Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 78 - 78 Who Dares Call Themselves a Celestial

Chapter 78: Chapter 78 Who Dares Call Themselves a Celestial

Feng Jun put away the small crossbow and turned to look at Lang Zhen, “Can you take care of these bodies?”

Lone Wolf nodded, “I have corpse-dissolving powder, it will just dissolve them.”

“Search their belongings,” Feng Jun said indifferently, “see what they have.”

Actually, this didn’t need to be said, even Lone Wolf’s daughter knew to loot the bodies, let alone him.

Soon, Lang Zhen searched through the men, finding over thirty gold leaves, more than two hundred silver dollars, and over three hundred copper coins. Most valuable was that he found a dozen or so medicine bottles.

On Gu Shisan’s body, there were also two books wrapped in animal hide.

The two didn’t bother to examine their loot closely; they just dug a hole by the roadside, not far away, and threw all the bodies in. Lang Zhen pulled a packet wrapped in oil paper, the size of a fingertip, from his waist and sprinkled the brown powder inside over them.

Under the illumination of the car lights, the multitude of bodies visibly dissolved into liquid.

Feng Jun tossed a handful of copper coins, he had picked up, into the pit filled with liquid and spoke without expression, “Here, this is the money to buy your lives. Have a safe journey.”

A dozen copper coins for a dozen lives, indeed a bit too cheap, but he felt not the slightest guilt in his heart.

You can force trade my goods, so, of course, I can force trade your lives.

Their weapons could not be dissolved. Lang Zhen tied the weapons into two bundles and handed them to Feng Jun, “Here, put them in your storage bag. It’s very likely that Gu Family’s secret marks are on these weapons; it’s currently inadvisable for others to see them.”

Feng Jun turned to look at him, asking with a half-smile, “Storage bag?”

“You definitely have a storage bag,” Lang Zhen answered seriously, “a lot of stuff is missing from your pack.”

Feng Jun gave him a sidelong glance, “Have you ever seen a storage bag that can take things through a pack? This is a technique… Mustard Seed Universe, understand?”

He was purely bluffing, but network novels from Earth Realm already made clear, storage bags are often the source of trouble. If you carry a storage bag, others feel almost obligate to rob you, as the saying goes, failing to take what’s given by heaven invites misfortune.

So Feng Jun was adamant about emphasizing that he was using a technique, an Immortal Technique, not a storage bag that drops from defeated monsters.

It wasn’t that he suspected Lang Zhen of having ulterior motives, but rather a necessary self-protection measure.

Lang Zhen, however, didn’t grasp the distinction, but still nodded blankly, “Oh, then put them away.”

“Wait a bit,” Feng Jun sighed with pretended distress, “using this technique consumes my own spiritual energy.”

“Spiritual energy?” Lang Zhen was startled again, but quickly grasped the meaning from the context and nodded, smiling as he spoke, “We all call it Spiritual Energy… so that’s how it is.”

“Who dares to claim to be an Immortal?” Feng Jun sighed deeply, “Without immortality, how can one claim to be an Immortal?”

First, he talked about Spiritual Energy, then about the title of Immortal; this was nothing more than the set of ideas from Earth Realm network novels.

But these words brought considerable shock to Lang Zhen, who opened his mouth wide in astonishment, “Immortality?”

In his mind, Immortals could effortlessly move mountains and seas, looking down on the world with unlimited power, but… they should still age, right?

Seeing his astonished expression, Feng Jun felt a certain pride inside; he thought to himself that theoretically, he had a complete system for Cultivation. However, his face remained solemn and serious, “Indeed, without immortality, how can one share prosperity and decline with the Great Dao and claim to be an Immortal?”

Lang Zhen was so amazed he couldn’t speak for a long time, then after a while, he held up a thumbs-up, “Divine Doctor, I truly admire your broad-mindedness. My life’s greatest hope is to enter Cultivation and live for a thousand years.”

Immortals in this realm can only live for a thousand years? Feng Jun gleaned yet another piece of information.

A thousand years… that does seem rather short, he couldn’t help but mutter to himself: To engage in Cultivation only to live this longer?

But upon another thought, he let it go. Looking at Earth Realm, no matter how great your power, lifespan is merely a hundred years. Now that I have encountered an opportunity and perhaps can cultivate to live to a thousand years, what’s there to be dissatisfied with?

The two collected their emotions and searched all around, finally finding that single horse that had slipped through the net. Lang Zhen didn’t say more and directly charged at it, slicing it in two.

Afterward, they returned to the mountain pass and saw the campaign beds and awnings on the ground, along with the scattered belongings of the knights. Lang Zhen couldn’t help but sigh, “What a waste of effort.”

Feng Jun waved his hand, “Alright, packup and let’s go.”

Lang Zhen hesitated for a moment before speaking up, “Divine Doctor, we’ve killed people from Gu Family. What if they come to investigate?”

Feng Jun glanced at him suspiciously, “What are you trying to say?”

Lang Zhen gathered his courage to reply, “I mean… I’m afraid it might involve my family members. Should we take them with us?”

“Is that necessary?” Feng Jun shook his head, “All the witnesses have been killed. Why would they suspect your family? Everyone knows that you came out of the mountains to follow me… If you go back now to move your family, wouldn’t that just imply you have something to hide?”

Lang Zhen was stunned for a while before slowly nodding, “That makes sense.”

The packages of the dozen or so knights weren’t excessive, with some having only one set of clothes to change into.

Nevertheless, when these packages were added to the mix of various weapons, they filled the motorcycle to the brim, and in the end, Lang Zhen could only half-squat on the motorcycle’s back seat, finding it inconvenient even to sit.

The two men stopped again, and it was already the hour of Yin, having traveled fifty or sixty miles past Shuangxi Town, and with daylight approaching, they decided to venture into a forest.

With Shuangxi Town as a boundary, the land became increasingly populated with farmlands and houses beyond the town, so finding a forest of over ten acres was quite fortunate.

It wasn’t until now that the two took a break to eat some dry food and take stock of the loot from the previous night.

The dozen or so medicine bottles gave Lang Zhen a great surprise, containing Body Tempering Pills, Foundation Establishment Pills, Meridian Opening Pills, and more.

Feng Jun was not familiar with these elixirs, which didn’t surprise Lang Zhen, who began to explain them to him.

The Body Tempering Pill was used by martial artists during cultivation, and once reaching High-Rank Martial Warrior, one could start using the Foundation Establishment Pill, usable up to the level of High-Rank Martial Master.

The Meridian Opening Pill was exclusive to martial masters, and even Innate Experts could use it in case of any injury to their meridians.

At this point, Lang Zhen couldn’t help but sigh, “If I had a Meridian Opening Pill back in the day, I wouldn’t have fallen to the level of High-Rank Martial Warrior.”

Feng Jun looked at him in surprise, “You were once a martial master?”

Lang Zhen gave a wry smile, then responded proudly, “If I had the resources of the Gu Family, advancing to the intermediate level would have been normal, and even reaching High-Rank Martial Master wouldn’t have been unthinkable.”

Cultivation indeed relied on resources! Feng Jun silently nodded, then counted the pills and found over thirty Body Tempering Pills, sixteen Foundation Establishment Pills, and nine Meridian Opening Pills, “What would be the consequences if an ordinary person consumed these?”

Lang Zhen explained that there were no consequences for ordinary people, the Body Tempering Pill could enhance physical strength, the Foundation Establishment Pill could bolster vitality and energy, and as for the Meridian Opening Pill… it would be a waste for an ordinary person to take it!

Feng Jun flipped the bottle in his hand, glanced at him sidelong, and with a smile proposed, “If I give you a Meridian Opening Pill, could you recover your cultivation level?”

“No, this is an old injury,” Lang Zhen shook his head, pausing before reluctantly saying, “If I could have two to three pills, that should be almost enough.”

“Then I’ll give you three,” Feng Jun wasn’t stingy. He freed up an empty bottle and poured out three Meridian Opening Pills.

After thinking it over, he felt something was off, so he divided the pills evenly between them, “Never mind, we’ll split it half and half.”

“How can this be right?” Lang Zhen was immediately alarmed and hurriedly rejected the offer.

Feng Jun looked at him, puzzled, “Isn’t that how I divided it with my elder sister?”

“Is that the same?” Lang Zhen shook his head incessantly, “You used techniques, and certainly expended a lot of spiritual energy… How can I split it with you?”

Dividing the spoils equally with a cultivator was something he dare not even contemplate.

“If I say it’s alright, it’s alright,” Feng Jun stated decisively, “Even if not for you, elder sister, elder brother, and younger brother could all make use of it.”

This indeed moved Lang Zhen, whose cultivation was entirely hard-earned. He had only ever consumed three Body Tempering Pills and two Foundation Establishment Pills. As for Meridian Opening Pills? He had never even tasted one.

His elder sister and elder brother now needed Body Tempering Pills, and had they been born in the Gu Family, even his younger brother could be taking Body Tempering Pills by now, while his elder sister would definitely have started on Foundation Establishment Pills.

Still, he dared not split them evenly, “Body Tempering Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills can be bought with money, just give me one more Meridian Opening Pill… let’s see who has such good fortune.”

Feng Jun thought about it and handed him two leaves of Gold, “Then take this gold and buy Body Tempering Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills.”

He wanted to help this one-armed man, but there was a limit to assistance, or else it would not only damage his image as a cultivator but could also lead to risks of ingratitude.

Lang Zhen still refused, “That Spirit Green Bamboo Shoot sold for twenty-six silver coins, and I haven’t given you your share yet.”

He had intended to discuss it during their journey, but seeing Feng Jun’s generous actions, he couldn’t help but mention it in advance.

Feng Jun was truly oblivious to how much the Spirit Green Bamboo Shoot sold for, but he shook his head with a smile, “I really don’t care for that little money, we made over two hundred in silver coins alone this time, do you think I’d care for that amount?”

Lang Zhen couldn’t help but mutter internally: Having killed more than a dozen people, most of them from the Gu Family, if they hadn’t earned that much, this adventure would have been somewhat worthless.

However, these thoughts remained unspoken. He repeatedly declined with a smile, “It’s different, you used techniques and spent spiritual energy… the money earned is just a small compensation.”

“Enough, my mind is made up,” Feng Jun waved his hand to stop him from speaking further, “If you still want to follow me, take these two leaves of Gold.”

With that said, Lang Zhen had no choice but to accept the two leaves of Gold, continuously expressing his thanks.

Feng Jun, however, was curious, “Old Lang, you say Body Tempering Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills can be bought on the market?”

“Yes,” Lang Zhen nodded, “They are available, but they’re very expensive, and you have to go to the provincial city to buy them; you can’t find them in a regular county town.”

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