
Chapter 714 Trapped School IV

Lee Seng was on the floor, looking up as the kids were on top of him. Reggie had the bright idea of playing 'adventurers' and slaying a monster. The girls naturally took to this and immediately told Lee Seng he should be the monster. Lee Seng sighed as the kids jumped on him. Miss Emory watched nervously as she watched Maggie almost step on Lee Seng's genitals.

Lee Seng relaxed his neck and dropped dead. Reggie and Ashley bellowed a victorious shout as they hopped off Lee Seng and pointed their 'weapons' at Lee Seng.

"We killed the monster! Now we should loot it!" Reggie told Maggie and Ashley. The two girls immediately agreed. They began to grab at Lee Seng, 'cutting him' with their weapons – which were brushes. Lee Seng tried to hold in the giggles as the kids lifted his shirt up and brushed him with the brushes.

"K-kids I don't think we should be doing th—" Miss Emory started to stand when the door flew open. Lee Seng and Emory's eyes went straight to the door. Lee Seng grew tense as no one was there. He slowly rose, grabbing Reggie and Ashley as Maggie watched from his legs.

"Why do the doors open like that?" Maggie asked.

"The doors do that all the time?" Lee Seng asked Maggie. Maggie turned and nodded.

"Mmmhm! That's how my dinosaurs went missing! A ghost came in and grabbed them!"

"I think it was nothing. Probably just a faulty door." Miss Emory brushed it off. She moved over to Lee Seng and the kids and pulled Maggie over to her. "Ashley, Reggie come here." Ashley tilted her head and looked at Lee Seng.

With a nonchalant face, Ashley asked, "Who's that guy?" She pointed at empty space and Lee Seng's eyes followed as her small finger moved.

"What does he look like?" Lee Seng asked. He was a bit creeped out by Ashley's question, but if Ashley could see whoever that was, maybe it could help him.

"He has light hair like Maggie's." Ashley told him. "He has these things like me." She lifted her hands and pulled at her collar. "And he's going towards the paper!" She turned and pointed where they had just drawn.

"Is he?" Lee Seng asked. Ashley nodded as Lee Seng removed his arms around the kids and stood up. "Is he doing anything?"

"He grabbed a pencil. I think he's drawing!" Ashley exclaimed.

"Ooo! I wanna draw!" Reggie turned and ran past Miss Emory and Maggie towards the drawing station. Ashley followed after as Maggie looked at Miss Emory.

"Don't run!" Miss Emory told the kids. She sighed as she turned and followed after them with Maggie. Lee Seng followed and noticed Miss Emory's eyes grow wide. Lee Seng peeked over her shoulder and noticed there was writing.

"What does that say?" Reggie asked, pointing at the first two words. It was Lee Seng's name. "L-E-E… S-E… N-G? What does that mean?"

"That's my name." Lee Seng told him.

"Wow, you have two names?" Maggie piped up. Lee Seng nodded and scooted past Emory and grabbed the paper.

"What does it say?" Reggie asked.

"Hold on. Let me read it first." Lee Seng answered.

"Can you read it out loud for us? I want to know the secret!" Ashley asked.

Lee Seng,

Olivia said you'd be here. We figured out something strange with the school. We exist in the same space, technically, but we're separated by the magic or spell that holds us here. Olivia and I found out through odd coincidence that the physical materials of the school aren't duplicated or messed with! That means we can communicate with each other!

Oh, I forgot to mention, but I think Olivia's being hunted down by those people we met earlier. She's going to the gymnasium and I'm going too!


'Evan?' Lee Seng looked at the door. A poster fluttered, drawing everyone else's attention. Lee Seng looked at the paper, again, re-reading it. 'Dammit.' He moved and grabbed a pencil and wrote below the note.

"Miss Emory, I need to go somewhere." Lee Seng told her. He lifted the paper up to her, offering it to her. "If we get separated, stay in here. My friends know this is the meeting spot. I got to go."

"What's wrong?" Emory asked as she grabbed the note.

"The note will explain it but leave it out for anyone else that comes this way. I think this gives us a chance to get out."

"There's a chance? H-how?" Miss Emory turned and watched Lee Seng run to the door.

"Mister! Mister! Where is Mister going?" Reggie asked the following after.

"Reggie, stay with me, please." Miss Emory called for him. She peeled away from Maggie and rushed after Reggie, who was almost at the door. "Reggie, dear, we have to stay here!"

"Why is Mister going away?" Reggie asked, sad.

"The game of hide and seek has changed!" Miss Emory lied. Reggie turned and looked at her, curious as to why the game changed.

"I thought we were seekers. Why are we hiders? Where's the others? How will they find us?" Reggie asked.

"Mister Lee Seng is going to tell them! We have to be quiet and hide here, okay? Mister Lee Seng will come back."

"Promise?" Reggie asked.

"Pinky promise." Miss Emory stuck her pinky finger up and wiggled it.


Olivia rushed down the hallway with Hayley and Alex on her tail.

'I thought Evan's blind would take off Alex, but I guess I was wrong!' Olivia slid down the hall, turning and running right as a fireball sailed in front of her. The glass window exploded, shattering into pieces as Olivia threw her arms up to protect herself. 'I can't stun them like this. I'd be a sitting duck for Hayley! I hope Evan told Lee Seng. If the first theory was correct about communicating, Lee Seng should be able to surprise them!'

Olivia came upon the gymnasium, turning. The darkened gymnasium was left open with basketballs sitting in the middle of the hall. Olivia quickly ran inside, looking for a place to hide. The darkness would shield her from Alex's eyes. She grabbed a basketball and ran into the darkest corner.

"She definitely went in here." Alex told Hayley. They slowly came to a stop a few inches in the doorway.

"Are you sure?" Hayley asked. Alex turned and looked at Hayley like she had offended him. His golden eyes glowed with an intensity Olivia had always known. It was what drew her to like Alex in the first place.

"You're really asking that question?" Alex scoffed. He turned his attention to looking around. "My senses are sharp. Just cause she's in some darkness doesn't mean I can't hear her." The golden glow in his eyes faded with a blink. He cocked his head forward as he listened. Olivia raised her hand to her mouth and Alex smiled.

"Bingo." Alex turned immediately towards where Olivia was. "Found you, Liv." Hayley's hand lit up in flames as she turned and pointed it at Olivia.

"You shouldn't have run away. Y'know it's futile." Hayley smirked. "And now you'll have to face the consequences."

'Dammit.' Olivia pushed herself against the wall. She had nowhere to run, and Hayley was about to roast her into bits. She gritted her teeth and planted a foot forward as she threw the ball. 'It's now or never.' The ball flew forwards. Alex grabbed the ball and dropped it. In that single moment, a beam of light shot straight at the ball, lighting the entire gymnasium up in light.

Lee Seng pulled the energy from his hands as he allowed it to grow. He could see the gymnasium. It wasn't filled with magical darkness. He moved the portal around and watched Olivia run in.

"Olivia?" Lee Seng whispered. "How is that possible?" He watched as Olivia looked behind her before running into the corner. Thirty seconds go by and Hayley and Alex show up. Lee Seng listens as they talk.

"You're really asking that question?" Alex asked. The golden energy flees his eyes and wraps around his ears. At that moment, Alex's eyes seem to look up at the invisible space where Lee Seng's portal is.

'He spotted me?' Lee Seng thought. Alex's head cocked forward and immediately looked straight at Olivia. 'Shit, this is bad.' Lee Seng slid to a stop and pulled the portal open. He swiped, noticing the space around him immediately tear.

"What the hell?" Evan's voice called out. Lee Seng turned, holding the portal open as he saw Evan in front of him. "How'd you do that?"

'No time!' Lee Seng thought. 'They're going to get her!' Evan's eyes focused on the sight below them. Lee Seng had managed to rip the space around them and reveal Olivia's whereabouts.

'How did you even do this?' Evan thought as he took a step backwards. The kinetic shield manifested as he pointed it at Lee Seng. 'Close your eyes. This is gonna hurt.'

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