Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 682: Cover For Him

Chapter 682: Cover For Him

The RV team was made up of 40 identical vehicles for safety concerns. They kept the same distance. Every ten minutes, a car would move back. Even the driver didn't know which car he was driving.

They could not possibly know which car Evan was in.

But even if they did, it was hard to breach the team in a short period of time.

Every car was custom made and couldn't be safer. Even if a dozen of M51 grenades hit them, no actual harm would be caused to the body.

But, if someone climbed on top of the car when there was intense shooting, it would be suicidal.

Tinder's voice wasn't stable because he could see the white smoke when bullets hit the top of the car.

Android was on top of the car. He had to jump up and down to dodge bullets. It was both dangerous and comical.

But he wasn't jumping but...

He had guns on his waist and a long, thick rope in his hand. On the end of the rope was a big hook tied.

What did he want to do?

Tinder's eyes were wide open. His eyeballs almost fell out.

Android wanted to hook the rope with the propeller. If Android could throw the hook to reach the propeller since helicopters were flying lowly, it would be lucky he didn't get shot under such shooting.

Android really knew how to play the wild card.

Evan ordered," Cover for him."

Android's reckless behavior was not what Evan would anticipate. Evan has ordered for his helicopters to get here. But before they did, maybe Android's idea could work.

At the same time, Avery finally saw what was going on since their car was swapped with the car ahead.

Avery tried to go near the window to look. But Evan grabbed her back," Android wanted to take the helicopter down."

"Can he do it on his own?"

Avery knew that Android could not put up with being shot all the time due to his hot temper. That was why he got reckless and went on top of the car.

"He wanted to tie the rope to the propeller."

So the helicopter was immobilized. Android had SMG to take cover.

Avery shook her head. It was crazy. But it was typical of Android not to be put at a disadvantage position.

"The security is covering for him."

Avery looked up, and Evan's men started an organized counter-attack.

But the car wasn't in the same order as it was in the beginning. It swayed from left to right, and there was sand everywhere. Avery looked further, and all she could see was sand.

It was difficult for the helicopter shooting.

The bullets didn't hit cars anymore. They were everywhere.

But the situation wasn't better for cars. It swayed worse than before. Avery was in Evan's arms. She felt sick.

"I'll ask them to get you drugs?"

Evan rubbed her hair seeing how Avery put her head on his laps. She looked weak.

Avery shook her head. The time wasn't right.

She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else to divert attention. Then there was cheering from outside the car. They were saying they took down the helicopter.

Avery sat up with watery eyes. She looked outside, and one helicopter was on the ground.

Evan's helicopters got here one after another. They attacked other helicopters. Soon, the killers' helicopters took the hit and started retreating.

Cars stopped.

The bodyguards took out guns and charged out. They surrounded the helicopter in a second.

"Sir, we got a few alive men."

Evan got out of the car, followed by Avery. The maid was standing next to the car with water and drugs.

They were drugs for car sickness. Avery couldn't handle it. She took the drug and washed it down with the water.

In the desert, one could only hear the sound of the wind and the voice of the Android. He gloated," You assholes, I got you, didn't I? You are the first to shoot at me."

Avery didn't know what to say. Android could get himself killed.

Killers got out with guns pointed at their heads. There were five of them wearing bullet-proof uniforms.

Avery noticed that there were no scars at the corners of their eyes.

So the guy in charge wasn't one of them.

And the leader wasn't easy to be captured.

Avery's hair was a bit messy in the wind. She finished her drugs and looked for Evan. He walked over to the other side.

A bunch of bodyguards was digging a pit. It got bigger and deeper as they kept digging.

The five killers were brought to the pit. They knelt down on the sand after being kicked.

"Who sent you! Tell us!"

None responded. Everyone had a tight face. They were ready to die.

"Do you see the pit? You're going to be buried if you don't talk. But if you do, you'll get rewarded."

They gave the killers carrots and sticks. But no one talked.

Android got mad. He rolled up his sleeves and said," What do you bother asking? Just put a bullet in the head. The pit is ready anyway."

Then he kicked one killer on the ground. He stepped on his head and held the gun at his temple.

The killer didn't respond. He moved his mouth and got down on the ground. There was blood from his mouth.

Android put fingers underneath his nose," He's not breathing. They should have poison hidden in mouths."

Every assassin group had different rules. The word is some killers would hide poison capsules in their mouths. When they failed the mission, they bit the poison capsules. The poison entered their bloodstream, and they would die.

"Throw the guy in the pit."

They did so in front of other killers to show them an example.

Another killer was questioned," This is your last chance. Or you would end up like him."

The killer sneered. He didn't respond. He moved his mouth and got down as well.

Two dead bodies were in the pit.

The other three knelt down, showing no fear. And they didn't intend to confess.

Android yelled," George, I'll end their lives myself!"

However, the left killers had other plans.

They all took poison capsules hidden in their mouths simultaneously. Soon, they got down on the ground with blood from their mouths.

There was only one killer left. Evan squinted and ordered," Bury the last one."

The killer changed his look. But he still didn't talk. The bodyguards came at him, held him up, and threw him in the pit. They were ready to bury him alive with the other four bodies.

The killer nearly had a breakdown with four dead bodies lying in the pit. There was cheering around him.

The bodyguards' morale was high. They started wielding the shovels to put sand on top of him.

The sand-covered his legs and soon his neck.

When the sand was about to cover his face, he finally talked," Stop! I'll tell you whatever you need to know..."

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