Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 220: That drone trouble

220 That drone trouble

"That was brilliant Akira. Just brilliant !!!", Katherine said and marveled Akira's presence of mind.

"Well, this way if the rival company uses our discarded character designs then we can complain to GCG with this video. We have enough evidence to prove this forgery and Vikram's involvement".

"Absolutely !!!", Katherine exclaimed.

"Now, can you send me the video as well?", Akira asked.

"Will you be able to handle it all alone Akira?"

"Well, I am not thinking of doing it alone now. I am going to tell everything to Raymond. I don't want any secrets going on between us. It will make me uncomfortable. It's better to leave the matters to him now".

"That's the right thing to do Akira. I always had faith in your choices".

"Is it because I chose your brother?"

And they both had a good laugh about it and kept talking all about marriage preparation and everything-everything.

After reaching office, Akira went straight to Raymond's cabin.

"Knock Knock"

"Come in".

As Akira came inside she saw David and Raymond discussing something dead seriously.

"I will come back later then", David said and was about to get up and leave the room but Akira stopped him and said,

"Umm... Can you stay David? I have something to show you both".

Then she came closer and placed her phone on the table and started the video.

Just few seconds into the video and Raymond turned back all surprised,

"You told you are going out for lunch with Kat. What are you doing with Vikram?".

His voice sounded pretty displeased.

"I am sorry", Akira mouthed to him and then said out loud,

"Just watch the video till the end" and they both did.

After the video ended, both of them looked at Akira all surprised.

"You knew about him?"


"But how?"

"I didn't want to, but somehow I heard you talking about it."

Raymond looked at David and shook his head in mild displeasure.

"One more thing I forgot to add, the character designs are our rejected ones. You don't have to worry about it".

"What we have now is solid proof of his involvement. This can have severe legal repercussions for Vikrama and his company", David said.

"And how bad will it be?", Akira asked David with a hint of worry in her tone.

"Well, that depends on the level at which we decide to take action".

David could sense a bit of tension in Raymond's expressions and decided to take his leave so as to give time to those two love birds to sort out things and communicate.

After he left the room, there was dead silence that panned inside.

Akira took her phone and then sent the video to Raymond and then sat down on the chair opposite to him silently.

"You do know that this was a risky move right?"

Akira nodded.

"You do know that it could have backfired on you?"

Akira looked up at him and then nodded again.

"Then why would you go to all these lengths?"

"For us".

Raymond heard her and that very instant all the rigidness that was skyrocketing inside him vanished in a second.

Getting up from his seat he stormed towards her and leaning on to her he said,

"Why you keep surprising me like this?"

"I didn't mean to. Just wanted to have something concrete for you and I want you to know that I trust you more than anything else in the world. So you don't have to worry about anything. With you, I am ready to face anything Raymond".

His heart turned all mushy when he heard her and he cupped her face and gave a deep wet kiss till she was out of her breath.

"Mmm... ", she moaned tasting his lips on hers.

Then coming close to her ears he said,

"I will punish you tonight. This will not go unforgiven".

Her eyes opened wide in shock and before she could even buy a verb to speak, he said,

"Scoot now, your lunch break was way too long. Simon won't be happy with it".

Akira got up and ran back to her seat, trying to hide her blushing face.


[Later near a playground close to Delphie premises]

"Damn David !!! Press the left button, not the right one".

"Ahh... my brain freezes when you give so many commands simultaneously".

"Doesn't matter, you have crashed it anyways", Raymond said and walked ahead to pick up his drone.

"I don't think I will be suitable for flying this drone, not even with daily practice Mr. Raymond".

"But I need someone who can fly it efficiently and needs to be really really good at it. But most importantly, someone whom I can trust".

"I understand that Raymond, but I don't think I am the right candidate here. Can't we pick up some college kids who are actually great at it?"

"They might be good but they can't be trusted. If they spell out one word about it to anyone then that's it. Probably that would be the end of my career. There is too much at stake here".

Raymond said and all disappointed he returned back to the office.

Later in the evening, he picked up Akira and they first went to her place as Akira wanted to pick up some stuff.

As she entered her room and was busy packing her stuff, she yelled,

"Mike can I get my iPod back".

"Yeah, it's on my table in my room. Go and get it yourself".

"Why can't you pick up and give it to me?"

"Because I am busy watching my game here"

"You are good for nothing, you know that?"

"Thanks for the compliment".

"Hey hey, you both. Stop fighting. I will get the iPod", Raymond said and entered Mike's room. He picked up the iPod from the table and just when he was about to return back to the hall room, he saw something on top of Mike's magazine cabinet and his eyes gleamed wide open.

He rushed back to the hall room and asked,

"Mike, do you fly drones?"

"Fly? Touche'. More like I build them".

Raymond's lips curved in a smile.

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