
Chapter 708 Sour Reunion

"We'll take our leave now, Mr. Ja and Mr. Ryan." Lee Seng waved at the two older men behind the counter. Ryan and Ja looked up and smiled at the group growing next to Lee Seng.

"It's a pleasure to meet heroine's new friends. Don't try to get into too much trouble, alright?" Ja told them. Olivia snorted and rolled her eyes.

"I would never." Olivia grinned. "Thanks for giving me a bit of home today. We'll probably swing by if we have time. See ya next time!"

"See ya everyone. Thanks for comin' in." Ryan and Ja waved. Team Zephyr filtered out of the coffee shop and a familiar voice broke.

"Hey, is that Olivia?" Guy 1 asked. A group of students ranging from school outfits to casual outfits stood fifteen feet away. Guy 1 had dirty blonde hair and shades on. He wore a hoodie and blue jeans. The short blonde bob girl, Jamie, was the first to look. Guy 1 broke off from the group first, walking straight over to the group and smiled. "It is! It's been awhile, Liv, how's city life treatin' ya?"

Olivia's face lit up. She broke through the group and scanned the rest of the group. Lee Seng guessed these were the 'friends' her grandmother mentioned.

"Alex! Jordan! Hayley, Lexie, Tyrone and Jamie! It's been ages! How have you guys been?!?" Olivia squealed. She hugged each one of them. Jordan was of Asian-European descent. He was wearing the Maus school uniform's white button-up and slacks. He wore casual shoes and half of the button-up shirt was untucked.

Hayley had strawberry hair up in a pony tail. She wore the school's button-up shirt and sported a skirt with black stockings and flats. Lexie was a red head with freckles. She wore a long sweater shirt that made the sleeves go past her hands and wore shorts and flats. Tyrone had short black curly hair and wore the whole school uniform. Apparently, he was most comfortable wearing the uniform as he wore similar outfits on his 'days off school.'

"Man, it's been awhile. A little birdie spotted you but we thought they were just kiddin'." Tyrone chuckled.

"How are you doing? How's the Academy?" Hayley asked.

"It's goin' well." Olivia smiled. "The city is SO HUGE! Y'all wouldn't believe it. There's so many people and many places to eat and shop! The Academy district has loads to offer just in of itself, too!"

"Wow. So the city is just as they say." Lexie commented. She flicked her orange eyes over to the group. "Are ya gonna introduce us to yer friends?" Olivia's friends turned their attention to Lee Seng and the others. They were all just standing there, letting Olivia catch up.

"Who's the eye candy?" Alex asked, nodding at Manny. "I didn't think you'd have good looking friends."

"You think he's good lookin'? You're missing those two over there!" Jamie pointed at Ritsuka and Evan. Lee Seng grinned and lightly jabbed his elbow into Evan, who was trying hard not to blush. Hayley's eyes settled onto Lee Seng. Lee Seng knew she was wondering who he was.

"Oh!" Olivia stepped over. "These are my teammates! Team Zephyr! Our leader is Manny, over here. That's Liz, Evan, Ritsuka and finally Lee Seng."

"Lee Seng?" Alex looked at Olivia. "Like the Creator's son, Lee Seng?"

"Yup." Olivia nodded. All of her friends looked at Lee Seng and Lee Seng smiled and waved at everyone.

"That's me. It's nice to meet you all." Lee Seng greeted Olivia's friends. "Olivia doesn't really talk about herself much, so we'll take this time to see Liv in her natural habitat."

"Oho!" Tyrone chuckled. "That means you haven't seen the usual loud Liv, yet."

"Mmm, we've gotten that a couple times." Manny scratched his neck.

"He got it bad." Liz chuckled. "Liv's yelled at him alot. Him and Ritsuka over there." She pointed over to Ritsuka. Alex's eyes hadn't stopped looking at Lee Seng from the moment he was introduced by Liv.

"I'm surprised you knew I was watching you guys earlier." Lee Seng complimented Alex. "I don't get a lot of people who have high senses like me."

"You knew Alex was looking at you earlier?" Olivia asked. "Is that why you went outside?"

"Mmm, I went outside because she was wandering in front of the coffee shop." Lee Seng pointed at Jamie. Jamie's face grew red as she turned away.

"So you did notice." Alex smiled. "I hope you don't take it the wrong way. We don't get visitors often. Especially during off season."

"It's practically Spring." Olivia commented. "Business should blow up now."

"I guess you haven't heard, Liv." Lexie spoke up. "Something's strange has happened."

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked.

'Could they know?' Lee Seng wondered. Hayley's eyes flicked over to Zephyr and then back to Olivia.

"Should we really be tellin' them this? Olivia probably came back to relax, not get caught up in some rumors." Hayley brushed it off. "Don't pay too much attention to what she's sayin'. We don't need to exhaust you even more now that you're an Academy student." Olivia and Hayleye stared at each other like there was some unspoken tension between them. Anyone with more than two brain cells could tell that much.

"Just so happens, I'm not here just for vacation and rest." Olivia smiled at Hayley. "I'm actually here because of a rumor I heard. Y'see… A birdie told me people have been…" She glanced around before whispering to Hayley, "People have been goin' missin'."

"How'd you know?" Alex asked.

"Alex!" Hayley hissed. "Don't get her invovled!"

"She came back, so obviously the heroine would want in." Alex defended himself.

"Liv must have a reputation to be called a heroine 'round here." Liz commented. She drew the attention off of Olivia and Hayley and onto her. "What Liv says is true. We're actually here on job."

"You're here to look for the missing people?" Tyrone asked. "Is this true, Liv?"

"Is it official work?" Jamie asked. They waited for their friend to say something. Olivia looked over at Manny, who shrugged.

"Y-yeah. We're here for that." Liv nodded. "My grandmother doesn't know about this and she doesn't need to, so don't mention anything. We're 'sightseeing' if you come across her."

"Alright." Alex nodded. He grabbed her hand and spun her to him. They looked at each other like there was something obviously there. Alex smiled at Olivia who stared at him blankly. "You'll help us then?"

"We don't need her help!" Jordan shouted. He broke the two of them up and glared at Olivia. "It doesn't involve her."

"But it does involve us." Lee Seng spoke up. Jordan's glare went onto him and Olivia pulled away from her two old friends, towards Lee Seng. "Any leads you could give us would help solve this problem faster."

"Don't give them any leads." Hayley told the group. "They'll only stick their noses where they don't belong."

"Why're you being so rude?" Jamie asked Hayley. "You even said we should—"

"I said nothing!" Hayley cut Jamie off. Lee Seng sighed and stepped forward. Manny grabbed his hand, turning Lee Seng's attention onto him.

'Don't do anything stupid.' Manny's eyes told him. Lee Seng pulled his wrist away and sauntered up to Hayley. Jordan moved to stand in front of her, defensively.

"Look here, Creator boy. We don't need your help. Go sip your coffee and enjoy the Spring time of Maus. We can handle this." Jordan growled. Lee Seng smirked. His eyes glowed as he peered into Jordan's eyes.

"Are you guys on official Guild business?" Lee Seng asked. He pulled the emblem out and flashed it at them. Jordan's face turned to surprise as Lee Seng waved it around. "I guess no from that look. Vigilante work? I did a lot of that. I respect it."

"Respect that my team is here on official business." Manny spoke up.

"So, you can either spill what you know or we can find out ourselves." Lee Seng smiled.

"You're just gonna steal our light, Olivia? You always do this!" Hayley barked. "No wonder why you left us. You just want all the fame, huh? 'I don't want to be like my parents.' Such a bullshit lie."

"And yet I'm still better than you." Olivia frowned. Jordan began to move towards her when Lee Seng blocked him.

"Get outta the way, playboy." Jordan shouted. He began to raise his hand to push Lee Seng out of the way when Lee Seng's body flickered.

"Three of you have ill intentions." Lee Seng spoke. "You, her, and him." Lee Seng drew attention to Jordan, Hayley and Tyrone. "One of you doesn't know what to do and the other one knows what you need to do. Am I wrong?"

"You little Ch—"

Olivia flew past Lee Seng's arm and slammed against Jordan, pushing him into Hayley. Tyrone took a step back as Olivia stood in front of Lee Seng.

"I told you. Don't you ever call anyone that." Olivia growled. "If you aren't going to respect my team and I are here on official business, I'll report you. I'll put you in jail myself if I have to."

"It seems the village heroine has turned a new leaf." Tyrone sighed. His hand slowly rotated as he slowly drew his head upwards.

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