jintian gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the intense discomfort in his stomach, saying angrily, Look at where were at, hurry up and bring me out. Dont dirty the bed.

The big snake unexpectedly thought he was about to birth eggs; it truly made him want to go crazy with anger. If he had known sooner, he would have firmly told him that he wasnt pregnant.

Shu Jintian was incredibly regretful, yet no longer had the strength to struggle. He could already feel some liquid uncontrollably leaking out of his back entrance and sliding down his butt; it felt incredibly ticklish.

Its done, Tiantian can give birth now. Shu Hanyu stroked Shu Jintians stomach with one hand, caressing it in an appeasing manner.

Shu Jintian loosened his back entrance practically the instant Shu Hanyu set down the animal hide, instinctively pushing with great effort.

But unexpectedly, nothing came out, as if it was firmly blocked up. Shu Jintian only felt the thing in his guts being squeezed to a lower location, and his constricted guts became all the more painful.

Hu~ ah! Because he had used too much strength, and also due to the overly intense pain, Shu Jintian let out enduring moans. His handsome and slightly rounded face was covered in sweat, and the glowing night pearl gave him a lustrous halo.

Shu Hanyu was incredibly distressed, lowering his head to paste it against Shu Jintians sweat-soaked forehead and dotingly saying, Dont be scared Tiantian, take your time.

The breath Shu Jintian had gathered with difficulty was nearly dispersed by Shu Hanyu. He was speaking like he was really birthing a child; who would birth a shit child?! Fuck!

Although Shu Jintian was angry, he didnt have spare energy to refute Shu Hanyu. Shu Jintian took a few deep breaths and used his strength once more.

Mn~~ ah! Ngh~~ Shu Jintian gathered his energy, and this time it was much smoother. Shu Jintian could even feel something large being squeezed down his guts, already reaching the boundary of his entrance.

At the lower part where Shu Jintian could not see, his back entrance was already being spread by the thing inside, forming a black circle. If one looked closely, they could even see something being stuck there.

That black, widened entrance had transparent liquid dripping out slowly, slowly converging outside and gradually rolling down, drawing out long, sticky threads.

Do your best Tiantian! Shu Hanyu was incredibly nervous, his nerves stretched taut as he concentrated on watching as Shu Jintian breathed in, then breathed out. He himself nearly forgot how to breathe.

Ah! Shu Jintian used force again, and he unconsciously let out a resounding noise.

Hearing Shu Hanyus words, Shu Jintian expended a lot of effort to tilt his head to look at him. He rolled his eyes before gasping out, Trust me, if you dont speak, Ill have even more energy!

Shu Hanyu nodded, earnestly saying, Okay, then I wont disturb you. You can do it, Tiantian!

Shu Jintian took a deep breath and used great strength to push down the huge thing stuck in his hole. That thing evidently wasnt small, and was also round and smooth. Shu Jintian could even feel that dreadful object slowly expanding his cavern as he pushed, then become larger the more he pushed. His hole was usually swollen from Shu Hanyus ravishing, yet that thing was so large Shu Jintian was astonished.

Strange; he didnt have constipation recently ah, so why did he have such great diarrhea now?

With Shu Jintians pushing, his chrysanthemum slowly and completely forced that thing out. Shu Jintians body was faintly trembling due to the pain and excessive use of strength, but that thing was still stuck in the most awkward position, neither going up or down.

Just as Shu Jintian was about to use up his breath, no longer able to persevere and wishing to give up on this effort, that thing slid out from his insides.

Huu~~! Finally succeeded in pushing one out. Shu Jintian couldnt even summon the energy to speak, and directly spoke the words in his mind. He thus limply laid in Shu Hanyus arms, panting like a dog as he rested.

Shu Hanyus eyes brightened as he happily said, Tiantian really is amazing, able to birth an egg so quickly!

As Shu Hanyu spoke, he excitedly kissed the females forehead.

Shu Jintian was instantly speechless as he tilted his head to look upwards, but only saw the black ceiling of the bed.

What world was this? Laozi couldnt even shit peacefully; this life cant be lived!

But on the contrary, Shu Jintian really did want to see this hard-to-push-out thing; how large was it? It must be a very spectacular sight ba! Uh hopefully it didnt mess up the bed.  (

Shu Hanyu perceived the females thoughts and smiled as he shifted him a little so that it was easier for him to look at the egg he birthed.

Ai~ Dont be so hurried ah, his butt hasnt even been wiped yet. What would be done if the bed was dirtied?

Shu Jintian didnt have time to stop Shu Hanyu when his position was moved. Eh fine ba, might as well look first!

Shu Jintian endured his belly pain and looked over curiously with the aid of the faint purple light.

Under the soft purple light, a clean and white egg quietly laid on the dark-coloured animal hide. It was especially eye-catching.

The white egg was of a massive volume, and was several times larger than a goose egg; it was about the size of a navel orange. The clean and white shell was encased in thick, sticky liquid, and revealed a sparkly, watery, faint reflection off the purple light.

Shu Jintian, on the contrary, took a deep breath, eyes widening into circles.

What is that? Ngh~! Hurts again! Shu Jintian was immersed in a tremendous attack. Why would there be an egg here? Pain suddenly arose in his abdomen again, and Shu Jintian tightly grasped Shu Hanyus arm, his nails digging into flesh.

Shu Hanyu hurriedly gathered the female up and wiped away the sweat on Shu Jintians face in distress. He tenderly said, Tiantian endure, itll probably be easier after!

Though Shu Jintian was in incredible pain, it was like his body was in a dream as he instinctively exerted himself to push out whatever was in his stomach. Similar objects were pushed to his entrance. However, it was no longer as difficult as the first time; that thing slipped out without the slightest pause, and fell onto the soft animal hide with a plat.

When Shu Hanyu heard his voice, he sighed in relief. Shu Hanyu pressed his face close against Shu Jintian, unable to hide his excitement as he softly said, Tiantian is very amazing. Dont worry, itll be over very soon!

Shu Jintian was already unable to contemplate this at this time and dazedly let Shu Hanyu press his face against his. When another wave of pain approached, he then followed his bodys instinct and forced out smooth, spherical things one after another.

Shu Hanyu kept holding Shu Jintian and would occasionally rub his face against Shu Jintians. Each time the female birthed an egg, Shu Hanyu would follow along and become even more delighted. He couldnt restrain his emotions and wanted to get closer to his mate, and let him know of his own existence.

After a long time, Shu Hanyu saw that Shu Jintian was unable to birth anything and licked Shu Jintians face, gently asking, No more?

Shu Jintian blankly shook his head, muttering, Dont know

Shu Hanyu couldnt resist letting out a pft. How could his Tiantian be this cute?!

Shu Hanyu reached a hand into his quilt and touched Shu Jintians stomach. His round stomach had already flattened, and the enlarged tummy had suddenly shrank. His flesh was a little soft, and it felt rather squishy.

Then is Tiantian still in pain? Shu Hanyu asked while restraining his laughter.

Shu Jintian paused for a few seconds, as if to feel it. Then he slowly shook his head, dumbly saying, It doesnt seem to hurt any more.

Then theres probably no more. Tiantian can rest now. Because Shu Hanyu was stifling his laughter, his voice had become much more muffled.

Oh! Shu Jintian opened his eyes blankly and glanced downwards.

After Shu Hanyu covered Shu Jintian with the quilt, he felt the females movements and smiled as he helped him sit across his lap so that it would be easier for him to look at the eggs.

The sky gradually turned white and the insect and bird cries in the forest gradually became lively. The bustling sounds were all covered by the thick animal hides, isolating them from the outside world; not even a thread of light passed through.

The faint purple light in the bed shone on a nest of shining white snake eggs. Shu Jintian looked at that nest of tightly clustered white eggs and blinked in disbelief; the scene before him was unchanged.

Shu Jintians eyes suddenly rolled backwards and he passed out.

Baobao Notes

Idek how to explain this. Jintian wakes up with an incredibly awful stomach ache and assumes he has diarrhea, so he wanted to go out to use the restroom. However, Hanyu knows that hes giving birth and decides he should do it in the bed, where its warmer. So this whole chapter was Shu Jintian thinking he was pooping and roasting Shu Hanyu for thinking poop was eggs, while Shu Hanyu knew the truth. And it ends with Shu Jintian literally fainting from shock and disbelief lol.

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