Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 158: State of Divinity (2) ————-«

Chapter 158: State of Divinity (2) ————-«

Ive heard a few things about the being called Heavenly Demon.

At the beginning of this trial, Dam Cheonwoo mentioned a few things about that genius.

And to prepare to face them off, Ive been accumulating as many stat boosts I could.


I didnt expect them to be this strong.

It was inconceivable for someone who just reached the age of adulthood would be this powerful.

I had a feeling that every Murim person Ive met so far wouldnt last a single hit against the Heavenly Demon.

The proof was that I almost died from that single hit while entering this place.

If I didnt have the bracelet or the Last Stand, then I wouldve definitely died.

The one hit from that technique named Minds Blade was definitely threatening.

I could not feel its presence, and even while being hit, I could not figure out what I was hit with.

Only that I assumed that it was a hit from a blade from seeing her be armed with a pitch black longsword.

Youve encountered a very strong opponent.

Activating skill Indomitable Will.

After seeing the message of a strong opponent.

I immediately activated every skill that could be used.


Activating the Myth <reversal hero="">.</reversal>

+10 on all stats.

Activating the special buff <fight against="" the="" odds="">.</fight>

As long as your will prevails, +7 on all stats.

You can open the information of skills that the opponent will use temporarily.

Even activated the most trustworthy myth at this moment.

It was truly an ability that could be considered a cheat skill against opponents that are stronger than me.

However, the more buffs I got from this myth, the more disadvantageous the situation was for me.

After all.

What do I do?

The system analyzed that despite all these buffs, the opponent was still very difficult to win.

To be honest, this level of strong opponent could not be fought against alone.

So it could be another option to avoid the fight.

Only the last remaining can pass the final trial, huh how vicious. Itd be impossible to ignore a monster like her.

With no way to retreat, I didnt have any options.

Ive told you. The Heavenly Demon is beyond the realms of understanding. Even if this is a fake simulation, Heavenly Demon is still a Heavenly demon.

Can you stop nagging and please help me figure out a plan?

Hehehe! Are you scared now that youre facing her? Well, even if I say that, I really dont have any plans either.

really, you dont even have any information on her weak spots or a guide?

Do you think its that easy to get the title of Best of the world? If they had a weak spot, then they wouldve never been able to acquire that title in the first place. Stop trying to take the easy way out.

what a useful advice you give out.

After the sarcasm, I ended the conversation with Dam Cheonwoo right there.

I tried to get advice from him as he seemingly knew many things about the Heavenly Demon.

But Dam Cheonwoo also had no idea of any weak spots.

It was devastating.

But I couldnt give up entirely so I gathered up my spirits while gritting my teeth.

First, let me try to analyze how many skills they have.

It was hope as thin as a thread, but it could still help me get an upper hand.

Since I had countless different battle skills, I had a really good chance of getting the upper hand.

So I could also figure out the best way to fight against the Heavenly Demon while fighting her.


Why are you standing still?

The issue was whether or not Id be able to drag the battle until that point.

This one.

I had no more time to think.

Does not like those who think too much. If you plan on making this one wait, then Ill go first.

The moment that the Heavenly Demon stopped watching me to gather up energy as dark as the night sky.

I quickly took a deep breath while mustering up my strength.

Activating the special power Dragon Transformation.

For 10 minutes, the total mana amount will increase twofold.

For 10 minutes, some draconic features will be displayed.

For 10 minutes, All abilities and interference related to mana will improve.

Dragon Transformation

Once I activated the power that I got from the Heir of Dragon Lord achievement, my body underwent many different transformations.

Two small horns appeared on my head like a dragon and the mana that I possessed increased twofold.

But I had no time to enjoy that.

An unnatural heat from deep inside me increased exponentially and fire started to leak from my mouth.

And I understood what this was to a degree.

That this was the breath of the dragon race that are commonly seen throughout ancient mythologies, and at the same time, it was the absolute fire spirit that could burn everything down


Dragon Breath.

The force did not stop at a small ball of fire.


The walls of the cave broke from the force of the fire to melt and tear down.

The unscratchable place despite countless martial artists running amok being broken meant one thing.

That this breath of dragon had an insane force enough to destroy everything.


An excellent heat attack, but tis not enough to entertain this one.

Even this dragon breath was rendered useless in front of an absolute genius.


The crimson fire got split in half, and the appearance of Heavenly Demon got revealed.

She looked as if she was leisurely walking through a park.

Her sword stayed sheathed as well.

Which meant that the Heavenly Demon cut through the dragon breath just using her energy alone.

Feeling a shiver run down my back, I attempted to swing my sword to attack her with slashes.

Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill Minds Blade.

After seeing the message appear, I instinctively stopped my attacks to twist my body.

Strongly activating the skill Sixth Sense.

I had a feeling that I had to.

To say the results, it was an excellent choice to change the course of my action.


Seeing a threadline slashing path of the place where my body was, I understood.

I almost got hit by the Minds Blade again.

I got no joy from being able to avoid that hit.

Since I wasnt able to detect the Minds Blade.

I read the skills that the opponent was going to use beforehand through the special buff of <reversal hero="">.

And catched on the Minds Blade instinctively to barely avoid the attack.

Which meant that this luck would not continue for much longer.

It wont do if Im constantly on the defensive. I need to be on the offensi.

The thoughts could not continue.


Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill Minds Blade.

I immediately escaped the place I was at seeing the system message.


And again, the same thread of the path of the sword was drawn across the space.

Without being able to calm the waves of shivers coursing throughout my body, the attacks continued.

Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill Minds Blade.

Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill Minds ..

Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill .

Just how many times can she use this skill?

To be more specific, the Minds Blade is not a skill.

However, the system classified it as a type of skill.

Despite it all, the Minds Blade was excessively strong.

It would consume large amounts of mana on top of will.



Activating Advanced Defense, the exclusive effect of Protection Bracelet of a God without a Name (S+).

The Bracelet takes the force of unavoidable single strike.

Remaining uses -2/4

Despite avoiding tens of hits, the Minds Blade did not stop.

And the advanced defense that I tried so hard to save up was used.

Once it activated, the continuous attacks stopped all of a sudden.

You seem to have many different interesting abilities.

The Heavenly Demon stroked her chin while looking at me with interest.

Spitting fire like spiritual beings, being able to avoid unlike the skills youve demonstrated so far, and now you are blocking my Minds Blade with unseeable powers.

As if she finally found an interesting toy to play with.

This one hopes that you can be entertaining for a little longer.


Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul is using the skill Minds Blade.

She continued on to storm me with attacks.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Countless slashes poured out and I barely managed to avoid them all.

To be honest, it didnt feel so great.

The opponent was looking down on me and treated me like an interesting toy.

Which is why she still hasnt unsheathed her sword and attacked me with Minds Blade. To see how long I will last.

She will most likely play with me until just before breaking and then dispose of me once she gets tired.

What a predictable ending.

A situation where my original plans of skill affinity fight became impossible.

A condition that is unfavorable no matter how you looked at it.

I understood why Dam Cheonwoo worried about my psychology so much.

I cant even get a chance to swing my sword, so no wonder everyone else would be devastated.

It couldnt be helped.

The attacks couldnt be detected nor be blocked so easily.

Even dodging them wouldve been impossible if I didnt have the special buff <fight against="" the="" odds=""> activated.

But I was not discouraged.

There will be opportunities.

Even in this hopeless battle, opportunities to turn the tide existed.

I originally planned to wait until she couldnt use Minds Blade, but that was out of the picture now.

It was time to take out the hidden card from my sleeve.

Holy Bead of a God without Name(S+).

The item that I got from the trial of 15th floor was pretty simple.

That it can seal the most powerful technique of my opponent.

Since the Minds Blade must be the strongest technique of Heavenly Demon.

With this item, I ought to be able to reverse the tide of the battle.

Im sure that this will give me an advantage in this battle.

But I hesitated in using this card.

Because I wanted to learn more about that technique called Minds Blade.

Some people might say that I am asking for my downfall due to excessive greed.

But I still wanted to learn about that technique.

Sword techniques that cant be seen.

Where on earth could I see another technique such as this?

If I could learn this, then I could use Sword Masters Path to acquire in the form of a skill.

Which will add onto the benefits that I could get.

Its not an option anymore, I must learn it.

Of course, I was not throwing a baseless tantrum to learn it.

No matter how good I caught on things, it was impossible for me to learn invisible things.

Which is also the reason why I decided to kill that man who used Trap Fighter, which was also another invisible technique.

If it couldnt be seen, then I couldnt learn it.


After my ability to manipulate and interfere mana increased through dragon transformation, I realized one thing.

In this state, the mana at rest and even the hidden mana could be detected.

So I understood.

Minds Blade does not use mana.

It was certain.

Heavenly Demon was not manipulating mana at all.

Which meant that the Minds Blade did not use mana.

Now an issue arose here.

If the Minds Blade did not use mana to be activated, I couldnt understand the basis of its activation.

It almost felt like powers being used at the state of discipleship.

Almost as if she was manipulating the natural mana by affecting it with divine powers.

However, the natural mana was not moving either, and the Heavenly Demon was not using mana as fuel.

Which means that there is another source of energy that can replace mana.

I was wondering just what the cost was to activate Minds Blade.

Since I felt that I could also use it as long as I found that missing puzzle piece.

Within a short moment, I realized that puzzle piece.

I found an unnatural part while I was concentrating on the Minds Blade.

Colorless and odorless.

This was the characteristic of the technique, but even this faint power still had a source.

And that was.

Divine powers?

Divinity that was stored in the heart.

Of course the divinity had no actual affinity yet, and as soon as the concentration was dispersed, its presence was gone.

But the divine powers within me proved that that was a sure trace of divinity.

A very small whisper that cant be heard without paying very close attention.

But I trusted the divinity within me and also knew how to use it.

If it can react to me just from my concentration, then the Minds Blade definitely uses divine powers.

At that, I remembered what the dimensional challenger named Seindal said.

In a secret ancient ruin, there was an ancient document that said that distinguished magicians or knights can break through their limits through faith

Seindal added.

Through the faith of people, divinity would accumulate in the heart with mana circles. And with that, you can reach a higher level of magic to become the grand magician

That divinity can be accumulated through faith.

And that magicians become grand magicians through that process.

So what part did divinity play for them to ascend into grand magician?

Before, I thought that it was due to powers and myths acquired through divinity, but there was a need to revise that thought.

What if there was a method to use divinity alone?

That was it.

Until now, I did not think that divinity itself had no power behind it.

But if it did actually have power, then everything could be answered.

The leader of Heavenly Demon cult, a being feared by thousands..

If the Heavenly Demon, who is at the perfect place to accumulate faith, did not use mana but something else, then the answer was clear..

possible. Theres a way to use divine powers independently.

I shivered from realizing that and changed the target of my concentration.

I raised my alertness towards the Heavenly Demon and coated my eyes with divine powers.

The world changed to be covered with black spots and lines.


I see it.

The moment I covered my eyes with divine powers with the sentiment of grabbing a rotten thread of hope.

I saw a gray energy flowing out of her heart.

Despite mana being standstill, this gray energy was clearly moving.

And I saw.

The crimson light among the flowing gray light.

That was a different energy than divine powers and something that I knew very well.

Thats it. The process of creating the Minds Blade.

At that, I moved my divine powers using the gray divinity as an example.


Activating skill Battle Concentration.

The time flowed slowly.

Seeing, following, and understanding the divine powers of Heavenly Demon.

And while that process took place in the flowing time, I restudied the process thoroughly.

After enveloping my eyes with divine powers, her attacks became easy to dodge, and my understanding of its functions grew exponentially.

Now I see what Minds Blade is.

After a few minutes, which felt like hours, passed. I dispelled Battle Concentration.

And proceeded to activate what I understood with fierce concentration.

And .


Once a new type of attack emerged, the indiscriminate attacks towards me stopped.

Now youre beyond entertaining me. This one is excited now.

After all.

To think that youd learn to use Minds Blade in that short amount of time.

I succeeded.

Really. I thought that useless ones gathered here at the armory, but it seems that I was wrong.

Understanding and using Minds Blade.

Despite not being a part of the ranks, youre already using the Minds Blade. What a gem you are

A situation where the Heavenly Demons previous void eyes were filled with unnatural desire.

I quietly smiled looking at her.

I seem to have skipped a few steps despite my imperfect Sword Aura.


But I finally learned Minds Blade.

[To be continued.]

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