Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 107: Real Talent (2)

Chapter 107: Real Talent (2)

After I stepped inside the portal that led to the 12th floor—

I thought the 12th floor might have an unexpected stage background like the 11th floor.

「Entering the 12th floor of the Tower of Trials.」

「Difficulty - Hard」

「The topic of this Trial is 'Go beyond your limits.'」

「To stop advice messages, administrators won't be able to send messages temporarily.」

「May the challenger find a satisfying result at the end of the selected asceticism.」

The reason why I thought that...

「Starting the trial of the 12th floor.」

「Remaining time - 48 hours」

「Trial Breakthrough Condition - Kill your clone within the time limit」

「Trial Fail Condition - Challenger's death or no time left.」

「Trial Breakthrough Reward - (Ancient's Emperors Gray Crown A-)」

「Trial Fail Penalty - Death」

The stage of the 12th floor that I could see behind the portal was a ruin that emitted an evil aura.


I frowned after looking at the unknown letters on the mural.

It was such an evil-looking mural that just looking at the letters made you feel unpleasant.

'This doesn't look like the stage of a normal Trial.'

But after looking at the runes with more detail, I realized it wasn't something that impressive.

I walked toward the circle drawn with blood that was in the middle of the runes.

The sticky mana gathered around the area made it hard to breathe.

「The blessing of the God of Darkness has detected infiltrators and has created protecting soldiers.」

As if it were doing storytelling, the Tower sent me messages.


「Now, the infiltrator must think about how much he knows about himself.」

I frowned after reading the message sent by the Tower.

I immediately understood what kind of story this was.

I had currently reached the middle of the runes of an ancient palace, and it had activated to eliminate me...

In the 12th floor's trial, rather than the story, I was more worried about the being that had given a blessing to this ancient palace.

'I wasn't expecting to get involved with another God.'

God of Darkness?

Was this floor related to a God, just like the previous one?

'I hope there isn't a huge variable in this floor... but I guess I'll have to figure that out later on.'

They'd even blocked messages from the administrators, so I wouldn't be able to overcome it by listening to any advice.

Previously, the administrator's ability to look had been canceled because of the God of Proof. So it was true that I was feeling reluctant.

But before I could finish that line of thought, the circle in the middle of the runes began shining.

In an instant, darkness began gathering and took a form.


「The item 'Vampire Count's Rusty Tail Coat (A-)' has been cloned.」

「Kill the other you that the God of Darkness has created.」


The Dark figure that had appeared on top of the circle... has perfectly copied my outer appearance.

Mildly messy hair.

Emotionless eyes.

A battle stance that had been perfected with diverse skills.

That was the image I knew of myself.

With my eyes wide open, I started to look at my clone.

'It really looks like me... It's a real-looking fake.'

To think that he had recreated me so perfectly gave me chills.

But this replica had only one item from the ones I have.

'Just like the Iron-blooded Monarch said, it seems like only one item was copied...'

Not only that, it didn't have any weapon in his hand.

Taking these things into consideration, it was clear who had the advantage.

After finishing checking out the replica, I quickly stomped into the ground and activated my skills.

「The skill 'Instant Acceleration' has been activated.」

「The skill 'Battle Concentration' has been activated.」

「The concentration of the user has doubled.」

「The skill 'Wind’s Grace' has been activated.」

「Your speed has increased by 70%.」

「Current skill overlap progress - 7/7」

The moment my body began accelerating to the limit, the flow of time became slower.

'So this is Battle Concentration.'

It felt as if I was watching a slow-motion video.

But it didn't seem like a skill I would have to get used to.

「The user's concentration rate has increased by 1.7 times.」

Now, I could instantly learn how to use and control a skill.

It was probably something that happened after I reached Sword Flame status, and my thoughts became stronger.

「The power 'Sword Flame' has activated.」

I had used all of the skills I could. Not only that, but I had poured Sword Flame into the Blood Demon Sword.

I was expecting that even though it was a replica, it would be pushed back by my items and the advantage of being the first to attack.

'I guess I'll just have to push forward and analyze myse...'



The replica had summoned in his hand the 'Iron-blooded Sword (A-).'

I wasn't expecting the power I received from the Iron-blooded Monarch to be used this way...

'As expected from a power, the Iron-blooded Sword's capabilities seem good.'

I was satisfied with the reaction of the replica.

After all, the Iron-blooded Sword was a power I had.

The replica was just a copy of me.

Later on, I was going to be the one using this power. So it was natural for me to be satisfied.

At the point when I could no longer use the Blood Demon Sword, this power would be very useful to me.

But I couldn't keep that line of thought for much longer.




It was because the replica pushed me back with an attack.

I minimized the recoil, and I looked at him in confusion after sliding back.

How could he push me back so easily with a sword...?

We were both holding a sword, but the results were too different.

'What? I feel like I'm being pushed back in terms of strength...'

Was it that the skill 'Indomitable Will' I had absorbed from Resillian had activated?

There was a chance that was the case.

'Is that why its physical strength is higher than mine?'

I could understand that because I have the advantage thanks to the items...

「You've encountered an enemy you're going to struggle to face.」

「The skill 'Indomitable Will' is being activated.」


But those thoughts were canceled by the message that said the skill 'Indomitable Will' had been activated.

There's a huge difference between our items. Yet I encountered an opponent hard to handle...?

Then that meant the replica had pushed me back without the buff of the skill 'Indomitable Will'...

I couldn't understand it.

'No way.'

Our physical specs might be the same. But the difference of the numerous buffs received from items was hard to overcome.

Items were also recognized as specs. And the higher-rank items you obtained, the stronger you would become.


'Why did the system consider me to be at a disadvantage?'

If Indomitable Will had activated, that meant the skill considered the replica had an advantage over me.


But I couldn't think of that question any longer.


"What's that...?"

In the hands of the replica, another sword had appeared.

After seeing a red color float around the blade made of mana, I realized what that was.

Because, after all, the other sword that had appeared in the replica's hand was another skill I had.


Counter Shield.

It was a defensive skill that let you save the received damage and then use it later.

The shield had changed shape and took the form of a sword.

It was hard to maintain the Counter Shield if you changed its shape.

That's why I could only use it as a counter for big techniques like magic or power...

But a sword?

I couldn't understand why he'd chosen such an ineffective way.

If things went on like this, not only I wouldn't be able to analyze myself. I would just have to look at a self-destruction process.

That's why I left behind the possibility of using the 12th floor to get a neutral opinion of me.

According to the information I received from the Iron-blooded Monarch, this replica was made by copying my 'experience.'

I had never used double swords. So that meant that this should be his first time using double swords...

I couldn't believe it.

To think it would use double swords, a technique not even I, the original, had been able to use yet.

Not only that, but it was a sword that was created by using a technique that used a lot of mana.

This was stupid.

Leaving the Blessing of the God of Darkness aside, it was a fight against a fake that couldn't even think on its own.

'I should use as many skills as possible and end things quickly.'

「The skill 'Lightning Sword Ki' has been activated.」

The moment a blue thunderbolt surrounded the Blood Demon Sword.

「You have thunder-characteristic mana.」

「The skill 'Lightning Sword Ki' is fortified.」


The Lightning Sword Ki was fortified because of the mana's characteristics and became fortified.

As the Lightning Sword Ki got added on top of the Sword Flame, it was obvious the attack outcome would get stronger.

While holding the trembling blade, I swung it down.

「Skill 'Storm Sword' is being activated.」

「Because of the skill 'Storm Sword', wind attribute is being added to the sword.」


As I swung the sword, the sword became covered with the wind.

'It's over.'

I was sure the trial was about to end soon.



Until I saw the replica brush away my Blood Demon Sword.

'He brushed off this away...?'

Of course, the attack trajectory was obvious. Not only that, but stabbing was a normal attack form.

But the Storm Sword skill was so fast that not even the replica should be able to catch off.

More so if it was created with my experience as background. After all, I haven't used Storm Sword that much before.

But the replica brushed it off as if it were nothing.

I quickly understood the reason.

'Battle Concentration...!'

After using it once, I became sure of its effect. So I didn't need to think that deeply about what he'd used.

It was a technique that increased your concentration for a short while and made time flow slower.

You felt the world move slower... I could understand what had happened if he'd used that skill up to a limit and figured out the stabbing.

'It's okay. I still have the advantage.'

A calmed down while telling myself I just had to seek the next opportunity and then swung my blade again.

If I couldn't deal with him with a single attack, I just had to take some more time.


Clang! Clang! Clang!

As the number of clashes increased, the replica's sword movements became smoother.

The rusty double-sword movements now resembled the wings of a butterfly.

And before I noticed, I the original was the one being pushed back.


I realized something after our swords clashed more than thirty times.

I... was being pushed back by the pure ability of the fake.


'How crazy...'

I understood why the Iron-blooded Monarch had said that I had talent.

And the reason for that was...

"I never thought I'd see that sword technique again in this situation."

It was because of the fake's double swords, an energy similar to a strong opponent I'd previously faced was flowing.

A blue Sword Flame that reminded me of the blue sky.

I've only seen it once, yet it had left a deep impression in my mind.

'It's that guy's sword definitely...'

The sword of the monstrously strong person who'd blown away numerous buildings in Tokyo.

Sword Dragon of the Blue Sky, NamGung Hyuk's sword was being replicated by the replica's dual swords.



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