Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 69 - 69 Ravensmouth City 1

Chapter 69: Chapter 69 Ravensmouth City 1

Translator: 549690339??????????? 7

The next day.

Early in the morning, Link arrived at the station he hasn’t been to since enrolling.

Today is the first day of holidays, there certainly will be many people flocking outside the school.

Link came early to take the first bus, just to avoid the peak hours of pedestrian traffic.

Anyway, the autonomous passenger bus is parked not far from the school gate. No matter how few passengers there are, it departs on time.

As it turned out, Link’s decision was right.

When the first autonomous passenger bus departed on time, Link was the only passenger.

Sitting by the window, Link looked at the scenery flying by outside the window, and suddenly thought of the past, those countless moments rushing to school and work.

At that time, he would always sit by the window, staring out.

The passing scenery never slowed down for him.

Nor did he linger at many moments of his life.

His steps were always hurried, his demeanor hasty, always in a rush.

All of a sudden, the autonomous passenger bus stopped. They had arrived at Ravensmouth City.

Ravensmouth City, for Link, was a completely unfamiliar place.

Everything he knew about the city were from information on “The Forum” and some other materials.

Link remembered the layout map of the city he found very clearly.

Even those remote alleys hidden in the West District, Link remembered them all.

However, those were just maps, and the reality would certainly differ.

Today, and throughout the holidays, Link’s main task is to delve into and comprehensively understand the Wizard World through Ravensmouth City. The First Bus Station is the best-stationed one in the West District, and also located on the fringe.

AU bus routes from Ravensmouth Biological and Medical College to Ravensmouth City, stop here.

Outside the First Bus Station is the Ring City Boulevard.

Link had already made travel plans. After waiting for a while at the city’s public light rail station about thirty meters from the bus station, he boarded a light rail train to the Central City.

The route of the light rail train runs through the Ring City Boulevard, going around the West District, South City District, East District to North City District, then directly to Central City.

Link chose this light rail train to get a holistic impression of Ravensmouth City from the outskirts.

The identity card issued by the college still works in the city.

No matter where you go, as long as you are taking public transportation, it’s free.

The purpose of Link’s trip was very clear, that was to take a quick look and have a preliminary understanding of the five districts.

The reason why he first went to Central City was that it was neither a commercial district nor an industrial district, but an administrative district where many management agencies were concentrated.

First, Link had to apply for a Resident Identity Card to use in the city.

Although the identity card of the college can be used in the city, it also has its inconvenience.

That was, it would expose the identity of the Storm Sea New Blood, and he could easily be ripped off at many places.


It could be a literal rip-off, or a figurative one.

Like in the Harry Potter World, those black witches lurking in Knockdown Alley, those Death Eaters committing arson and murders everywhere, how many of them are not graduates or dropouts from Hogwarts School of Magic? Human beings have never stopped killing each other!

Looking through the glass window of the light rail train, Link found that there were very few high-rise buildings in Ravensmouth City.

Except for the towering spire that stood in the center of the city, highly visible, all other buildings generally won’t exceed five stories high.

Link estimated that, even if a first-rank wizard apprentice jumped from this height, he/she wouldn’t be killed.

Maybe this design is for safety reasons?

Or possibly because of airspace control, or other reasons that Link currently cannot access to.

There are also open spaces between each building, enough space to park vehicles in front and behind, and on both sides.

These larger open spaces could naturally be used to assemble or disperse crowds, or to set up offensive or defensive facilities.

Just like in the college, Intelligent Law Enforcement Puppets, which have both monitoring and security functions, are also spread throughout the city.

Especially in the Central City District, where the density is very high, and there is hardly any blind spot for monitoring.

At first glance, the safety rating of Ravensmouth City is certainly not low.

Before long, the light rail train arrived at the station.

The towering Intelligent Management Center Tower of Ravensmouth City, the tallest building in Ravensmouth City, was not far from the station and right in front of Link.

The Main Tower is about 150 meters tall, its overall design resembles a miniature Canton Tower, with its curvy steel frame structure and extensive glass curtain walls, giving it a delicate and beautiful temperament.

It is said that the person who designed and supervised the construction of this tower was the only granddaughter of Great Sages Rewo and Soth.

Wizards, particularly high-level wizards, find it extremely difficult to proliferate their bloodline.

Therefore, she who is beloved by both Great Sage Rewo and Great Sage Soth, is it important whether the tower’s temperament matches with the college or the city?

When she said build, it was built. No one dared to object.

Link looked up at it briefly, but didn’t stop to stare, and walked into the large hall on the first floor of the tower.

The place to apply for the identity card is located on the south side of the hall, where there are several intelligent machines.

Unmanned, paperless offices are very common in the Wizard World that Link has come into contact with.

Link operated the intelligent machine, and according to the prompts, quickly entered his identity information into it.

Sometime later, a Ravensmouth City Resident Identity Card was dispensed from a slot in the intelligent machine.

The appearance of the Resident Identity Card is no different from that of the college identity card.

The only difference between the two is what shows when scanned by the intelligent machine.

One shows Ravensmouth City and the other shows Ravensmouth College (abbreviated).

Having obtained the Resident Identity Certificate, from now on, unless he voluntarily exposes himself, those who do not recognize Link would not be able to discern whether he is a local apprentice or the Storm Sea New Blood.

Considering that he has a frontal “photo” widely circulating on the college “forum,” Link used makeup to disguise himself.

In addition, Link also changed his hairstyle and dress style.

In school, Link appeared in uniforms in the early and middle stages, and in casual wear and cloaks later.

Now, Link was dressed formally.

He didn’t even wear a cloak.

A cloak is useful in school, but not so much in the city.

After leaving the Main Tower, Link wandered around the not so large Central City District.

It was still early, and the streets and alleys were quiet, with virtually no people seen except for some vehicles parked by the roadside.

Link walked past all the major administrative agencies such as the City Hall,

City Defense Bureau, Finance Bureau, and Security Bureau, familiarized himself with the places, and then left the Central City District by light rail train.

Next stop, North City District..

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