Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1027: Boring Mine Nova Star Course!

Chapter 1027: Boring Mine Nova Star Course!

It suddenly became hard to breathe.

It suddenly became hard to see.

The degree of control that every other Incandescent Stager had enjoyed while holding on to the gushing might of their Territory lessened, as something extraordinary that happened outside the skirmish of the magical domains changed their priorities.

They couldn't have seen what happened just now, but Replicus had, and his sockets flared madly with excitement.

Once again, all was according to plan.

Right when Araeyn dropped and nearly fell on one of globe-like balls of Nitros, he activated [Grandiose Manifestation], and immediately, space was stretched like rubber seemingly by an unseen pair of divine, Null hands.

[Grandiose Manifestation | Lv.1]

Information passively rendered into the head of the Astute Duke of Transversal; star scapes, bizarre regions, climates and atmospheres from the wide expanses of the Null Verse, can be transposed onto an area of 50,000 square kilometers in any world, temporarily.

Mana Requirements: 100,000 NLE points

Duration: 15 minutes

Cooldown: 5 hours

All the times that Araeyn seemed to be dazed, looking over into the plain distance while ignoring tense events and casual ones while on Replicus' ship, details of random regions within the Null Verse were being passed into his mind.

With but a wish, using [Grandiose Manifestation], he could then manifest any space from the Null Verse that he fully recognised and paste it onto wherever he pleased!


The clouds elongated on the bluish canvas of the Aigas sky, the ebony sea widened like a terribly adjusted aspect ratio, and a brief, impact noise, quite similar to how paper sounded when getting burnt, ensued.

All was affected.

All except the living things - mostly.

Then, in the next second, the calm, forgiving skies past the Central Boundary, as well as the horrors of its sea vanished.

Their pressure and presence was stripped, replaced by... nothing.

Those who could afford to send their extra senses outside their Territories, were flabbergasted.

It seemed that this battle has shifted locations.

Now, it was taking place around millions of stars... within an endless, dark vacuum.

Endless dots of varying shades of piercing blue light could be seen everywhere, some close and some very, very far. Or maybe this was simply a size difference?

It was difficult to tell and too trivial a matter to consider.

What mattered, was that the remains of the Severed Union on this side of a cleaved Aigas, were drifting in unfamiliar Territory. Somewhere foreign and... mute of any sort of feeling. Eaniss frowned.

The darkness outside, illuminated only - and with great difficulty - by sparkling, distant forces, almost intruded on her bundled Nitros!

It was uncanny.

She could see a print of black on the wall that made her unformed Territory.

'Vexing...' she thought.

Warding Pride and Em-Sul saw and felt the same.

Other than the darkness, there was also a lack of air. It seemed that whatever sustainability was offered by their Nitros was barely enough to save them from the atmosphere outside.

Things could get worse if they chose to dispel their Territories!

'Damn you, Bright Storm!' Warding Pride thought as she gritted her teeth.

Several other Territory users cursed Replicus and his Unlimited. They truly seemed doomed.

Little did they know, they were in much more trouble than they would have thought.

After all...

Baddan's grin grew so fierce that his face became unrecognisable.

His Nitros ballooned to thrice its former size and knocked against those of his remaining contenders!


Everyone was shaken!

What was going on?!

Why was his Territory suddenly getting stronger?!

Above the clash, Replicus who was still perked on a thundercloud with a petrified Thrill stretched his arms wide on both sides of him.

Notifications rained in his sight, giving him blissful news!

[You have been dragged into the Boring Mine Nova Star Course!]

[The dense Null Life Essence that makes up this environment favours you]

[Your Null Life Essence reserves are forcefully amplified by 300%!]

[Your stats are augmented by 140%]

[The performance of any and all Null Life skills and Null Life related artefacts will be

increased by 250%]

The Titan World Storm Penetrator immediately became decked in circling arcs of thick, bluish white Levin that threatened to vaporise anything that touched it!

Null Life Essence even bellowed in excess within his hands involuntarily and his eyes sparked with deep lights that promised nothing, but a severe conclusion!

'Another step cleared,' Replicus thought.

As the notifications had explained, he was currently enjoying the benefits of being on home ground; a Null space.

In a way, Baddan was experiencing the same. A lesser sort of boon when compared to the Penetrator, but a boon nonetheless.

As Baddan's technique, which involved him summoning six Null beasts, was incorporated into his Territory; making up the Primary and Second assault functions, his Territory was emboldened!

The force of its expansion, and the sudden augmentation of its Primary assault function led to it overpowering not one, not two but all the Territories it had been battling against!

The stream of coloured light over his Nitros expelled multiple rays of unseen energy that shattered those of his enemies and directly dealt damage to them!

Eaniss, Em-Sul, Warding Pride and the Bishop were smacked with no small amount of hurt!

The attacks felt like long, ghostly blades that couldn't be hindered by armour cutting right into their chests and piercing their hearts with a cold, sharp and poisonous edge!


This would have ended most combatants, but sadly, it wasn't enough for these four.

Their bubbles of Nitros shattered immediately with the simultaneous defeat of the four Incandescent Stagers, revealing their vessels which floated in the dark space, and their subordinates.

Of course, because the unformed Territories were what had been keeping most experts safe, the majority of regular riff-raff fell prey to the greedy conditions of the Boring Mine Nova

Star Course.

Several turned to a pale shade of blue and floated off the ships' deck, fazing through the golden umbrella-shaped barrier as though it didn't exist!

Worse yet, their souls leaked from their bodies and were sucked far into the collections of

stars at transcendent speed!

This phenomenon, which, hilariously, was simply a result of being exposed to too much of the variant of Null Life Essence in this place, almost killed all the Masters present in an instant, but most of their Leaders acted in time.

Warding Pride vomited blood from the damage she received from Baddan's Territory, but promptly salvaged her situation and that of her subordinates with a peculiar artefact.

The Bishop completely ignored the blood staining her robes from her left chest and cackled crisply before using Creeds to replenish her exhausted mana.

Em-Sul summoned an object that looked much like a dumbbell, grasped it in his hand and somehow recovered immediately.

Eaniss was the only one to remain without showing any signs of pain or visible strain to either

her body or her clothing.

She, like the Bishop, muttered a Creed, and restored her mana instantly while giving Baddan a

curious gaze from below.

Baddan couldn't see this of course.

His eyes only stared at the mark left by Pherdanta's sword.

'It's this ship,' he thought.

That was the target.

And thus...

His Nitros expanded voraciously and rapidly.

It reached into Eaniss' ship, but upon invading its golden embrace, it simply pushed the

woman adorned in a vast ribbon away, and devoured Em-Sul alone.

Once this was done, Baddan's Territory was established.

The GeoScape was formed. Now Baddan, the enemy, and of course, Grim, Pherdanta and Allora stood, facing each other.

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