Black Iron Magician

Chapter 321: Al Nova

Hmm, should I stack chapters so that I can consistently upload one chapter per day?

I can translate up to four chapters per day if I’m motivated, but I can’t translate at all if I’m not motivated.

So, if I stack chapters, I still can upload one chapter per day even if I can’t translate.

What do you think?

Chapter 321 Al Nova

With the permit hanging around my neck, I stepped into Al Nova. After going through several heavy steel doors, I found myself in a city that looked like a factory plant when seen from the sky. Well, I guess it’s not a city, but a machine factory itself. It’s a mass of super technology that can only be seen in this country in this world.

「Wow, robots are standing next to the line and assembling the parts! It’s completely automatic! It’s amazing!」

「The fact that the robots even do the maintenance of the robots is an indescribable sight…. In a word, it’s super technology?」

「Fuhee, I wonder if there’s a maid robot…?」

「Ooh, I’m surprised that you have a better viewpoint than what I expected. First of all, amateurs don’t realize the wonderfulness of automatic operation by artificial intelligence, and they can’t reach the idea of maintenance. Especially, hmm, I see, a maid robot? I never thought of that idea…!」

「To think that Zex-sama is surprised this much…. Touko-san, what a terrifying creativity…!」

「Eh? No, not at all~」

Is that the most surprising point?

「Um, Zex-san. Do the robots here have the concept of level? I mean, if they’re machines, they’re different from monsters, right?」

「That’s another good question. If I were not a golem, I would have shed a tear of joy!」

「Ah, I see. If Zex-san is a golem, could it be that the robots are basically golems?」

「What!? You said the answer before me!?」

「Haruna-san and Chinatsu-san are also amazing!」

Yeah, I get it. I’m sure you guys are the type who teach by praising, right? Hey, Nell, it’s a good chance to improve your weak point in teaching. We’ve got specialists here.

「That’s right, most of my subordinates are golems. The external parts are like equipment, so if you remove them, they will be pure golems.」

「It’s just like my artificial arm and legs. The golems on this production line are just ordinary workers, but when it comes to the combatant ones, their levels are higher.」


「Hmm, Haruna-dono seems to be interested in our combatants. If you want to, how about you join us for a joint training session later?」

「Eh, are you sure!? By all means!」

Haru got her desire fulfilled smoothly. Perhaps because she has an honest personality, her ability to get along with others is tremendous even though she has a screw loose in her head. I wish I could imitate her in this area, but I guess I can’t. I know myself best.

「Deris-dono, please don’t worry about it!」

「Hmm? Ah, no, I’m not worried about anything.」

「There you go again, you don’t have to hide it. Worrying about your disciple as a master is human nature! It’s nothing to be ashamed of.」

「I said, I’m not――」

「That’s right, how about you join too!? I’m sure Haruna-dono will be relieved if she has her reliable master by her side! Yes, that’s a good idea!」

「Ha? Wai――」

「Zex-sama, that’s a good idea! I’m impressed! That’s the only way! I can’t think of anything else!」

「Hey, don’t just――」

「Waah, together with Shishō! I have to give it my all! Shishō, I will do my best so that you won’t be ashamed! Let’s do our best together!」

「….. Y-Yeah.」

How should I put it, I couldn’t go against the mood and was swept away. I never thought that Haru would betray me, what a blunder….

「Deris, are you going to participate too? How unusual, you normally would find it bothersome.」

「I can’t say no to Haru when she has such sparkling eyes….」

「Is that so? If it were the previous Deris-dono, you would have refused mercilessly no matter who the other party was! You’ve mellowed.」


「Good grief, stop playing around.」

I’ve settled down, so it’s natural that I somewhat mellowed. From my point of view, even Nell has become much mellowed. I miss the days when she was a wild child.

「By the way, are you interested too, Nell-dono!?」

「It’s not that I’m not interested, but I have to adjust Chinatsu and her katana, so I’ll pass this time. Rather than that, I’d like you to prepare a tough target later.」

Hou, a target? I don’t mind! I’ll prepare a big and tough one!」

「U-Um, Nell-shishō and Deris-san? I’m fine with that, but please don’t forget our purpose for which we came to Al Nova, okay?」

「「…… Purpose?」」

「Jeez, why did you answer in the form of a question? We even asked Alezel-san and Zeta-san to bring us here, right? …… Eh, did you really forget about it!?」


I and Nell looked up at the sky with our eyes closed and our hands on our chins. And at the same time, we opened our eyes and clapped our hands.

「No, I remember, okay? We came here to talk to Zex, right?」

「Yes, there’s no way I would forget about it. I was just a little preoccupied with the interest before my eyes. I swear!」

「Both of you, please pull yourselves together….」

Perhaps she sees through us, Goddess Chinatsu is dejected. Oh no. Goddess Chinatsu is dejected. I was just thinking about how the girls will defeat the Great Eight Demons, so the original purpose was completely disappeared from my mind. What a mistake. It’s the greatest mistake of my life…!

「Oh, a talk with me? Unfortunately, I don’t think I have any interesting story.」

「Don’t worry, it’s interesting enough in that regard. I guarantee it.」

「I’m not particularly looking for something interesting…. Um, Zeta-san told me that――」

When Chinatsu tried to talk about the main subject, Zex immediately put out his arm, making a pose to stop her.

「It looks like you have some circumstances. It’s not a good idea to just talk while standing here, so let’s talk in a more relaxed place. It’s dinner time now, so let’s talk after we have dinner.」

「…… Right. Thank you for your concern.」

Coupled with his knight appearance, the behavior of Zex was very gentleman. Somehow, the expression of the impatient Goddess Chinatsu is a little calm. I feel like I got unexpected help to cover for my mistake. In contrast to his appearance, no, in his case, he is as he looks. Anyway, Zex is like a real knight right now.

「But well, I can’t eat, so I can’t have dinner with you! Fuhahahaha!」

「As expected of Zex-sama! You have a joke instead of dinner! I’m deeply impressed…!」


Really, if he didn’t say anything unnecessary, he’d be just a gentleman. Also, Zeta wouldn’t be such an excited and blind-devoted girl if Zex isn’t involved.

「Chinatsu, I don’t really understand, but do your best. I’m sure something good will happen.」


And Chinatsu is somehow encouraged by her master who’s a real knight. How pitiful.

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