Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1103  A Penetrator No More

Chapter 1103  A Penetrator No More

Serenity turned to Replicus after settling the matter in her head. The latter didn't even realise that his benefactor had been in a conversation just now. "I had a few friends that owed me favours. They helped me out," she said simply to Replicus' question. In the name of not digging into rabid holes of information too deep for the continually shortening window of time left in the Outworld Attic, Replicus simply nodded and started to think more on the Canon Man as an option for evolution.

"This race sure is powerful. At higher masteries you don't even need to conform to the Episode creation. You can simply give yourself abilities without needing to create a disaster first. That is very handy. No wonder these guys gave everyone a run for their coin," Replicus said as he paced about, jumping over large fissures that were constantly spreading after every tremor.

"It would be great if I could call upon a disaster in Deadmanland, make all the Undead there – except for Bonet and the others – the victims, and then give myself the power to stop it. Of course, I wouldn't rescue the Liches."

This was fun to imagine. It likely took a while to develop his powers to the point where he could create disasters that could harm Divine beings though; as Somanda had become one some time ago, but still!

Of course, there was the Flaw. No, the Curse. These Canon bastards had actually been cursed to have only have limited space in their Tomes – the devises they used to write their rewrite reality. On top this, to write one sentence, a Canon Man needed ink imbued with 10,000,000 units of Null Life Essence. A single sentence! "Yes, I made sure this was a Curse not a Flaw, so that the Canon Man didn't try grow powerful enough to escape again," Serenity answered after Replicus' inquiry.

The Penetrator nodded.

That seemed fair. Fair enough for him to not consider the Canon Man as an option. The Canon Man were one-trick ponies and their one trick was severely limited. The only saving grace was that if Replicus chose this species, he'd be able to keep half of his Penetrator powers, meaning he wouldn't be entirely reliant on these reality warping abilities, but still… no.

"So, it all comes down to the Astral Draught Kestrel, the Timeless Adamantine Beetle and the Warmoth's Progeny, huh? All of them have some really enticing powers – the first two more so – and some, really deadly Flaws. Well, I don't have to put all my eggs in the race bucket. I have other channels of growth. So…" Replicus said and made his choice.

At once, the guidance field reacted.

[You have chosen 'Colossus Warmoth's Progeny' as your race!]

[Your race being upgraded, changes in progress…]

Right then, Replicus' body jerked as though shot through by a sonic spectrum. It quivered violently, and then unlike how this evolution process normally went all the times before, Replicus lost control of his body and his vision went black.

He felt nothing.

He saw nothing.

It was as though he was trapped in a world of darkness where he was able to vaguely define his own existence.

'This is new…' he thought.

The promised Tier had to have some special effects, it seemed. Or maybe it was so painful to assume a Fourth Tier racial evolution that he was put him in a coma?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Right then, the guidance field appeared in the darkness, represented in a massive screen before Replicus that proudly announced several changes he hadn't seen coming!

[Because you have elected to touch upon frightening heights even among Null Kind, your formerly basic skills as a Null Lifeform have been amplified greatly]

['Null Extraction's range now encompasses up to the boundary of any inhabited world]

['Unbound' is now usable on other animate entities]

[Static Limbo is no longer confined to a single target a time]

If Replicus had eyes, they would have bulged, and if he had body, he would performed a triumphant dance Fractures had taught him 951 years ago!

'[Null Extraction] is… [Unbound] is whaaa… [Static Limbo] can…'

Replicus was stumped.

This was…

This was ridiculous!

Just the implications of being able to use [Unbound] on others, and being able to use [Null Extraction] across an entire world were…!

'Flesh me now!' Replicus thought. He couldn't hear the buzzing of his phantoms now probably because he didn't have a body, but if they were here… He wouldn't hear the end of it. Heck, he couldn't even stop his own mind from falling into a chasm of possibilities.

However, before he could sink too deeply in it, Replicus' vision of the world was restored. It was much… higher than he remembered, though.

Notifications began spraying him right after he made an attempt to look at his body.

[Congratulations, you have evolved into Tier 4, becoming the 'Colossus Warmoth's Progeny']


[You have gained 'JU`WTTE BLIZZARD MOTION'!]

[You have gained 'PHANTOM OMNISCIENCE'!]



[You have gained +480,000 Null Life Essence!]

[You have gained +910,000 Mana]

The Penetrator was no more.

The first evidence of this was a thin streak of yellowish red lightning Replicus saw zipping past his face, then another and another. At once, he could tell that this was Ju`wtte. Different from Levin, it was not silent.

Starkly different from Levin, it was much faster.

Replicus took a breath.

He wasn't a skeleton anymore. He had a full body.

He stood upright as a spindly, four-armed creature with a height of 3.5 meters.

He was quite thin, his figure very lanky – especially his arms which seemed to desire to meet his knees with ease – but his body was extremely well defined and sturdy, not to mention smooth.

The Progeny's entire body seemed to be made of what looked like shiny, ebony ceramic. His arms portrayed the beauty of this a lot more than anything else, as each contour they had barely registered without the presence of shadow. Deep within this new ebony body, veins of yellowish red could be spotted from the outside running through him like blood vessels. This was on top of the bolts streaking over Replicus skin in wildly mind-boggling numbers, illuminating the Outworld Attic intensely.

Ju`wtte loved tracing every inch of the Warmoth's Progeny every chance it got, but without overwhelming what his figure should look like without the brilliance.

The source of the Ju`wtte, as Replicus soon found out, were two thick, long brass bracers on two of his arms, each marked with three large runic markings. These markings had a jarring yellowish red radiance that somewhat frightened the Progeny.

'This is the source the Flaw meant, I see,' he thought looking at the two bracers. They had a weight to them that took some getting used to.

Replicus' torso was bare, allowing for all to see the strange, deep, kite-shaped hole in his chest. Its purpose was yet unknown, but Replicus noted the grooves – root-shaped – growing from it to mark his upper shoulders and his upper arms.

'What this supposed to be?' the Progeny asked himself as he looked below his waist. A pair of baggy pants seemingly made of very rough, twilight fog fur covered his legs. The separation between each pant leg was almost invisible because of how low they sagged, but surprisingly, they didn't hinder the Progeny's movement at all.

"How do I look?" Replicus asked Serenity. Serenity was amused by the question. She looked at his face.

It came only after a rather long neck extended from Replicus torso, also marred by the grooves from the kite-shaped hole he had.

It was smooth, beautiful and unchanging, much like that of a sculpture.

Two large, curved slots rested on the Progeny's face, spewing out faint smoke and an eager yellow light. These were of course, his eyes. He also had a wide mouth that seemed to extend past his face and wind around his entire head.

A patch of hair nestled the top of his head – indeed, hair – only, it looked more like the light, twilight fog fur that made his pants.

It was long, soft and wavy, sometimes draping over the Progeny's eyes, sometimes falling back; it had no fixed style. "You look… edgy," Serenity said. Replicus laughed.

He felt immense strength brimming within him.

He was a lot stronger than just seconds before. Much, much stronger.

But this wasn't the thickest of it.

Beside him, space seemed to explode with frightening bolts of Ju`wtte spreading like webs, and then…

[You have received the Warmoth's Legacy, the Sacred Keys!] …!!!

Right when Replicus felt something attach itself to the rim of his pants, the Outworld Attic started to quake without ceasing. From the pooling, vigorous Ju`wtte that sounded a lot like millions of crabs clacking their claws, a massive construct struck the ground beside him.

It was fearsome.

It was mighty.

It was five times the Progeny's size.

[You have received the Pseudo-Transcendent Fond Calamity, Warmoth's Spine!]

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