Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 117:

Chapter 117:

Radiant Sword (光劍).

Through the confrontation with Replica on the 12th floor, the technique of skill application that Han Sungyeun had learned……

In this trial as well, it was displayed with a power that could truly be considered catastrophic.


Yes, to a level that could genuinely be called catastrophic.

“Skill ‘Truth Seeker of Blood (B-)’ has reached 100% proficiency.”

“Skill ‘Truth Seeker of Blood (B-)’ class has increased by one level.”

“Skill ‘Counter Shield (B)’ has reached 100% proficiency.”

“Skill ‘Counter Shield (B)’ class has increased by one level.”

The belated messages of skill growth hardly brought any sense of satisfaction.


I looked on in astonishment at the vampire lord, rapidly exploding.

‘Did I just blow up the vampire lord…..?’

The attack, which had been executed with the Tsunami of blood, collided with the sword created by the Truth Seeker of Blood skill’s retaliation shield.

Emitting the energy absorbed from the impact through the sword infused with the mastery of the Rolling Sword Of The Blue Sky , the Radiant Sword was released.

This straightforward attack, executed with a simple principle, contained a power that was far beyond its apparent simplicity.

It could unleash an attack powerful enough to explode the vampire lord, who had encased himself in armor formed from his own blood.

Of course, there were additional elements such as the Blood Demon hole technique, the Flaming Sword, and the Lighting Sword Realm technique.

Yet, even with these additional factors, producing destruction on this level was not an easy feat.

‘At this point, it’s seriously giving me chills….’

Thinking that this is some crazy technique, it is strange indeed.’

As I pondered this, a thought occurred to me.

After all, the ultimate goal of the 13th floor trial was to kill the vampire lord.

‘If the vampire lord was hit by the Radiant Sword, exploded and died, shouldn’t the trial be over?’

The fact that the trial wasn’t ending was, as far as I knew, an uncommon situation.

This realization sent shivers down my spine as I looked at the remains of the vampire lord that had exploded in mid-air.

Now, focusing on one of the fragments that had turned into a mere piece of flesh, I activated the “Flame Dragon’s Core.”

And then…

“Skill ‘Flame Dragon’s Core’ has been activated.”

I could now understand.

“Remains of the vampire count ‘Cell Neir'”

“Class:■ ”

“Currently being restored through the power of regeneration.”

I wondered why the message declaring the end of the 13th-floor trial hadn’t appeared.

‘Could it be that even in that state, he can regenerate…?’

The being identified as Cell Neir, the vampire lord, was more monstrous than one could imagine.

Even though the body was completely fragmented, being able to regenerate the body without dying…..

Even the ashen blood vampire wouldn’t boast such a dreadful regenerative ability.

I was slightly repulsed by such monstrous regeneration, but I soon focused on the ability of regeneration itself.

‘The power of resurrection, whether it’s the gods of battle or whatever, the vampires murmured about it, but it really had the power.’

Perhaps I could absorb the regenerative ability through the effect of extracting necromantic abilities……

When such a notion brushed my mind, I quickly shifted my thinking.

‘Let’s see what happens once he resurrects.’

The judgment of extracting necromantic abilities turned out to be surprisingly lenient.

I felt it when I killed Kairan, the potential apostle, during the 11th-floor trial, but……

It’s definitely not the case that you have to defeat an unbeatable opponent for the ability extraction to activate.

There was a similar case in reality.

“As a user, you have faced a formidable opponent that is difficult to withstand.”

“The skill ‘Indomitable Will’ is in an active state.”


Even though I easily killed Cell Neir, the fact that the Chain Skill was still active in such a case was a case in point.

‘The criteria for the system to judge an opponent as too strong to handle might be somewhere else.’

With curiosity, as I stared at Cell Neir’s body fragments, a change occurred.


As the Truth Seeker of Blood, vitality surged within my body, and the remaining blood started gathering into fragments of flesh.

Of course, if I had the intention, I could channel my mental energy to deliver a blow, but I didn’t do that.

I was intrigued and curious.

I wondered how far the regeneration ability currently applied to Cell Neir extended.

Moreover, I pondered if I could thwart and kill him using the methods I had in mind.

His utilization of Truth Seeker of Blood could also be revealed through our fight, allowing me to understand how to counter them.

“It’s interesting.”

All these questions seemed to have answers not too far away,

and it was no wonder……

“…….that true heroes exist in this world.”

The reason being that Cell Neir had just resurrected, right before my eyes.

His pale skin and even the white hair had been restored.

Even the aristocratic air in his speech was palpable.

“Do not deny it. You’re not a mere human. You must be on par with me, if not surpass me.”

However, I listened to Cell Neir’s words without any emotional response.

“Remember the name Cell Neir.”

It was only natural.

“It will be the name that signifies your impending death.”

Considering he was nothing more than a subject for my experiments, the fact that he was talking so much didn’t matter to me.

“The ability ‘Iron Blooded Sword’ is activated.”

“The ability ‘Blood Demon hole’ is activated.”


“The skill ‘ Instant Acceleration’ is activated.”

“The skill ‘Battle Focus’ is activated.”

“The user’s concentration has increased ×4.”

“The skill ‘Wind’s Grace’ is activated.”

“All speeds are increased by 70%.”

“Current skill stack progress – 7/7.”

Somehow, it felt like an amusing sensation.

»————- ★ ————-«

Unexpectedly, Cell Nair wasn’t as helpless as before.


He was utilizing his blood manipulation skills to the fullest, attempting to deal me maximum effective damage.

It was quite bothersome, like guided missiles following the trail of blood droplets and exploding.

Even if I raised my durability to its maximum, this level of destruction could pierce through my flesh.

I had to wield my dual swords to erase all the remnants of those explosions.

Of course, using the Flying Sword of the Blue Sky made defense not that difficult, but……

“His Truth Seeker of Blood Techniques are quite intriguing.”

In various ways, it was fascinating.

Whether he was toning down his arrogance or becoming more serious, I couldn’t say for sure,

but his use of Truth Seeker of Blood was different from when he simply summoned the Tsunami of Blood.

It held a different allure.

However, after a few exchanges, I felt disappointed by Cell Neir.

The methods he was applying weren’t particularly remarkable.

“It’s pathetic.”

Up until now, he hadn’t developed his own abilities, and I wondered what he had been doing.

So, when I said that, Cell Neir’s forehead flushed with anger.

“You…! Are you mocking me to the end…!”

Of course, his anger didn’t change anything.

His Truth Seeker of Blood Techniques were still unremarkable in their execution.

Nor were there many aspects that needed special consideration.

There wasn’t much to see regarding what set apart the Truth Seeker of Blood and what was superior.

“My skills or the vampire race’s inherent abilities, they are pretty much the same.”

Now, I thought it might be okay to finish the battle, but there was one problem.

Cell Neir was able to regenerate even if hit directly by the Radiant Sword.

His body could be shattered into fragments and still recover. Could he truly be killed?

“I’ll understand if I explode him like before.”

I activated the skill enhancements that allowed me to move faster and swiftly darted like the wind.

It seemed that Cell Neir momentarily lost sight of me, and then I created the Sword Flame.

“The ability ‘Sword Flame Realm’ is activated.”

“The skill ‘Lighting Sword Qi’ is activated.”


With my Truth Seeker of Blood activated as well, the crimson lightning adhered to the twin swords.

Without a hint of hesitation, I swung both swords as if they were daggers.


Although it wasn’t as clean as when I used the Radiant Sword, Cell Nair’s body was pulverized.

However, he didn’t give in easily.

“Do you really think you can kill me?… Impossible!”

One time.

“Cough, cough! Don’t think you can defeat me by inflicting pain on me!”

Two times.

“It’s useless! Hahaha! You truly aren’t a real hero! There’s no way to kill me!”

Three times.

“Human or not, you can’t escape the laws of the body beyond a certain point! You’ll soon tire and collapse!”

Four times.

“Are you a real monster…? How can you use magic and still remain standing?”

Five times.

“Achievement unlocked: ‘ Battlefield Artist.'”

“Skill ‘Torture Techniques (D-)’ has been acquired.”

“Stop it! Let’s negotiate! Yes, negotiate or even strike a deal! I’ll do anything you want if you spare me!”

Six times.

“I… I said I would give you everything! If you have any wishes, I’ll grant them!” Seven times.

“C-come on, just kill me… I can’t live like this anymore…”

Eight times.

“You… you’re no hero… You’re nothing more than a rotten murderer!”

Nine times.


Ten times.

“Achievement unlocked: ‘ Beginning of Madness.'”

” Skill ‘ Pain increase (D-)’ has been acquired.”

“Please… please, stop… I surrender… I’ll offer everything to you.. …”


Even after being killed ten times, Cell Nair’s mouth continued to move, emitting weak, stuttered words.

“Can’t you just die without making so much of a fuss?”

It seemed that his body was undergoing regeneration, not solely based on vitality like the ashen blood.

Therefore, there appeared to be no limit to his regeneration.


observing the fragments of Cell Nair’s body regenerate while muttering, I thought.

Maybe if there isn’t a regeneration-proof ability, it might be impossible to kill him.

This notion made sense,

particularly given the events of this trial, which included finding a cleric.

But, on the contrary, if there is regeneration-proof ability, it means he can be killed.

From that perspective, I could think about the ‘attribute’ that could be imbued into the Flame Sword.

The sword’s edge imparts the attribute of cutting through all things, and the Flame Sword adds the attribute of crushing the essence of all things.

If I were to alter one of these attributes, what would happen?”

‘What if I replace the attribute of cutting with the attribute of regeneration suppression?

Is that possible?” It seemed worthwhile to attempt.

The attributes of the sword energy and the flame energy were structures generated by intention (意念).

If I didn’t wish for regeneration, it was certain that such attributes would be added.

And that theory turned into actual success.


“Kuk, kuh-eok… Huh, huhu… , finally, to die…”

Cell Neir’s body, which didn’t regenerate at all, gradually turned cold…

and eventually, when his pupils completely disappeared, he faced true death.

“The exclusive effect of the ‘True Blood Demon Sword (A-)’, ‘Blood Feast (血食)’, is activated.”

“The item’s rank is upgraded to A- (300/1,400) by absorbing the blood of the vampire lord, Cell Neir.”

“An <inscription skill:="" blood="" reinforcement="" (c+)=""> is inscribed in the Blood Feast exclusive slot by absorbing Cell Neir’s blood.”</inscription>

Simultaneously with the activation of the new exclusive effect of the True Blood Demon Sword, Blood Feast, another message appeared.

“Congratulations, you have cleared the 13th floor of the Tower of Trials.”

“As a breakthrough reward, a ‘Random Skill Codex (A+)’ will be transferred to your inventory.”

“As a breakthrough reward, you have gained ‘90,000 points’.”

“As a breakthrough reward, you have gained ‘4,000 SP’.”

“As an additional breakthrough reward, you have gained ‘5,000 SP’.”

“Please proceed to the waiting room.”

The 13th-floor trial had come to an end.

[To be continued.]

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