Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 191: Get over him !!! Get over him !!

191 Get over him !!! Get over him !!

She stole her gaze immediately and tried looking away but then she heard him say,

"Are you comfortable? Do you need a cushion or something?"

"No, it's ok", she said and tried to close her eyes again.

He got up from his seat and came to her side of the couch. His wrapped the back of her neck softly and slowly in his fingers and lifted her head slowly before sitting on the couch and then placed her head on his lap.

"Sleep now", he said and switched on his phone to distract himself.

"What if I fall asleep?"

"If you keep yapping like that, then I do not think that's going to happen anytime soon".

She pouted hearing him speak all sternly.

"Just rest for a while and then I will drop you home", Shawn said but with a curt tone again just to make sure that she rested.

She adjusted her head again and then placed her palm on his thigh and went to sleep.

A few minutes later, he recalled his attention from the mobile phone and looked at her as she slept peacefully like a baby in his lap.

His hands itched to caress her face, but he didn't dare to attempt. He just kept staring at her and somehow it brought back all the beautiful memories back from the college days and he relived them moment after moment.


Around 6 o'clock in the morning, Katherine slowly opened her eyes and saw Shawn leaning on the couch and sleeping. She looked at her watch and then slowly lifted her head, taking care not to wake him up all of a sudden. But the moment she was about to get up from the couch, she saw a big blotch on his trouser caused by all the drool that she had spilled.

"You gotta be kidding me, Katherine!!!", she cursed herself and tiptoed to the washroom with her purse. Five minutes later she came out with a wet wipe in her hand, for she wanted to clean her drool from his pants.

She knelt down in front of him and slowly began wiping that wet spot.

Just when she was about to do last swipe, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her. Her one hand was near his crotch holding his trouser and the other on his thigh with a wet wipe.

"What are you doing?"

Katherine fell back hearing his voice all of a sudden and said,

"I was just cleaning your trouser. I messed it up yesterday, I mean today, while I was sleeping".

Her face had turned all red and she looked pretty embarrassed.

She didn't want to admit it in front of him that it was her drool that she was wiping away.

"How did you mess it up?", he asked.

"Umm... actually the thing is, I tend to open my mouth when I sleep, since my childhood days and because of that I tend to.."

"Drool?", he asked.

"Yeah, sort of !!!", she said and got up immediately like she wanted to run away from the conversation itself.

But he held her hand and said,

"Do you think I don't know?", he asked looking into her eyes.

"Because of you, do you know how many times un-necessarily I had to clean my jeans in college days?", he said and then laughed.

"You knew, then why did you act up so much just now?"

"Because it's fun !!!", he said and got up.

She looked at him all surprised but then she said,

"Well, I am leaving now then. I have to pick up Kate from Regina's place and drop her to the summer camp and then go back to my routine Clinic Life".

She then picked up her phone and started searching for an Uber.

"But isn't Regina's house just next to mine?"

"Yeah !!"

"Then we can pick Kate directly from here and I can drop her at Summer camp and then drop you at your place".

"Oh no no, I don't want you to take all this trouble for me. You have already done so much for my sake even though I acted like a grinch the last time I came to your place", she said and hung her head low.

"Yes you were", Shawn said looking at her.

"But I like helping that grinch friend of mine. She is so uptight all the time. Doesn't cut me any slack though", he said and started going upstairs.

"I am going to take a bath. You can help yourself in the kitchen. I will be back in a jiffy".

She looked at him walking away.

He hadn't changed. Not even a single bit. He had the same love and care for her that he always had.

She sighed and then she heard something ringing.

It was Shawn's phone.

She immediately picked it up and went upstairs as it could have been an emergency call. She knocked on the door to Shawn's bedroom but there was no response so she went in assuming that he was already inside the washroom taking bath.

But the moment she entered, she halted then and there.

He was standing there bare chest with nothing but a towel wrapped around him and air-pods plugged on.

He had always been tall, towering at a height of 6' 3", but somehow he appeared even taller and more majestic. He was a state level tennis player and a rugged athlete and his chiseled body and well-toned arms spoke volumes of that. His abs were perfect, unlike other doctors who just slogged the whole day without paying attention to their bodies. He possessed broad shoulders and his muscles looked all taught.

He was definitely a sight to behold, suave beyond description.

She gulped her own spit and said,

"You got a call and I knocked, you know"

"Come again", he said and removed his air-pods.

"Well that explains the no answer from your part", Katherine mumbled and then kept his phone on the bed and left the room immediately.

"Get over him"

"Get over him"

"Get over him"

That was all that she could say to herself while taking every step down.

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