BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

These days, Qing Yun lived an unusually calm life in the school because the group of people who had previously targeted him had been cleared by Wei Changxiu. Even Wei Shiang was deprived of the inheritance of the Wei family and sent abroad far away, under the guise of receiving training in the music capital, but it is unclear whether Wei Shiang himself enjoys this training.

Although the rest of the students in school are not warm to him and perhaps the same disdain and other feelings remain in their hearts, at least they will not make dirty tricks to target him.

The new honorary professor praised Xiang Chenyu, and even the instructors who had been targeting him did not dare to openly refute the professors words, so for a while, Xiang Chenyus name was rarely among the gossip and ridicule of people, unlike before.

However, such peaceful days only lasted for less than a week, and one thing pushed Qing Yun into the forefront again.

For the purpose of publicity of the International Music Competition, the competition not only played back the preliminary rounds to refresh the audiences memories but also interviewed the judges, asking them which contestant was the most likely winner in their minds.

The contestants for the next round were the top of the preliminary rounds in each region. The judges had also changed long ago, and the conference had found ten musicians with more prestige to serve as judges. The most famous of them was Turris, who had previously served as a judge for the preliminary rounds, and Rosef, who was equally famous with him.

In the interview, the eccentric Turris did not reveal his thoughts and did not even praise his student Xiang Chenjin much.

The rest of the judges, on the other hand, almost all pinned their hopes on Xiang Chenyu, who played Flowing Water in the preliminary round. Rosef even stated frankly that Xiang Chenyu, who could play Flowing Water, was already far beyond this International Music Competition for beginners and could already be called a first-class performer.

Of course, there are also people who say that the song Flowing Water is very special, and the reason why Xiang Chenyu surprised people at first is that he gave this song an unprecedented meaning. The emotions conveyed in his music touched peoples hearts unexpectedly and changed peoples views on Flowing Water.

After this event, many people even began to wonder whether Khrutafs other compositions were as rich in meaning as Flowing Water and were waiting to be discovered.

But unfortunately, no one has repeated the miracle created by Chenyu.

Because of this emotional flip, the judges were also not very optimistic about Xiang Chenyus next performance. They thought that perhaps Flowing Water was already the result of Xiang Chenyus extraordinary performance. In short, it was already Xiang Chenyus highest level.

In their opinion, although this players strength is unquestionable, in the next competition, he will no longer surprise people beyond the initial Flowing Water.

But this usually low-key teenager seems determined to give them a scare. The music to be played by each contestant in the round has already been collected. To raise the popularity of the competition, the organizers announced these pieces early on.

The first line of the news released on the official website is: Xiang Chenyu will perform Concerto in D Major Moore.

The impact was big enough to make all the people watching the news ignore all the pieces the rest of the contestants were going to play. It also gave Xiang Chenyu a lot of hate for himself.

But the organizers didnt care. They wanted this kind of impact, they wanted the buzz.

Their aim was indeed achieved without fail because all classical music lovers who were following the competition were frantically discussing the final and Xiang Chenyu who dared to play the Concerto in D major.

Its no wonder they were surprised, because although Flowing Water requires great skill, there are still top violinists who can present it, only with a different intensity of the performance.

But Concerto in D Major is different because, throughout the ages, no violinist has dared to publicly claim that he would perform this piece alone, especially when used for competition.

This almost amounts to a fantasy to everyone, because the composer of this piece, Moore, is just a code name and not a persons name. After research, this difficult piece was actually composed by five different musicians, each of whom had their own profound life experiences, and then poured out their feelings about life into notes in this piece.

Because it is not just one authors emotions and life, this piece is often performed by five different violinists.

After all, no one can experience the lives of five people, much less have five different perceptions of life at the same time and blend them into one piece of music like someone with a split personality.

Of course, there are people who try to play the piece alone, but they all reluctantly say that they really cant balance all the movements.

The internet was buzzing with discussions, and almost all attention was focused on the upcoming competition today.

[Ive enjoyed the Concerto in D Major played by different orchestras, and Ive also witnessed Rosef and Turris perform this one piece on the same stage, so I really have to say that since this piece was not composed by one person, it certainly cant be played in its entirety by one person. Although I have high hopes for Little Feather, I still have to face this fact squarely.]

[I dont care. Didnt no one think that Flowing Water could be played like that at first? In my heart, Little Feather is a miracle, and I believe in him unconditionally!]

The fans of Xiang Chenyu were brought up because of the song Flowing Water. Although there were a small number of people who believed in him unconditionally and supported him, there were more people who thought rationally and were afraid that the competitions promotion would cause the audience to expect too much and end up disappointed with Little Feather, so they explained for him one after another.

Of course, there are even more people who are naturally uncomfortable with his arrogance in the field of music and took this opportunity to mock him greatly.

[Attention! Little Feather didnt promise to present this piece perfectly, but only to play it as a competition piece. Havent you all tried to complete the Concerto in D Major? Isnt it difficult just to play it?]

[Hehe, picking a piece youre not sure you can play is irresponsible for the competition. Whats the point of washing the floor1?]

[You think you can do anything just because you can play Flowing Water? I think Xiang Chenyu is too reckless. He should learn from his predecessors. Cant he see that even Turris, Rosef, and the others would not dare to play this song by themselves?]

[Am I the only one who thinks that Little Feather is really arrogant? The last time he played Flowing Water, the second most difficult piece, he was criticized and said that he had accidentally taken advantage of his predecessors loopholes. Then today, he wants to challenge the first one. He is really domineering!]

[Hahahaha, I think upstairs is cute when they say that. Dont forget that our Little Feather looks arrogant but actually blushes when the reporter asks him questions. This is simply arrogant and delicate.]

Regardless of the audiences speculation about Xiang Chenyus performance, and regardless of whether his choice of song aroused peoples disgust, it is indisputable that all eyes seem to be focused on this teenager, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to those who are trying to gain fame through this competition.

The reason is that they all became Xiang Chenyus foil. Those with a clear mind were able to hold on to their hearts and not be condescending. And standing in the same field, there were quite a few people who were secretly expecting the teenagers playing to go wrong so that they could still have a chance in the final.

As a highly anticipated contestant, it has taken until now to arrive at the venue of the competition.

Qing Yun sat in the car and listened to the chatter of the man beside him.

Have you chosen which violin to use? Wei Changxiu looked at the violin case in the back seat of the car and frowned, Baby, you should have brought an extra one. I remember before you said you really liked the violin made by Antonia. Why didnt you bring it here?

One is enough. Qing Yun yawned with a lack of interest. He did not want to go to the competition with a violin that cost tens of millions of dollars on his back. Wouldnt that make Xiang Chenjin guess his relationship with the Wei family?

And water, baby listen, do not drink the water brought by strangers okay? Wei Changxiu simply transformed into a parent sending their child to the exam and couldnt help but think about Qing Yun from head to toe.

Thanks, but Im not going to a singing competition, okay? And there will be unopened water for people to drink at the competition. Qing Yun propped his elbow on the car window and leaned to his side to look at the man who almost wanted to go to the competition with him.

He hooked his lips with interest. In fact, Qing Yuns heart was highly flattered by the mans concern, but out of his arrogant nature, he would always pretend to complain and then look at the mans distressed appearance with wicked amusement.

Seeing that it was almost time, Wei Changxiu sighed deeply, stopped his own words, and looked accusingly at Qing Yun, who was sitting beside him. He simply does not have the attributes of an old mother. This current look is only because his baby refused to have him send someone to follow him in, and this refusal is what made Wei Changxius heart feel stuffy.

Staring at the mans accusing gaze, Qing Yun took his things. Then, with one foot out of the car door, he smiled and bent down to give the man a fiery kiss.

My dear, the fish are about to bite the hook, I dont want to scare them away, so I can only wrong you. After saying that, he flirtatiously picked the mans chin before getting off with the violin.

The pathetic image was always just for outsiders. Qing Yun had never concealed his malice towards the Xiang family and his true nature in front of Wei Changxiu.

He also never regarded himself as a good person. In his own life, Qing Yun has long since become a big demon who does nothing but evil. His reputation even has the effect of stopping children from crying at night. At first, Qing Yun also struggled with how to clear his body of the inexplicable charges, but later, he completely broke away from the worlds views and simply became a demon at will.

Qing Yun has his own value system in his heart. For outsiders, he returns kindness or revenge, but for those who are in his heart, there is a different kind of feeling.

That is, whether he is good or bad, benevolent or ruthless, his person must be unconditionally on his side, favoring and defending him rather than being a self-proclaimed impartial judge.

Obviously, Wei Changxiu has done this extremely well. He watched Qing Yun leave and understood the meaning of his words with a slight daze. A low chuckle followed as he stroked his chin, and his face was covered with an expression of pride and joy.

He forgot that his baby is not easy to mess with, so how could he put up with the Xiang family this whole time?

Qing Yun entered the lounge unhindered. He was late and attracted the attention of many players as soon as he entered.

Many of the contestants looked over and nodded towards him to express their friendliness. After all, everyone knows that this youth played Flowing Water in the preliminary round, and there is no doubt about his strength.

But the players who were in the same school as Qing Yun were not too enthusiastic about him. They stood with Xiang Chenjin. They were influenced by him and did not think much of this adopted son of the Xiang family.

There are others who are inexplicably bitter towards him, like the young man who stayed in the corner and talked loudly about Xiang Chenyu, his unrestrained voice carried far away: Hey, I think he chose this tune too coincidentally, because even if he doesnt perform well, the judges cant blame him much, right?

Qing Yun ignored the noise around him and walked to a corner farthest from Xiang Chenjin as usual and began to tune the strings. As soon as he looked up, he saw Xiang Chenjin smiling in the distance and greeted him with an intimate and open attitude. If Qing Yun didnt know that the score he deliberately left at the Xiang family had been picked up by this man, Im afraid he would have thought that Xiang Chenjin didnt have any shadow in his heart.

Since the organizer took advantage of Xiang Chenyus choice of piece to create a lot of buzz and because of his outstanding performance in the preliminary round, many contestants said that the random number drawing was too unfair to those who were behind Xiang Chenyu because many audience members came to watch the competition just because they wanted to see if Xiang Chenyu could play the Concerto in D major.

Amid the strong requests of the contestants, the organizer, to appease these contestants from all over the country, proposed to let Xiang Chenyu be the last one to go on the stage. The staff came specially to seek Qing Yuns approval.

Qing Yun did not object to the decision, nor did he shout about the unfairness, which made the rest of the contestants snicker. They knew that the judges would get more tired the further the competition went on, and placing this strong opponent at the end would undoubtedly be of great benefit to them.

However, the situation at the scene was a shock to everyone because the players who took the stage were surprised to find that even though they came on in front of the youth, the audience was only full of anxious anticipation for the Concerto in D Major that the boy was so bold to perform. The response to their performance was mediocre. Some even left the stage with a direct lack of interest after learning that Xiang Chenyu would be the last one to take the stage.

The audience could leave the stage, but the judges had to do their job and listen to their performance.

After more than ten players finished their pieces, all the judges had a trace of fatigue on their faces. After all, they were not mere admirers and had to treat each player with a critical mind, not to mention that some of the players performances were indeed unsatisfactory, which made the judges feel as if their souls had gone through a long journey. They just wanted to lie down on their beds and sleep.

Looking at the judges expressions, the previously embarrassed contestants once again raised their hopes. After all, compared to the audiences votes, the judges scores were the key to determining whether they could stay or not.

If you like what I do, consider buying me a coffee! Ill upload an extra chapter once Ko-fi donations hit a certain amount

  1. to handle the follow-up finishing work for others

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