Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 158: She signed the papers

158 She signed the papers

"Raymond, don't you think that we should take her words seriously?", Katherine asked all worried after getting inside the car.

"What are you talking about?" asked Raymond.

"You know exactly what I am trying to say here. I mean what he has done is wrong and he should pay for that, but do you think it's ok to mess with him? I mean his one phone call can shut your company down. Have you ever thought about it? Do you even understand how many lives are at stake here? Plus if the company goes down then you have to pay millions to the employees as part of the three-month salary clause in the company agreement. You will go bankrupt Raymond and forget about the legal issues", Katherine said with a worried look on her face.

"I am completely aware of it and I am also aware of the responsibilities that lie on my shoulders, Katherine".

"I am not going to do anything which is immature and reckless. I know how to handle him", he said and looked at Katherine, trying to assure her.

"What are you going to do?", Katherine asked all worried.

"The same thing what he did".

"What?", asked Katherine all surprised.

"He tried to hammer me at my weak point, so I am going to do the same because he doesn't know that his weak point is now my strength", Raymond said and smiled.

"You mean Akira right?", Katherine asked.

Raymond nodded and sped through. he wanted to reach home as soon as possible.

There were many things that were to be done as early as possible.

After reaching back home, he logged into his system and then routed himself to Akira's blog and he wrote,

"Sometimes you need to some things by just trusting,

Sometimes it's better not to overthink.

For you may not know what my heart is thinking,

For a small act of yours can pull me from the brink" @RodeoMaverick.

Then he took a file lying on his table and sealed it close, in a packet and then handed it over to the messenger boy to be delivered to Akira's place.

He sighed and then slumped back on his chair trying to think of what she might be doing. He closed his eyes and all that he could see was her angelic face, looking at him and smiling at him with that cute dimple of hers. His heart ached for not being able to even talk with her.

He took a deep breath and mumbled,

"Hang in there my dear, just hang in there".


After spending the entire day learning about the company policies and the facilities and the job role, finally, Akira was free by evening.

The HR escorted her to the 7th floor, to show her the seat.

Her seat was exactly opposite to that of Vikram's cabin and he could easily see her through the glass walls. He had specifically instructed Peter to get that seat for Akira so that she was never out of his sight.

The moment he saw that she was at her seat, he came out of his cabin and went to her desk.

"So how was your orientation? Everything set? If you need help with anything just let me know and I will help you to reach the concerned department", Vikram said and looked at her fondly.

"Well nothing that I can think of right now", Akira said and gently smiled at Vikram.

Seeing the boss speaking so informally with Akira the HR thought that it was best to leave the two alone and so she excused herself.

"So where do you sit?", Akira asked curiously.

"Right in front of you", Vikram said, pointing his fingers towards his cabin.

"So did you like your view", teased Vikram.

"Well, it's my first day here. Aren't you gonna buy me dinner?", Akira said and showed him the time on her watch.

"Ok let me get my coat", Vikram said and turned.

Akira pulled his hand back and said,

"Hey, I was just messing with you. I know you are busy. You were acting all cheeky so I did a bit too".

"But I am hungry", he said and left to get his keys and jacket.


After their dinner, Vikram dropped her in front of her place and wished her a GoodNight and left.

Akira reached her house and entered inside.

She bent down to remove her shoes, but before she could even remove one shoe from her leg, the doorbell rang.

She turned back to get the door and found a messenger boy standing outside.

"Hey, are you Akira?", the messenger boy asked.

"Yes, I am".

"This delivery is for you", he said and handed over the packet to her and left immediately.

Akira stood at the door for a second wondering who would hire a messenger boy to send something.

Then she went inside and opened the packet. There was a file and a small chit inside it in which it was written,

"Sign the documents. Do not hesitate. It's just temporary. I really need you to do this".


She looked at the note in surprise and then immediately logged into her computer to check her blog.

He had left her a similar message, so she was sure that it was him.

Then she opened the file and read the first page.

The file dropped from her hand and she hurriedly bent down and picked it up and re-read it again. Her face turned all white in shock,

"What have you done Raymond. What have you done?", she mumbled and kept looking at the file and then at her blog again.

"Just do it already" @RodeoMaverick

She saw the message pop and then again looked back at the file. Raymond's signature was already there. Her heartbeat was already through the roof. She took a deep breath and then thought for a while and then took out a pen from her bag and signed it next to where Raymond's signature was present.

Then she mumbled,



"What have I done".

At the other end, Raymond just heard her and understood that she had signed the documents.

A gentle smile spread on his face.

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