
Chapter 826 Barracks Trip: Morning Training

The next day, Lee Seng, Keng, Lily, Fae, and River stood outside with the soldiers. It was barely sunrise and Keng was dozing off while the seniors and Zixin finalized some things. Fae poked at Keng's face, trying to keep him awake. He weakly swatted at her, trying to get some extra z's. Fae giggled, full of energy as she was allowed to annoy her leader. The recruits from the Holy Village questioned this.

"Why do they seem so friendly with their captains?" A recruit asked.

"I wish we were apart of this group…" Another recruit whispered. "We wouldn't get yelled all the time."

"I'm pretty sure the Leaders of the Saviors aren't even here most of the time, either." Another recruit whispered. Keng opened his eyes and went for Fae's arms. Fae gracefully pulled away, chuckling as Keng managed to grab her at the last second. She began to panic and yell for Lily, who was waiting patiently for the training to begin.

"Alright! Let's begin!" Fen shouted. The recruits pulled away from their huddle and lined up. Fae and Keng stopped play-fighting and stood at attention as Fen stood in front of the recruits. "Since you used the beacon, you will be running training for the rest of our duration here." There were groans and Fen ignored them. "You will split into groups and run your usual drills. Since we are in a place where there are more monsters around, you'll need to carry your equipment everywhere you go." The recruits groaned some more.

"And we'll be adding two Savior members into your group." Rudy added. He looked over and waved for Fae and River to come over. "Come on over, you two."

"What's happening?" Fae asked Keng. Keng smiled and nodded at her to go. Fae and River moved from their spots and stood in front of the recruits with the seniors.

"Introduce yourselves." Fen whispered to the two rookie Saviors. Fae and River looked at each other, quickly choosing who would introduce themselves first. Fae stepped forward and cleared her throat before introducing herself.

"Hello," Fae bowed. "My name is Fae. I'll… be joining you guys while you're here… I guess.."

"I guess they didn't know they were going to join us?" A recruit whispered.

"She's kinda cute." Another recruit smiled. Fen and Rudy glared at the recruits, who quickly shut up and stood at attention, again. Fen nodded at Fae and motioned for River to step up.

"Hello," River bowed. "My name's River. It's a pleasure to be working with you guys."

"He's a mixed race?" A recruit asked. "I thought we weren't supposed to work with mixed races."

"That's the guy that saved my team yesterday with their leader!" A familiar voice told the others. "He's the real deal!"

"Alright, alright." Fen clapped her hands. She turned to River and thanked him for introducing himself. River stepped back into line and let out a sigh of relief. "Fae and River will be joining us. I know group 14 met had the pleasure of meeting River and Leader Lee Seng yesterday. You should understand why we're adding them together."

"Since there's an odd number, Fae and River will split." Rudy continued. "Fae will join group 14 and River will join group 24. As for your training, we're going to do something slightly different today." Rudy turned and looked at Lee Seng and Keng. "Savior Lee Seng, Savior Keng, the floor is yours."

"Woah, we're doing different training regimen? I thought we would do our normal routine in the forest." A recruit whispered. Lee Seng and Keng walked over to the front and nodded at Rudy and Fen, replacing them. Lily moved over, standing off to the side of Keng as the two leaders looked at the recruits.

"Who thought we'd be training already?" Keng whispered at Lee Seng. Lee Seng smiled and clapped his hands together.

"Alright, let's get started, hm?" Lee Seng spoke loudly. The two groups turned to look at him. Lee Seng and Keng had a strong aura about them. It was a peace group 14 was familiar with. "Your captain asked us to run some training with you guys, so I thought what a better way than to show you guys what we normally do as Saviors?"

"We've modified this to run with two groups. Fae and River are familiar with the training regimen. They've done it for a while now." Keng continued.

"They're literally the same person." Ena whispered to Captain Zixin, who smiled. "I've heard so much about the twins, but I didn't think they would be this in-sync. What did you ask for them to do?"

"You'll see." Zixin winked at Ena.

"We'll start with a warm-up." Keng stepped forward. "In order to become the next generation of warriors, you're going to need to work on controlling your energy in any situation." Keng's entire body lit up in silver energy. His tails waved around.

"You'll do your normal runs. Fae and River know the trails so they'll lead the way." Lee Seng continued. "The goal is to always have your energy running around you. This will promote energy growth as well as producing an effective aura."

"You are to do this the whole time." Keng shut his energy off. "If you get tired, you must try to push on. You'll run the trails for a couple hours-"

"But you'll also keep an eye out for anything including the beacons." Lee Seng interjected. "Any questions?" A hand flew up from group 14. It was the healer. Lee Seng motioned at them and the recruits split to show the healer's face.

"Sir, we've been doing this since we've joined the soldier force. I don't mean to be rude, but we've all gotten pretty good at it." The healer told them.

"Oh, really?" Keng asked. "Do you eat, sleep, and breathe it? The entire point of this is to get accustomed to your energy. You want to breakthrough, right?"

"What are the main goals of this exercise?" Lee Seng asked. Fae lifted her hand and Lee Seng called on her.

"To promote energy and aura growth while also expanding your senses." Fae answered.

"Exactly." Keng nodded. A rookie's hand flew up and Keng pointed at them.

"Our senses? W-we haven't learned much about that…" The recruit mumbled. Rudy began to say something when Keng spoke first.

"Have you guys been tested for what senses work well with your energy?" Keng asked. "Y'know, they bring out different items filled with energy. Each item uses a different sense? I remember eating a piece of food and tasting the sea. Stuff like that?"

"They're aware of their senses. We haven't touched it, yet." Zixin answered. Keng and Lee Seng turned and nodded.

"Well, this is the next step to the training, then." Lee Seng clapped his hands together. "Exercise your senses. All of you should have the ability to use your Energy in your eyes. We'll start there. Anymore questions?" The recruits all looked at each other, confused.

"Do you guys not know how to do it?" Keng asked.

"No, sir." The recruits shouted in unison. Keng sighed and Lee Seng moved closer.

"Pay attention. I'll physically show you where I'm moving my energy, alright?" Lee Seng leaned forward and started to produce energy around his body. "You'll start something like this most of the time. Sometimes, it might come easier and come closer to the sense you're trying to use. You'll focus on the part you're trying to bring energy to - the eyes in this case."

Lee Seng pointed at his eyes and pulled the golden energy to his purple-blue and purple-red eyes. The energy around quickly faded, only resting in his eyes.

"After you get it there, you'll want to keep it there." Lee Seng told them.

"You should, technically, keep your aura out while you're doing this." Keng warned them. "You never know when you might get attacked."

"What if we don't have sight?" A recruit raised their hands.

"It's…" Keng cleared his throat. "Rare that you won't have sight like most people, but if you don't have sight, what are some senses you have that will help yourself and the group while on this exercise?"

"It's a lot to think about at the start of the morning, but take a moment to think about what sense or senses you're going to work on this morning and prepare yourselves for your morning run, alright?" Lee Seng addressed the group.

"Yes, sir!" The group of rookies all shouted in unison.

"Five minutes before you start, then!" Rudy shouted. The groups split off into their groups and surrounded Fae and River.

"We got the girl." A group 14 member nudged another member.

"C'mon, let's introduce ourselves." A tall recruit motioned. "My name's Tir. I'm sorta the leader of the group." Tir was a handsome Fox Spirit with two-tails. He had come in with some wounds and Fae had tended to him with the help of the group's healer. "Thank you for your help yesterday, Fae."

"No problem." Fae smiled. The group familiarized themselves with their new member and began to chitchat and ask question about how to do Energy Sensing.

"You think they'll get it?" Ena asked Zixin and the others. "It's a complicated thing to teach young kids. They barely can hold their energy together for longer than two minutes at most."

"It's effective." Zixin answered. "Focusing on one sense and producing and creating an aura is enough of a task for growth. I see your own training from Gorrum's getting used." Keng smiled and rubbed his head.

"It was quite effective." Keng chuckled. "Lily and I went through it and survived it so it should be easy enough for them to understand how intense energy growth and be."

"How did you learn it, Leader Lee Seng?" Ena asked.

"I have a cheat." Lee Seng smiled. "Whatever Keng and I learn separately, we can fuse back together and learn it. Nifty trick to learn concepts like this."

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