
Chapter 781 Finished Contract

Lee Seng's eyes were shut. He watched as he pulled out of the forest and felt the energy of the forest. What once was red and black was fading away. He had successfully killed the Vixen's Curse. Lee Seng let out a sigh and opened his eyes. He knelt and lit his hand with golden energy. He touched the ground and watched it soak in his light. Lee Seng let this go for awhile and pulled away.

'This will have to do.' Lee Seng thought, standing. It took awhile for Lee Seng to find his way to James and the others. They were in the middle of searching for him when Kiara's wolf found him. Aiyana strolled up to Lee Seng and sniffed him. It barked at him and nudged at him.

"Kiara's summon." Lee Seng spoke. The wolf barked at him and nudged at him. "You want me to follow?" The wolf scampered forward and looked at Lee Seng before moving. Lee Seng followed the wolf for quite a way until he reached Kiara. The wolf barked, catching her master's attention, and moved over to her as Lee Seng pushed through the bushes.

"There you are." Kiara said. She moved over to Lee Seng and noticed it was a little worse for wear. "Are you okay? Where did you run off to?"

"I followed the curse and killed it." Lee Seng replied. Kiara's eyes widened.

"You killed it yourself? And you're not in the worst condition… Interesting. Where did you find it?"

"It was residing in a place where the trees were tightest together. It created the canopy. Its energy was thickest there. It was almost hard to tell where it was." Kiara nodded as she listened to Lee Seng explain what happened. When Lee Seng had caught her up, Aiyana barked at her.

"Oh, yes." Kiara looked at Aiyana like she had understood the wolf. She looked up at Lee Seng. "I suppose we should head back to the others. I think James should've gotten James and Eli unstuck by now. C'mon." She waved for Lee Seng to follow and turned with Aiyana. The archer and her wolf companion led the Fox Spirit back to the others.

"Hold still." James grunted. Eli was uncomfortably tangled in a large set of roots that were pushed down onto him. James was trying to get a hold of the roots, but small strands would only pull away. Jane hacked away at the roots, noticing Kiara and Aiyana first.

"You're back! Any luc—There he is!" Jane spoke loudly. She pulled the axe out and turned to meet Kiara and Lee Seng. Aiyana scampered up to Jane and Jane patted her before giving her attention to Kiara and Lee Seng. "So, where'd you go? I thought you would leave us behind!"

"He went after the curse." Kiara informed Jane. James and Eli grunted loudly, drawing Lee Seng's attention.

"I think they need my help." Lee Seng told the women as he passed them.

"Hold still!" James shouted at Eli. "You squirm too much! I can't pull the roots underneath you out! Do you wanna die!"

"I might as well just be plant fodder! Why can't you just rip this entire thing out?" Eli barked back. James sighed and pointed at Eli.

"This wouldn't have happened if you took that thing more seriously!"

"I thought you had my back! Clearly you don't!"

"Fine! I guess I'll just look for the kid and leave you here!" James turned and noticed Lee Seng standing next to him.

"Yo." Lee Seng waved.

"You're back." James nodded at him.

"Get me out of here now!" Eli shouted.

"You need help?" Lee seng asked.

"I'm trying to get him out but the roots that thing used was way too much. I'm trying not to damage anything, either." James told Lee Seng. Lee Seng walked up to the root and touched it. "I don't think forcefully yanking it out will help. What if Eli gets hurt?"

"Oh, now you're worried about me getting hurt! You said you'd just yank it!" Eli barked.

"God, you're so annoying!" James groaned.

"Kiss my ass, dipshit!"

"Try now." Lee Seng told James. "I lessened the weight on the root with my power, so it should come out like butter." James moved over and put his hand on the roots. He lit up in green and purple energy. It pushed out into the roots and the roots slowly began to move around Eli. Lee Seng moved over to get a good view of Eli as James worked on pulling the roots away.

"Whoa, it's working." Jane commented. "I would've never thought about using that sort of trick. What did you do?" Lee Seng's energy wrapped around Eli.

"I just made it light... Sergeant, give me a sec to yank Eli out." Lee Seng answered. James nodded and stopped.

"W-wait, you're gonna let him pull me out!?! I thought you were!" Eli complained, loudly.

"You said you wanted to be yanked out. Never specified who did it." James commented. Eli began to stutter as Lee Seng made a pulling motion. Eli burst into a scream as he popped out of his spot. Small roots scraped across Lee Seng's energy, unharming Eli as spots of blood spurted across Eli's body. Lee Seng turned and watched as Eli came to a stop in front of him.

"The roots embedded themselves into Eli?" Lee Seng asked.

"That's why it was hard to get them out." James answered. He pushed the roots back into their place and moved to stand on the other side of Eli. The two women wandered over and noticed Eli wasn't in great shape. "These are dangerous… Now that the roots aren't holding onto him, he'll lose blood quicker."

"He's probably got tons of bacteria in there already." Lee Seng whispered. He lifted his hand up and looked at Eli. "I can sustain him long enough for us to get back."

"It's gonna take forever to get back. The sun's already going to set." Kiara pointed out.

"Not if we portal back." Lee Seng shook his head. "Heal." A calm energy washed over Eli, covering him in a thin layer of golden light. He sparkled with Lee Seng's energy on him as some of his wounds grew smaller and closed.

"Portal? W-we haven't seen anyone capable of doing that. E-even if someone could do that, wouldn't it be too dangerous? The city's too far from here." Jane asked. Lee Seng shook his head.

"I know just the spell to take us there. If I've been there before, the spell will surely work." Lee Seng told the group. He lifted his hands up and watched the energy grow dark. He turned and pushed the energy away from the group. The energy ripped, growing vertically as the space around disappeared. There, in the darkness, was the bright colors of the city in a fleeting afternoon yellow. The sky was slowly turning orange and a couple people pointed at it from the other side.

"C'mon, go in first." Lee Seng motioned. "I'll come after and close it."

"I-is it safe?" Kiara asked. People began to move closer to the portal, noticing Lee Seng, James and someone floating between them.

"It's safe." Lee Seng reassured them. He motioned for Jane and Kiara to go through. Kiara gulped and looked at Aiyana.

"I think you should come back to me." Kiara told Aiyana. She touched the wolf and watched as her summon disappeared.

"C'mon, no more time to waste!" Jane pushed Kiara in and listened as she screamed. Jane chuckled and followed as Kiara almost tripped. She spun around as someone on the other side managed to catch her.

"Kiara. Jane! What're you guys doing here?" A male voice asked.

"Oh my god it worked…" Kiara muttered. Jane chuckled and turned to look at Lee Seng and James. She gave them a thumbs up.

"Your turn." Lee Seng looked at Eli.

"W-w-w-wait!" Eli stuttered. "Are you sure it's sa—Ahhh!" lee Seng pushed Eli through, and Jane moved to make sure Eli wouldn't go flying away. When Eli was officially through, James turned to the portal and stepped through. Lee Seng hopped through the portal, six tails intact, and landed on the cement ground. The portal closed behind them, stitching the space back together as people surrounded them.

"Who is that?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"It looks like a humanoid… Is it an enemy?" Another person in the crowd asked.

"We need a healer over here!" Jane waved. A woman pushed through the crowd and cautiously moved around Lee Seng, making eye contact with him before moving to James and the others.

"H-he's floating? W-who's doing this?" The healer asked.

"He is." Jane pointed at Lee Seng. The healer nervously glanced at Lee Seng, who waved, and looked at the sun. The healer raised her hands and muttered under her breath. Green energy washed over the golden Eli and his wounds began to fully close. Eli could feel the energy surge back into his body.

"There." The healer sighed. She lowered her hands and looked at Eli. "Are you alright?"

"Could ya get me down!" Eli shouted. Lee Seng snapped out of it and waved his hand. Eli dropped onto his butt and groaned in pain. James grabbed Eli's arms and pulled him up. Jane smacked the dust-off Eli's butt and pulled away before Eli could snatch her. She grinned at Eli, who turned and tried to go after Jane.

"Enough." James ordered. "We aren't done with our job, yet." Eli grumbled as Jane stuck her tongue out. James turned and noticed the number of eyes on Lee Seng. He didn't seem bothered by the stares. He smiled and nodded at people who stared at him. It was enough to get them to not stare as James sighed and walked over to Lee Seng. "You can turn back if you wish to not make the others uncomfortable."

"Sounds like its their problem." Lee Seng looked at James. James hadn't fully understood what he implied. A couple seconds later, James took a step back and nodded, a bit embarrassed by what he just did. Lee Seng was perfectly comfortable in his Fox Spirit form.

"Alright, everyone!" Jane clapped her hands. "Make way! We got to report to the Druidess!" She moved over to Lee Seng's other side and slipped her arm around him. "Our friend, here, has business with us. Skedaddle!"

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