
Chapter 835 Offering To The Soldiers

A week later…

"The soldiers officially got home last night." Lily reported. "Are we going to send more supplies to them?" Lee Seng sat behind the desk with Keng off to the side. Keng read through some paperwork while Lee Seng signed papers off.

"There's too much food here still, right?" Lee Seng asked without looking up. He set the paper off to the side and took the next one and signed it.

"Yes." Lily nodded.

"We'll send some more food their way." Lee Seng looked up. "I know Zixin will be 'thrilled' to have more food."

"We should also provide some offerings for the dead." Keng spoke up. He flipped the paper, looking at the back before continuing onto the next page. "Zixin said to ease their spirits and we haven't been able to go out by ourselves, yet."

"Not to mention, there's still a couple missing soldiers…" Lily sighed. She pulled the seat opposite to Lee Seng and sat in it. She rested her head on the desk, looking at the shelves to the right. "I can't believe a couple soldiers just vanished with no trace."

"What's even more surprising is it was the group we helped." Keng added. He pulled the papers together, neatly stacking them before standing and setting it on the desk. "I have my suspicions something else happened, but Gio was telling the truth."

"That's what bothers me more…" Lee Seng leaned into his chair. He looked up at the ceiling, rubbing his neck. "He didn't lie at all and seems to be on the precipice of his third tail on top of it."

"It's a shame he didn't take our offer." Lily sighed. She propped her head up on the desk and looked at Lee Seng and Keng. "I can see why you're adamant about him joining our ranks, Lee." Lee Seng nodded and looked back at the papers. The Holy Village had sent them tons of paperwork to do right before Zixin and the soldiers left. Lee Seng and Keng needed to finish paperwork so the Holy Village could advertise their services.

"Let's finish this up and get the food ready, hm?" Lee Seng looked at the other two Saviors. Keng and Lily nodded.

"I'll see if the others can help me." Keng walked over to the door. "Will you be alright from here on out?"

"You signed all of your stuff, right?"

"Yeah. Lily, wanna help?" Keng asked.

"Sure." Lily stood up and turned.

"Have fun." Lee Seng waved.

Lee Seng closed the door behind him, rolling his neck. He yawned as he made his way down the hall to the front of the temple. Lee Seng's friends all chatted away while three large cloth bags sat at the entrance.

"Is that all of it?" Keng asked. "You sure you don't want any of this stuff?"

"I'm good." Fae answered.

"Ditto." River answered.

"How about you guys? You want this?" Keng pointed at the large cauldron of soup.

"Nah." The group all shook their heads.

"Alright…" Keng put the lid on the cauldron and moved it out of the kitchen and slowly made his way over to the rest of the stuff. "Done?"

"Yeah." Lee Seng replied. "Are y'all almost done?"

"Practically." Keng turned to him. Lily, Fae, and River funneled out of the kitchen with large bowls of fruit, vegetables, and meats.

"What's that all for?" Lee Seng asked.

"These are the offerings for the dead." Lily replied. "We'll need to go into the forest for this."

"Should we do that first before we go drop off this stuff?" Lee Seng looked at Keng.

"Yeah." Keng nodded before turning to look at their friends. "Y'all wanna come pay respects to the dead?"

"You guys are giving all of that to the soldiers?" Olivia asked intrigued. Lily, Fae, and River nodded.

"In our culture, we pay respect to the dead with offerings of food. We could set it up here on a shrine of sorts, but I've always been told to go to the place where most were affected. It's received better, I guess." Lily explained. "If you guys want to come, you can. We'll only be gone a moment and then come right back." The group all looked at each other, slowly standing to follow.

They all gathered in the middle of the forest clearing. The Crawler had done so much damage to the lands. Lee Seng could still feel remnants of the monster around as he glanced around. Lily, Fae, and River set the bowls of food on the ground where more offerings were left. Zixin's men had come to pay their respects before leaving back to the Holy Village. Lily stood at the front while Fae and River stood side by side behind Lily. The others gathered around, letting the moment be in silence. Lee Seng snapped out of it and moved to stand at the back.

"I really hope you hear us…" Lily whispered in Fox tongue. She cleared her throat and spoke louder for everyone to hear. "We bring these offerings to those who perished to the Void monster. You were young, yet you set your hearts on becoming a member of the military force. I hope you all can find your way to the afterlife." Lily lifted her right hand up, letting the pink and golden light shimmer around her hand. Fae and River followed suit and the three poured their energy into the bowls of food. The food glimmered with their energies. The three did this for a couple of seconds before stopping and bowing to the fruits. They stepped away, letting the others come forward.

"Just pay respects and pour some energy into the bowls. The spirits of the soldiers will come forth and eat the food." Lily explained. Manny and the others quietly stood there, paying their respects before lifting their hands. Lee Seng watched their energies shimmer and Liz and Olivia not struggle while the boys had a harder time doing it. Lee Seng covered his smile, trying not to laugh while Keng elbowed and glared at him to stop. When all had finished, they stepped away and let the twins come over.

'There's a lot of leftover void energy.' Lee Seng telepathically told Keng. 'Should we do something about it? What if they don't come for the food?'

'They will.' Keng replied, trying to stop Lee Seng from overthinking it. 'Maybe the leftover energy will draw them here easier.'

'And if it doesn't?'

'We'll purify it after the offering period is over.' Keng tapped Lee Seng's hand before lowering his head. Lee seng closed his eyes and took a breath. He focused his mind, letting it take in the surroundings around him. He wondered what each person was feeling and hoped he could bring comfort. Lee Seng and Keng's body lit up in unison as they took their moment of silence. Lee Seng's 'third eye' peered past the darkness and noticed Fox Spirit figures starting to peek out from beneath trees that weren't even there anymore.

"You can come out if you want." Lee Seng whispered. "We're not here to harm you. We're here to guide you on your way." A couple shadows stepped completely out from their hiding spots and looked at Lee Seng and Keng.

"Come forth and sit in the light your seniors, your friends, your allies, and the Saviors give you…" Keng whispered. "Come and bask in the twin Sun gods' light. Warm yourself for the journey ahead." Lee Seng and Keng lifted their hands up in unison. A bright light appeared, almost blinding the others. The light slowly moved out of the twins' hands and slowly landed on the bowls. More shadows stepped out of their hiding places and slowly moved forward. Their forms took on an odd appearance as if they were showing their harmed selves. A couple shadows moved over and plucked some food from the pile and held it. They took hesitant bites, evaporating the shadows from them and showing themselves in partial colors. Tears fell as the soldiers fully understood what had happened.

"Eat. Cry. Take as much time as you like." Lee Seng spoke a little louder. "There's enough for all of you. May the Gold and Silver Suns protect you." Lee Seng and Keng bowed. The shadows and half-colored soldiers' sobs filled their ears. Lee Seng and Keng listened as they cried. They listened to some cry for their parents, their loved ones. They listened as some shadows cursed what had happened. They cursed at them in anger. Lee Seng and Keng lifted their heads, straightening themselves out as they all acknowledged the dead for the last time before turning and joining their friends.

The walk to the temple was quiet. Everyone could feel the intensity in the forest. They didn't have to speak it. They had all felt the soldiers there. Lee Seng and the group eventually popped out of the forest, leaving the heaviness behind. The Suns shone brightly, giving the group a moment to take a breather before climbing the steps to the temple. The cries of the soldiers lingered in Lee Seng and Keng's mind. Death was a part of their work as life protectors. It wouldn't be the last of many moments, either.

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