Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 71 - 71: First Exploration of the Black

Chapter 71: Chapter 71: First Exploration of the Black


Translator: 549690339

The term “black market” is used for three reasons:

First, numerous stolen goods are sold here; second, many individuals without identification frequent this place; and third, no record is kept of any business transactions.

Why does such a disruptive black market exist in Ravensmouth City? Perhaps only those who reap the lion’s share of the profits from the black market truly understand why.

For safety reasons, Link chose to visit the black market during broad daylight. No matter how chaotic the West District is, or how brutal people can be in the Black Market, most would not dare to murder in broad daylight.

As long as Link doesn’t act recklessly, things should go smoothly.

The Main Tower and the Municipal Building only tacitly allow the West District to devolve into chaos and the black market to exist; they will not tolerate excessive violence within these areas.

Since the establishment of Ravensmouth City, the Main Tower and Municipal Building have frequently cracked down on the black market and swept through the West District countless times.

Every time the chaos in the West District threatens to spiral out of control, and the scale of the black market needs to be contained, an iron fist will ruthlessly swoop in.

A catfish will always be a catfish; how can it possibly evolve?

With so many tumultuous events in their history, how could the West District and the black market not evolve?

Though chaos and murder are still common.

However, reckless thugs who rob and murder others indiscriminately won’t last long. Some of them don’t even qualify to take a hit from the iron fist. Take, for example, the idiot a few months ago who dared to sell a magic tool that could temporarily block the signals of the Intelligent Law Enforcement Puppet into the college.

Isn’t that just asking for trouble?

Who among those who frequent the West District or the black market doesn’t have connections to the college, or isn’t aware of the college’s red line?

Yet someone dared to commit a crime that directly disrupted the college’s security system. Utterly outrageous!

Extremely outrageous!

Even if you argue that the magic tool was already on the verge of breaking down and could only be used once for a short period of time.

So what?

Didn’t it still bring the college’s enforcement department down upon them?

Not only did they themselves lose their lives, but all magic tools in the West District associated with the Intelligent Law Enforcement Puppet were confiscated and destroyed.

To the dismay of many black market traders and stall owners, the college’s enforcement department then teamed up with the Municipal Building and the Security Bureau to launch a crackdown on the black market lasting over a month.

It took considerable bribery before the black market could finally reopen. Many traders and stall owners are eager to recoup their losses.

Over the past few months, word has been repeatedly sent out to organizations m the West District, advising them to avoid treating black market customers lightly.

If the street thugs who had been following Link dared to act against him in or near the black market,

Even before Link could react, black market security would see them reduced to ashes.

Link nonchalantly entered the black market.

With this step, Link for the first time willingly left the safety of the Ivory

Tower, stepping into a survival battle.

Only at this point did Link willingly admit that his dramatic change in attitude, becoming bolder and more aggressive, was heavily influenced by Wizard Palo’s words.

Why should Sophie Lucia, on the basis of a surname she herself didn’t flaunt, be able to suppress him to the point that he dare not even take revenge?

It all hinges on the power, influence, and capability backing the Lucia surname!

In their daily lives, Link never mentioned this, nor did it show on his face, but did he not feel pride in his heart?

In his first semester at Ravensmouth Biological and Medical College, he was already working towards becoming a third-class wizard apprentice.

This pace, while not unprecedented or unmatched, is commendable enough to be compared with the greats recorded in history.

Focused on his studies and working tirelessly, Link didn’t slack off, but his heart indeed got carried away.

Wizard Palo’s words were a wake-up call, and they woke Link up.

If you start a race at a disadvantage, the only way to catch up, let alone overtake others, is to put in more effort.

Therefore, Link stepped out of his comfort zone and ventured into the West District.

At the entrance of the Black Market, he took a mask that could sense others projecting witchcraft onto him, and then headed towards the underground Black Market.

At first, there was a dark tunnel, about a minute long walk.

Then, suddenly, it was bright.

A gigantic market, equivalent to five or six football fields, appeared in front of him.

There were no shops in the Black Market, only stalls.

However, some stall owners had a higher level and could partition their stalls.

Those who didn’t have enough level could only run an “open-air” stall. There were different sections for stalls: books and documents, magic tools, rune objects, vehicles, mechas, plants, land animals, aquatic animals…

There was everything one could think of, a wide variety of items.

The Black Market allowed buyers and sellers to haggle, even encouraging it, but deals were final after purchase.

Once a deal was made, even if a fault was found right after leaving the stall, the buyer couldn’t blame the stall owner.

Similarly, the stall owner couldn’t charge extra to a buyer who had snapped up a bargain.

Yo could say, this was a form of fairness.

Link remembered his character: a rookie who had visited the Black Market a few times but didn’t have much experience.

He didn’t look around; instead, he headed straight to the Magic Blueprint Scroll area after a short delay.

At this time, the Black Market wasn’t particularly crowded.

Link’s actions were conspicuous, and he attracted the attention of a few stall owners as soon as he moved from the books and documents area to the Magic Blueprint Scroll area.

“What are you looking for?”

The stall owner closest to Link was a young man with a green face.

He might have just taken over the stall not long ago and lacking experience.

Seeing Link coming over, he immediately stood up and greeted him.

Even his greetings seemed quite unprofessional.

Link didn’t mind these details, he stopped and asked, “Do you have any

attacking spells from the water and wood systems?”

“Yes, yes, yes, just wait a moment.”

Seeing a potential business opportunity, the young stall owner immediately agreed and began to search on his stall.

“On your left are First Ring spells, there are not many, only five. On the right are Zero Ring spells, there are thirteen.”

In no time, the young stall owner fished out a dozen scrolls, divided into two piles, and said, “I can give you a detailed introduction, would you like that?” “Let me take a look first.”

Link waved his hand to refuse the young stall owner’s kindness and began to check the introduction of the Zero Ring spells.

He didn’t even glance at the First Ring spells.

A person’s temperament greatly differs whether they are a Wizard Apprentice or an Official Wizard; anyone could tell just by looking.

The Peak Third-class Wizard Apprentice who needs to use First Ring spells as Destiny Witchcraft wouldn’t possibly scour the Black Market for Magic Blueprint Scrolls.

At that point, the college would surely provide support.

Link didn’t need to overextend himself.

After looking through the introduction, among the thirteen Zero Ring spells, only two suited Link.

One was Water Blade Spell, and the other was Thoms Whip.

Water Blade Spell was a variant of Water Ball Spell, and Thorns Whip was a variant of Thorn Entanglement.

Or more precisely, they were witchcraft that was developed based on similar concepts.

Link didn’t rush to make a decision. He wanted to go to other stalls, see and choose a little more.

The anticipation on the young man’s face vanished in an instant..

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