
Chapter 845 Briefing At The Guild

"It's been two years since the attack on Lee Seng Chang's apartment. After the murders of the emergency response team, Chang was framed and found not guilty of the murders. He was found not guilty, but many still think he was behind the murders… The Creator is taking today to announce something big in regards to his research. Stay tuned for more after the break." The news anchor spoke on the radio.

The van pulled into the Farago Guild front entrance and rounded the bend to the front. The driver parked the car and looked through the rearview mirror.

"We're here, Team Zephyr." The driver announced. Lee Seng and Keng opened the doors and stepped out, turning to help the others get out. Evan and Manny yawned as they stepped out.

"Team Zephyr is here." A woman's voice spoke. Two pairs of heels clicked against the cement with another pair of steps following behind. The group rounded onto the sidewalk, away from the van.

"Ah, the new A-rank team." A tall guy in a suit smiled. "Hello, Team Zephyr. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

"This is Division of Resources Manager Harry Ford." The woman to Harry's left introduced him. "He's in charge of all resources that go through Farago."

"Mr. Ford, it's a pleasure." Manny stuck his hand out. Ford shook Manny's hand, shaking the rest.

"I gotta say, Team Zephyr. It was amazing to hear the Extractors talk so highly about the Cerberus you brought in yesterday. They've been going at it and they're telling me the only damaged parts is its intestines and some internal blows to the back of the body and heads." Ford smiled. "I had to see the travelers who suddenly came outta nowhere. Especially the one who brought Mr. Wolkwitz's items here. That thing weighs a ton!"

"Ah, Le—" Manny began to say when Liz smacked him. "Jeff's the one who brought it over." Ford and the two women's eyes moved over to Lee Seng. Lee Seng smiled at them as they took in Lee Seng's appearance.

"Ah, a pair of twins!" The right woman pointed out. She turned to look at Ford and the other woman. "What do you think about putting these two in front of a billboard? You think that would capture the attention of aspiring adventurers?"

"Helena's always looking for the next set of faces for Farago." The woman on the left told the group. Helena turned and smiled at the group.

"Helena Farrow, Director of Public Relations." Farrow introduced herself. "And we can't forget about this wonderful woman right here. Nancy Travis, Head of Monster Harvesting and Storage."

"It's a pleasure." Travis smiled.

"Well with that out of the way, why don't we get all of you inside? The others are waiting to meet you!" Ford clapped his hands. The three turned and led the group in.

"Seems like they like your faces." Ritsuka whispered to Lee Seng and Keng. "You're gonna be popular."

"Yeah, right. We're here for work." Lee Seng brushed Ritsuka's comment off.

"What if work involves modeling? You gonna try?"

"I… I don't know about that." They stepped into the lobby. Many adventurers' eyes lifted up, noticing the group with three business wigs. The business wigs all greeted the adventurers they passed. The adventurers wondered who the group was and why they were with these three people.

"Nancy, Helena, and Mr. Ford. You've come just in time with the group." A jolly voice spoke loudly. A large man stood on the stairs with a small crowd of adventurers around. He was wearing armor and looked at Team Zephyr. "This is everyone, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Taurus. They're all here." Ford nodded.

"Mr. Taurus? The bull guy?" Evan whispered.

"Alright, everyone! It seems we're all here!" Mr. Taurus clapped his hands together. "You're probably wondering why we're gathering A and B-rankers. If you've been paying attention to what's been happening as of late, the push of monsters has been slowly receding to the outskirt points C-D. Today we'll be sending a group of you out to different outskirts points. If you aren't in premade groups, you'll be put into groups with other adventurers. Any questions?" A hand went up and Mr. Taurus pointed at them.

"Mr. Taurus, I'm just curious but who's this new group that came in with the biz?" A scrawny man asked. Mr. Taurus looked over at Team Zephyr and smiled.

"Why don't we have our new allies introduce themselves?" Mr. Taurus asked. "C'mon, say hi." The group whispered and asked who was gonna introduce them first. Evan motioned for someone to go first. Mr. Taurus and nearby adventurers chuckled as Liz tapped for Manny to go.

"You're the leader." Liz whispered. Manny led the way with the others climbing the stairs to show themselves. Manny took a look at the crowd, noticing a lot of these guys had their weapons on them unlike their group.

"Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name's Yusuf and this is my group, Team Zephyr. Pleasure to be working with you all." Manny smiled at the adventurers. They whispered amongst each other, taking a good look at everyone.

"Oho!" Mr. Taurus nodded. "Anyone have questions for our new allies?"

"Are you the ones with the perfectly-intact Cerberus?" A girl asked with her hand going up.

"Y-yeah. That's us." Manny replied. The crowd gasped. Another hand went up.

"What're your classes?" A male adventurer asked.

"Uh…" Manny looked at Mr. Taurus. The jolly man was smiling and waiting for them to answer. "Well… I'm primarily a healer."

"Primarily?" the adventurers whispered. Manny looked at Lee Seng.

'Do we reveal that we're all basically Specialists?' Manny asked.

"What about the others?" Mr. Taurus asked.

"I'm a tank." Evan raised his hand.

"I'm a Glass." Liz answered.

"Fighter." Ritsuka answered.

"Observer." Olivia answered. All eyes went onto Lee Seng and Keng, who both kept composure. The adventurers could sense a mysterious air about them.

"What about you two?" Mr. Taurus asked the twins.

"Well, we're both Specialists." Keng answered.

'Hey!' Lee Seng hissed at Keng.

"Two specialists? Twin specialists? Is there such a thing?" An adventurer asked. The adventuring group grew loud as stragglers in the lobby turned to listen.

"Specialists? I would've never guessed that." Mr. Taurus nodded. "What exactly?"

"Well…" LeE Seng spoke between his teeth.

"Fighter and Glass." Keng answered. He put a hand on Lee Seng's shoulder and smiled. "My brother doesn't like sharing this sort of thing, but since we're working together, we shouldn't surprise our allies, right?" Keng looked at Lee Seng.

'You know that we both use both styles of fighting interchangeably. Our skill set would definitely make us stick out if I didn't tell the truth.' Keng told Lee Seng.

'Aiish.' Lee Seng cursed in his head. He licked his lips and agreed with Keng.

"That's right. We're Fighter/Glass specialists. Our power is way too interchangeable that it might be hard to keep it a secret." Lee Seng laughed. Mr. Taurus nodded along.

"Right, right." Keng laughed. A hand flew up and Mr. Taurus pointed at a dark tanned man. He looked rough around the edges with a couple scars on his arms and cheek. His sea green eyes looked directly at Lee Seng. Lee Seng's energy immediately shifted. It grew more defensive as Keng and the others around him looked over at him.

"Oh…" The sea green man spoke up. He lowered his hand and scratched his head. "Sorry, I forgot what I was going to say again…"

"There goes Amnesiac, again." An adventurer whispered.

"It's alright. It happens to all of us." Taurus smiled. "Alright, I guess we'll cut it off there for today. Let's get you guys situated. Any teams like Team Zephyr here should head up to the teleporters. Your bracelets should have all the information you need, along with which outskirt points you should be checking out. Remember, clear out anything that fights back! We'll have clean-up and security come through afterwards! Let's go!"

"What's wrong with you?" Manny whispered into Lee Seng's ear. Lee Seng continued to look at the Amnesiac, who continued to look at him like it was deja vu. The Amnesiac was pulled away and disappeared into the crowd of adventurers.

"Team Zephyr, follow me. I'll show you the teleporters." Mr. Taurus spoke. Manny pulled Lee Seng along, following Mr. Taurus and a few other groups up the steps. "This is your first time using the teleporters, right?"

"We haven't used the ones here before." Manny answered.

"Alright. The teleporters work exactly the same as any other teleporter. You might hear some people call them 'telepads,' 'teles,' or even 'ports.' The teleporters get us from one point to another in a jiffy." Mr. Taurus explained. He came to a stop at the top of the steps and turned to look at the group. He started to walk backwards like he was giving a tour. "This is the second floor space. I'm not sure if you've noticed but when you first came here, did you see the stairs?"

"Not really… I wondered how people got up." Liz replied.

"Exactly. Those who aren't issued these bracelets don't get to see the rest of the building. You have to be taken by staff or authorized adventurers in order to get up here. The building likes to play tricks on people and for good reason!" Mr. Tuarus chuckled. He came to a stop at an open room and motioned at it. "This is the teleporter. Your bracelets have all the information for the teleporters. One of you will bring your bracelet over to this wall and have it scan it. The room will do the rest. Any questions on that?"

Team Zephyr shook their heads.

"Alright." Mr. Taurus nodded. "Enter and close the door. Stand on that teleporter pad and you'll be sent off to your area. Good luck!"

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