Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 140

Qi Zeming hesitated when he heard that he could not get the money. Did he want any woman to get the money?

"Well, prepare ten million for me!" He reported a number, which surprised Li qianluo.

She squinted at the man in front of her, and refrained from spitting, "you're overestimating me. I'm now a vice president with an annual salary of only one million, and I've just sat on the vice president for less than a month. Where can I get so much money for you?"

Qi Zeming laughed, "your man, he has money. I want 10 million yuan. For him, it's not even a dime!"

"You're wrong. Sloan is not my man now. He has a fiancee!"

It's a fact. It's just going to make her heart ache.

Qi Zeming's dagger was raised in front of her. "If you don't listen, I don't mind cutting your little white face." His eyes were full of evil, one hand around her shoulder.

"You let go, I'll give it to you!" His hand touched her twice, and Li qianluo had to promise him first.

Si Jinheng, you come to save me. If you save me, I will be obedient, OK!

Qi Zeming heard her give money and hung a smile that made Li qianluo sick.

How blind she used to be! She would have liked such a man!

"Where are you going?" She had to wait for someone to save her.

Qi Zeming gave her a kiss on her face, put his hands on her waist and looked at Li qianluo with a disgusting smile, "how about I take you with me?"

She rubbed her face hard as if there was something gross on it.

How blind is her eyes? At first, she took a fancy to Qi Zeming, a bastard!

This scene makes Qi Zeming unhappy, holding a dagger in front of her. The dagger was so sharp that it slowly cut through the collar of her skirt.

"Stop! I'll get you the money She held back her tumbling stomach and pressed his dirty hand.

"Ha ha, I've changed my mind now. Before that, I'll let you go after you've served me well." He also wanted to let her ask for money, but she was so attractive that he could not bear to let her go.

The dagger was still rowing down. Li qianluo didn't dare to struggle too much. "Qi Zeming, if you paddle down again, you can't get anything!" She had to threaten.

He waved his hand and looked at the woman's face tightly. "It's useless for you to say anything now. Li qianluo, I just want you now!"

Hear him say so, Li qianluo can't wait, throw away the bag in his hand, both hands tightly control his arm holding a dagger.

"If you touch me again, I'll spell it for you today!"

Qi Zeming's other hand easily broke off one of her hands and pulled out the hand with the dagger.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li qianluo tried his best to escape. He was close to his body and ran to one side.

"Help She cried with all her might.

However, Qi Zeming soon caught up with her, and the dagger fell on her arm as they pulled. Grass green sleeve, was cut, began to ooze blood.

Qi Zeming threw the dagger on the ground and put one hand over her mouth, calling for help.

One hand pressed her to the ground to keep her from moving.

Then he picked up the dagger on the ground and put it on her neck? Call it again, and it will go into your neck. " His fierce eyes widened, looking at the women on the ground, thinking of all the previous, eyes are full of blood.

Li qianluo continued to struggle, the sharp dagger immediately drew blood on her neck.

"Ah Qi Zeming, who was in control of her, suddenly screamed and frowned in pain, and the dagger fell to the ground.

His hand covered his left arm, which began to bleed, but his right arm began to bleed with another scream.

Li qianluo saw two on his arm Holes?

Qi Zeming fell to one side in pain. She took the opportunity to sit up immediately, and then fell into a familiar embrace.

He arrived at last! Li qianluo leaned tightly against the man's arms and grabbed his shirt.

Si Jinheng gently patted the trembling woman, watching her sleeves dyed red with blood and the clothes under her neck being cut apart

The body exudes a cold breath, the eyes across a grim, raised the silencing gun on the struggling man on the ground, and fired several shots in a row.

Qi Zeming couldn't cry out any more and passed out.

Si Jinheng threw his gun on the ground, beat and picked up the woman on the ground and held her in his arms to prevent her from being seen by others.

After they left, Yun Qi put away his gun and Li qianluo's bag and stood on one side waiting for the police to arrive.

Think of more than ten minutes ago, Si Jin Heng's phone, the feelings of Li qianluo all burst in front of him.

"Let the police find out the location of Li qianluo's mobile phone, send it to me, and then you will rush to it with a gun." Words are very normal, abnormal is his tone, cold with a strong anxiety.

The police found out the location of Li qianluo's mobile phone in a few minutes. It was not far from the company. Si Jinheng and yunqi arrived at the alley behind the old tree coffee.Seeing Li qianluo under Qi Zeming's pressure, Si Jinheng put on the gun without hesitation and fired directly.

The police came, took Qi Zeming away and went to the police station with them.

With Li qianluo in his arms, Si Jinheng quickly walked to his car and put her in the back seat of the car.

He was about to drive when she caught him by the corner of his coat.

He had to go back to the rear seat first, Li qianluo hugged the man who came to save her. When she felt his breath, she cried with joy.

He did not live up to her expectations, in her most need of him, as if from the sky god to protect her comprehensive.

How can she be willful again? He is the man she loves the most. How can he let go?

"Thank you, srinheng." She nestled in his arms, said softly, her hands tightly pulling his shirt.

"Sit down, I'll take you to the hospital."

Li qianluo quickly and obediently sat down, looking at the man sitting in the position of the co pilot.

She must make a promise!

Hiss Her arm hurt so much that she felt better after blowing on the wound.

Li qianluo's clothes were destroyed in Chengyang private hospital. Si Jinheng took Li qianluo into a single room and called the best female surgeon of Chengyang hospital.

The wound is not deep, the doctor cleaned the wound for her, and simply bandaged it, then told them to leave.

Li qianluo was brought back to crescent spring by Si Jinheng and called to send clothes.

Sitting in sijinheng's room, Li qianluo looked at the huge man's bedroom. This is her second visit to his villa in crescent spring, and she had a fierce fight here last time.

The door of the room was opened and srinheng came in with a handbag.

Looking at the woman sitting in a daze on the bed, he asked, "what are you thinking?"

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