Becoming Legend

Chapter 226: Been Invaded

Chapter 226: Been Invaded

"The Order,' Ned muttered. "What have they done?"

After having a treat with the Queen, Ned was sent back to his chamber for a rest.

"Just how far does the Gate of O'rriadt imbalances things?"

Muttering to himself does him no good. So Ned decided that he would call it a day.

A lot of things happened in one day. The team assembled in Lord Sven's manor, proceed to raid beast settlements only to be burdened by different circumstances.

Now, he was laying on a bed, inside the Hive where thousands of beasts settled and preparing for something Ned haven't considered. Only to find out, that Roy was one of them.

Just after he closed his eyes, Rassus's bony face came as a thought with a sly grin. Although bones, Ned could feel the animosity lingering on his eyes. He brushed the thought of him, turning to his side. Surprisingly, beasts accommodated Ned better than a normal inn. He could at least sleep soundly for the night.

With the task completed, Ned now set his goals: The Mark remained his priority, as far as he knew and felt, Master Will was the only person he considered his father figure. To do this, Ned must become a hunter in two months with the help of Roy. He got no choice but to abide with him since he wanted to find out the meaning of the symbols behind the Gate located underneath the Hive. He wanted to know, why the language he knew was here.

And if luck permits, he might be in the Knighton in two months, and he might want to see how were his friends doing in the Academy.

"Coco, I wonder how is he doing with the Tamer?" Ned said, muttering to himself.

Ned's consciousness faded as he was thinking of future goals and things, not knowing he fell soundly asleep.

He woke up by the sound of a rumble underneath the surface followed by footsteps outside his doors.

Must be hundreds of them. Since it has been a long minute but the footsteps never faded out.

What's happening? Ned thought as he focused his mind to inject mana into the Silk Road which transforms into Hunter's uniform in black.

Ned got no time to think how convenient Silk Road was as he was bombarded by a knock from behind the wooden door.


Confused, Ned hurriedly jumped to open the door and was surprised that it was Otik in casual clothing of shirt and pants in a ragged state.

"What's happening?"

"The Hive's been invaded," Otik said. "Get your things."

Otik's eyes went over Ned's shoulder only to realize that Ned doesn't have many things nor bags to prepare.

Was it them? Did they come for me? Ned thought. Juggling his memory if what would he do if he was Twali or Hunter Jo. Will they look for me?

Ned's questions weren't answered as a voice cut him through before he could speak.


It was Roy behind Otik. He wore his leather cloth under a silver armor that clad his body, except his head. His blade unsheathed that gleamed silver under the light, with his shield over his left forearm. Metals clinked with his movements.

"My first time hearing them?" Ned asked.

"Gather your wits," Otik said this time before Roy. "We're going to capture them."

So Ned did. Aside from a pair of black boots which was given to him after his talk with the Queen, Ned doesn't have any other things.

After Ned exited the hallway that connects his chamber with the rest of other the hallways they ran. Along with other beasts: Arachneas in plenty of numbers, followed by goblins riding with beetles, and some with spiders of a different form. One spider, in particular, towered Ned with its long-legged limbs.

After turning several turns in a descending manner, Ned stopped at the edge of what seemed to be the center of the Hive. The center was a massive fissure that ran at the bottom for as long as the eyes could see. Only darkness waited from below. The fissure in circular for, Ned assumed, was once a pathway where the volcano spews its lava.

Ned looked up, some part of the hardened lava made holes that let the sun passed through. A ray of light basks his face in a soothing and warming sensation.

At the edges of the fissure were spiders and spiderlings crawling awkwardly, they were perpendicular with the walls of the Hive. Arachneas in a black exoskeleton shouted an order at another humanoid spider.

Arachne's rank was determined by their exoskeletons. The one in black was acting superior to the one in brown and thinned exoskeleton. Also, Arachneas in black could walk along with the wall, with webs sticking their feet.

Ned, Roy, and Otik jogged in a spiral stairway going under along with other beasts.

A mixture of cry, and hum, and shout, and order were engulfing the fissure leaving an echo that was fading away.

Roy noticed that Ned's hands were empty of weapons. And with an order, Roy called out for one of the Arachne in black. The latter answered without too much disagreement. And then she came back with a blade and a wooden with iron frame shield.

"Lord Cotilis," the Arachne said. She was a female with a hardened exoskeleton. But the exoskeleton wasn't enough to hide her womanly curves.

Cotilis for the beast and Roy for human nodded to the female Arachne and whispered.

The female Arachne then proceeded to Ned and gave the shield and blade.

"Hmm," Ned said, "a shield? Why?"

"You'll find out soon," Roy said and proceeded to jog downstairs.

Ned looked to his left and right and noticed that Arachneas and goblins were using a shield as their main defense. Others held spear, blades, and maces. But shields they wouldn't let go.

As they get deeper at the bottom, Ned heard another rumble. This time it was roaring, not just one, but a lot of them. The roars were high-pitched which get to one's nerves the moment they could hear it.

"Kruthiks?" He muttered. "What are they?"

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