Blessed by Night

Chapter 95 Last Laughter

95  Last Laughter

Malachi and Bianca were currently seated in the back of a very nice limousine. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Mal had been lost in thought for quite a while now, as he still felt slightly guilty about leaving his girls behind. It wasn't her fault, but everything that had happened with Anna earlier had really put him on edge. After Sei and Serana lost their home to a crazy ex, he became particularly protective over his women. He wanted to believe that the sight of Shear would have terrified anyone into staying away and not trying anything stupid, but he would always be a bit paranoid. 'I want so badly for all of them to stay with me forever... but I guess it's too soon for us to be living together, huh?'

"Are you having second thoughts, Malachi?" Sitting opposite the two members of immortal moon was the guild master of ragnarok himself; Morgan Creed. He hadn't taken his eyes off Mal for quite a while now, and he was a bit worried that he might want to give up before they'd even started. "Nah, of course not... I was just missing my girls a bit is all." Morgan smiled fondly as if he was recalling his own wives.

"Hold onto their memory, my boy. There is little that gives a man strength like the genuine love of good women. They will carry you far." Malachi smiled as he knew that Morgan's words were coming from a place of experience. Morgan seemed to genuinely care about his women just like Malachi did, and was not greedily looking for more.

Such a thing made it easy for Mal's idolization of him to grow even further. "You seem to care a lot about your wives, Mr. Creed." Bianca said with a smile. "How can I not? Those girls have forgiven me for more than what should have never been tolerated. Until my dying breath, I will give them everything I have."

Traditionally, those blessed with pyrokinetic abilities often have more volatile emotional states and Morgan was not an exception to this statistic. In fact as the one blessed by the Norse primordial of fire, his temper was even worse. Though he never laid a hand on his women, he would undoubtedly scream his head off in the middle of the smallest argument, or nearly burn them with the heat coming off his body. It took a long time and several therapy sessions for Morgan to learn how to control himself properly, and even longer for him to learn how to forgive himself for the harm he'd caused them. His greatest fear and shame was that the women in his life loved him so much that they would not have left his side unless he killed them. Even though he was grateful that they stayed with him, he did not feel that he was worthy of such devotion. And even if it cost him everything, he would always prioritize them above all else, just as they had always done for him. Finally, the limousine rolled to a stop after an hour of nonstop riding, and the three passengers stepped out of the vehicle. Malachi and Bianca were completely taken aback when instead of arriving at some sort of facility, they arrived at an executive airport.

Nearby, there was a private plane that looked luxurious even from the outside. "Come along, kids! You act like you've never been on a plane before!" Morgan said merrily.

Bianca and Malachi both wanted to say that they were dirt poor until a few months ago, and they hadn't even seen a plane in real life, much less been on one.

Malachi's telekinesis was strong enough to the point where he could already fly on his own, so he wasn't particularly afraid. But Bianca on the other hand looked like she was going to fall over dead at any second. 'W-Why didn't anyone tell me we were going to have to get on a plane?? I hate this, I hate this so much!!'

Malachi suddenly grabbed Bianca by the hand and began pulling her towards the plane with a smile on his face. "Come on, B! I know it's probably even crazier on the inside!"

Bianca could not take her eyes off her hand that was interlocked with Mal's and she felt her heartbeat start to spiral out of control.

'I love planes! I've always loved planes! I wanna be a plane when I grow up!'

Just as Malachi expected, the inside of Morgan's personal plane was more luxurious than most houses.

Tanned carpet that was softer than most clouds, leather seats that reclined fully backwards, and a sectional sofa that had two beautiful women sitting on it. "You two made it!"

"It's nice to see you again, Malachi."

Mal barely had a moment to greet Morgan's wives, Crystal and Emilia before the man himself found his place between them with his arms wrapped around their waists. "My loves become more beautiful the longer we are apart! How is it that I have become so lucky?"

The two women blushed and Malachi and Bianca got the hint that they were interrupting a tender reunion. They quietly made themselves scarce as they headed to the back of the plane, somehow oblivious to the fact that they were still holding hands. Bianca was admittedly a bit nervous to say the least, but with Malachi next to her chatting away happily, she felt significantly less afraid.

Neither of them could really say how long the flight was, as they spent so long argu- i mean talking about their passion for anime and music that they barely noticed. Even when the feeling of a bumpy landing vibrated through their butts, they still didn't seem to notice. "How can you say that you don't like 'My Hero'!? If it's about the mc then he gets a lot better after-"

"I don't like the show for the same reason why I don't like youngboy anymore. The fan base makes it fucking unbearable."

"That's...!" Bianca wanted to muster some kind of a defense, but she was having a hard time countering Mal's argument.

"W-Whatever! I can't respect someone who thinks Saitama is the strongest anime character ever." "Bro obliterated a moon... Nobody is touching him with that." "Sure babyboy, but can he beat Goku!?!"

"Hell, here we fucking go." Malac hi threw his hands up in the air as Bianca threw out the one argument that somehow always started a fight in the anime community. Emilia: "How long are they going to do this?"

Crystal: "I don't know what they're talking about but it's cute... maybe i do want kids after all."

Morgan: "Are they arguing or flirting... I'm not sure anymore."

Bianca and Mal became slightly embarrassed when they realized that they were being watched by the same people they were travelling with.

"We umm... we were just having some very important philosophical discussions."

Bianca silently nodded her head in agreement, earing the laughter of the three adults opposite them.

"Come along, kids. There'll be time for those little discussions of yours later." Morgan said as he exited the plane with his wives' hand in his.

Malachi and Bianca grabbed their bags and exited the plane, only to discover that they were standing on a private landing strip a short distance away from an enormous modern beach house. Their surroundings were somewhere tropical, but it was difficult to pinpoint where they'd ended up from that alone.

"Welcome to our private island, kiddos. When you're practicing with the level of powers that we have, something like this is often a necessity." Morgan explained. 'Private island...'

'I knew he was rich but what the hell...'

Suddenly, a car started heading towards the group and pulled to a stop in front of Morgan and his wives. The door was opened, and a squad of maids stepped out to load the group's luggage into the car while Morgan took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. "From what I've been told, we're on a tight schedule so the girls will have to give you a tour of the place later. For now let's start your training." Dark shadows engulfed Malachi's entire body, and soon he was standing in his all black combat gear minus the mask. Bianca... she just unzipped her jacket and took off her sweatpants, with her gear already waiting underneath. "...Show off."

"Indeed." Morgan agreed with a smile. "But there's nothing wrong with that, I'd probably do the same if I had his powers."

Malachi only showed a cheeky smile that properly conveyed just how proud he was of this little trick of his. He was just glad that it actually worked this time, instead of being like the times he tried it in his bathroom at home and only succeeded in becoming completely naked.

Sei considered this to be her favorite out of all of his abilities.

As Morgan rolled up his sleeves, his body began to lift itself off the ground. "Mal, I'm assuming you can already do something like this, yes? Then follow me with miss Bianca." Morgan flew towards the center of the island, leaving the two young kids behind. "Okay so how do we-"

"Upsy daisy."

"Uwah!! Why are you carrying me like this!?"

Instead of holding Bianca romantically like a princess, Mal chucked her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and took off into the sky. "Is this about the Goku thing!? This isn't funny!!"

"Of course not, B. I'm over that already!" (No he wasn't.)

"You're lying!! Malachi Saint, I'm going to kill you!!!"

As Mal's laughter echoed throughout the island, Morgan began to feel a bit guilty about what was about to happen during this training camp.

'Laugh now, my boy... I think this will be the last time you'll be able to for the duration of your stay.'

We hit 1 million views last night! I honestly never thought I would pick up this novel again after I dropped it the first time, as i was really dissappointed with alot of the reactions that I got the first time around, but I'm honestly really glad I did. I've gotten a lot more support, and so much more motivation this time around, so I'm not depressed when I write this story anymore. 


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