Boosted Restart – A new chance in a different world

Chapter 264 – Surpassed expectations

Chapter 264 – Surpassed expectations

Ari had arrived at the couple's mansion, and Sophia had directly started questioning her about the Anna situation. The tiger was incredibly proud that she managed to kiss the princess and also confessed to her. Afterward, once the blonde found out that the two actually had sex immediately afterward, not to mention that it happened multiple times and somehow had no similarity to the somewhat awkward and clumsy first experience Sophia and Maya had together, things got a little weird between them.

While all of this was going upstairs in the mansion, the floor below had gotten lively as well once Anna had finally shown up.

“Welcome~.” With a big smile on her lips, Maya happily gestured the princess inside once she had greeted her at the entrance door where she was already waiting for her.

“H-Hello…” Anna looked incredibly awkward. “I-I brought cake…” She held up a big white box while saying so.

“You have no idea how little I care about that right now.”

“Uuh…” The tiger didn’t like how excited the cat-girl seemed.

“Let’s head to the living room~.”

"O-Okay…" Weakly nodding her head, she followed after Maya, and the duo got comfortable on two of the sofas while facing each other.

“So~?” Once they were sitting down, the cat focused all of her attention on the princess. “Is there something you want to tell me~?” She had thought about sitting right next to her, but this way, she could stare at her more easily to get a reaction out of the princess.

“Uhh… I-Is Sophia around…? I think I’d rather talk to her…” Anna really didn’t like how excited the other girl seemed to be.

“She’s currently questioning Ari upstairs.”

"A-Ah…” She wasn’t a big fan of that, either. “First… would you like some cake…?” Anna pointed at the big white box placed in front of them on the coffee table. "A-Actually, you can have all of it if you let Ari and me live here from now on…"

“Oh, am I getting bribed right now?” The cat-girl smirked at her.

“Yes!” The princess didn’t try to beat around the bush. “I’ll buy you a whole cake every day if that makes you say yes!”

“I’d get fat from that, idiot.”

“I’ll do whatever else you want me to do!” She looked desperate. “Just say yes!”

“I accept payments in interesting stories.” Maya's smirk increased even more. "The juicier they are, the higher the chance I let you stay here~."

"A-Any alternatives…?”

“None.” She just shook her head.

“Uuh…” The already apparent blush on Anna’s cheeks increased even more.

“I’m waiting~.” There was just no way the cat-girl would ever let her go. “Why do you two want to live here, anyway? I mean, I love our mansion, but for the first princess of this nation, this is a clear downgrade.”

“O-Overall, it’s warmer here, though…”

“You win that round.” She had to give it to her. “So?”

“S-Something embarrassing happened…” The princess covered her face with her hands. “Something so… so… very embarrassing…”

“I love the sound of that!” She even leaned forward in anticipation while urging her to continue. “Details!”

“I-I hate you…”

“Quite the thing to say by someone who wants to live here.”

“I love you!” Anna quickly changed her mind.

“Happy to hear~.” The cat-girl leaned forward even more. “If you love me so much, get to talking already!”

“No, I actually do hate you after all…"


“F-Fine…” At long last, the tiger finally gave up. “W-Where should I start…?”

“From the very beginning!” Maya raised her voice. “Are you and Ari finally…? Have you listened to me and kissed her?! You better have because else, I'm going to drag your jaguar down from upstairs right now and make you!”

“…” Anna paused for a moment. “D-Does it still counts if she k-kissed me first…?”

“It absolutely does!” She showed her a genuine smile for a change. “Congratulations!”

“T-Thank you…”

“It really was about time! How did it happen?”

"W-We were in Ari's room and relaxed on her bed as usual after our bath… I felt a little playful and started p-poking and tickling her at some point… Her reactions are a-adorable because she doesn’t like being tickled~.” She let out a small chuckle while admitting so. "A-Also, while Ari is kind of small compared to me and also super thin, she's still very squishy~. She feels amazing to touch! You should try it when you have the chance! NO! WAIT! You ABSOLUTELY should not!” The princess noticed that she had said that without thinking. “NO touching my Ari!”

“Don’t you worry.” The cat-girl waved her hand. “I have my own surprisingly squishy girl to play with whenever I want.”


“So, what happened then?”

“W-Well… Ari got a little upset and tried to stop me… She… She p-pushed me down on the bed while c-climbing on top of me… I got super embarrassed because my pajama top had become rather undone thanks to that… I was, uhh… showing off a lot in that situation… especially because I might… might’ve not been wearing a bra at that moment…”

“My, what a pervert.”

“S-Shut up!” Anna got loud. “I-I also couldn’t do anything in that situation… Ari was on t-top of me… p-pinning me down while restraining my wrists and… noticing how hard she was s-staring at me… I could only look away while trying my best not to c-combust into flames…”

"What a lovely scene to imagine~.”

“Also, incredible e-embarrassing…” Her face turned even redder.

“So, where’s the good part?”

"A-After a little while, Ari suddenly said my name in an incredibly s-sweet voice while gently turning my face with her hand so that I would look at her again…” She had to take yet another break before continuing. “Then, without any warning whatsoever… she suddenly just k-kissed me…”

“Aww~.” Maya liked what she was hearing. “Ari’s amazing!”


“And then?”

“Isn’t that enough?!” Anna felt like she had suffered enough already from the questioning.

“I haven’t even properly warmed up yet.”

“I hate you…” She hung her head again. “Once we… we p-parted again, she immediately c-confessed to me…”

“Way to go! Good job, Sophia. Ari, you, too!”

“W-Why are you praising Sophia here…?”

“Who do you think managed to beat the dense out of your jaguar?”

"A-Ah… I see… I better thank her later, too…”

“You better! So, I bet that wasn’t all yet, right? What happened after her confession? You better have probably returned it!”

“W-Well… She first kissed me again… D-Does that count for something…?”

“It absolutely does!” Maya repeated her assessment from before. “How was it?”

“Amazing!” Her reply came in an instant. “Ari’s lips are incredibly soft! Her tongue is, too! Warm and slippery, as well!”


"A-Ah…” She noticed that she was just boasting at this point. “I-It was a good k-kiss.”

“Definitely sounds like it.” The cat-girl looked impressed. “Ari wasted no time on that one, huh? Directly going for a deep kiss. Not bad at all.”

“…” Anna wasn’t sure what to reply here. “S-She definitely wasted no time…” Her face was lit on fire again.

“Hmm?” Maya tilted her head for a second before continuing. “But after that, you finally returned the confession, right?”

“Uhh… She told me that she l-loves me a couple of more times, but… but then I was finally able to s-say it, as well… It was super embarrassing!”

“But it also made you happy, right?”

“YES!” She showed the cat-girl her brightest smile yet.

“What a nice reaction.” Maya liked her reply a lot. "I'm delighted that it worked out in the end. Both of you were such a pain, after all…"

“I’m sorry…” The princess hung her head in response. “I promise that I won’t ever be dense when it comes to Ari anymore!”

“We’ll see about that…” The cat-girl didn’t believe her and only rolled her eyes. "I am 100% sure that you'll become an even bigger idiot once you get horny enough to want to have sex with her.”

"A-Ah…” Hearing that, Anna immediately turned her head away while her entire face turned even more crimson than ever before.

“Yeah, yeah, now you get embarrassed about it, but I guarantee you that it'll happen eventually." She had utterly misinterpreted her reaction.

“…” The tiger was unable to say anything.

“Hmm…?” She finally noticed that something was odd here. “Wait a moment… Why are you blushing this hard now? No way. Don’t tell me… Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

"A-Absolutely not!”


“Yes!” The princess got loud again. “N-Nothing at all happened after I returned the c-confession, and we kissed again. Let alone t-twice! During our bath the next morning, i-it definitely didn’t happen again, either… Especially not another two and a half t-times…”

"…" Maya just stared at her with wide-open eyes for a couple of moments. "I'm sorry, what…?"

“Uuh…” Anna looked like she wanted to die.

“I want to know EVERYTHING!” The cat-girl leaned forward so much on the sofa that she almost fell off it. “Also, two and a half times…? What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“W-Where’s my right of p-privacy…?”

“You have none of that!”

“I hate you…” The princess was saying that a lot today.

“Sure~.” She only smiled at her again. “By the way, one of our guest rooms is currently in use already, so I might need to reserve the others for emergency guests, you know?”

“The first princess has run away from the castle and needs a place to stay. What more emergency guest could there be?!”

“I don’t know. Imagine my parents would decide to visit, and I couldn't offer them a place to stay?!"

“Your parents are coming to the capital?”

“Nope.” Maya just shook her head.

“Then, shut up!” Anna got loud again. “Wait, someone’s currently staying here?!”

"Don't worry, she's out shopping with the wolves right now. You, Ari, Sophia, and I are the only ones here."

“G-Good…” She looked relieved again.

"That's why no one's going to overhear us when you're going to tell me everything in great detail~."

“Urgh…” Seeing the piercing gaze of the cat-girl, the princess felt like she had no way of getting out of it. “After I returned the confession, we uhhh… we started m-making out again… At some point, Ari suddenly started u-undressing me and… and… I let it h-happen. She k-kissed me all over and eventually t-took my hand to… between her… legs…” Her voice was barely audible anymore towards the end. “S-So embarrassing…”

“Wow… I really underestimated that jaguar. “Well, it’s only natural that the first time is super awkward. No need to be embarrassed.”



“It’s embarrassing to talk about i-it, but awkward…? I’ve never seen Ari so s-sexy… I-I’ll never forget that feverish and yearning e-expression… I-I also never felt as good or… uhh… when Ari’s tongue… down… uuh…” There seemed to be a lot missing from her sentence because she trailed off a couple of times.

“Wait a moment…”

“I-It was even better during our bath on the following day… this morning…  W-Well, the third time in the bath when we tried s-something, that was a little, but it still was a-amazing…!”

“Huh…?” Maya looked confused all of a sudden and also a little embarrassed. “That sounds like your first time was basically perfectly and easily surpassed all expectations…”

“It absolutely did!”


“What’s wrong…?”


“Was it different with you and Sophia?”

“I… I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” As the roles had reversed a little towards the end, and Maya had suffered from the same blow Sophia did during her conversation with Ari, the cat-girl also needed some time to contemplate life.

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