Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 228: An unbreakable vow !!!

228 An unbreakable vow !!!

As they reached the City Council, Akira was still grumpy. So she didn't even wait for Raymond to come and open the door for her.

After getting out of the car she looked at Raymond and said,

"You are not allowed to touch me today. Hmmphhh...."

"Are you sure?"

"A hundred and one percent".

"But I can bet that in just a couple of hours you will be the one kissing me first".

"Oh please. Not even my pinky finger would like to kiss you", Akira said and stormed upstairs towards the inquiry.

"We will see about that", mumbled Raymond and followed her upstairs.

At a distance of around fifty feet, an Aston Martin was parked with all black tinted windows screened up. The driver saw Raymond and said,

"Sir he has reached".

He shifted his gaze from the newspaper and looked outside.


Katherine and Shawn had already arrived before them and David was also there as Katherine had specially invited him.

"What took you guys so long", Katherine asked looking at Raymond and Akira.

"She was too busy eating yogurt", Raymond said and gave a look at Akira and all that she could do was to bite her lips and then gave out a fake laugh to everyone.

"Seriously Raymond, you think we don't understand your yogurt?", Katherine said and laughed.

"We have been allocated room number seven. We can start with the process now".

"Yessss", screamed Kate and looked happily at Shawn. She was perhaps happier than Katherine.

"What's with that dress Kat? You really want to have your marriage pictures clicked in that dress?"

"Yes, we do", Shawn replied before Katherine could even attempt to speak and then fondly looking at her he said,

"Its time babe".

They all went together to room number seven and the officiator was already ready there for them. Looking into her eyes, Shawn held Katherine's hand in his arms and they marched ahead together, ready to start a new chapter of their life together.

They completed all the legal formalities and signed all the required documents. Since it was a legal courtroom marriage, there was no priest to read the quotes or help them take their vows, but they were ready, ready to take their vows and narrate their promises.

She had imagined for this day throughout her life and now that it was here, she couldn't fight her tears back. Looking into his eyes, she came close to him and said,

"I promise to keep you and only you in my heart till my last breath. I promise that no matter how long my day has been, I will never forget to kiss you a good night and I hope that when I die, I die in your arms".

"Mom no. No one dies", Kate interrupted them in between.

"No one is dying here my sweetheart. Your mother is just being overdramatic", Raymond said and comforted Kate with his own weird sarcastic ways and like always they worked.

Shawn heard her speak and his heart became all emotional and looking deep into her eyes he said,

"I do not want you to die in my arms. I do not want to hold you when you die".

Katherine looked up at him all confused and her brows were all knitted up.

He smiled gently looking at her he raised his hand up and then he gently traced his finger around her brows and said,

"My eyes do not want to see the day in which you are not present. So if you leave, then take me with you. Don't you ever dare to leave me alone? I don't want to want to spend a day without you around me and I promise you that I will enlist all my seconds, all my minutes and hours in your name. All my time will be yours and only yours. I promise you that."

Their promises were so touching and filled with warmth that Akira got all emotional and her eyes started to brim. She turned and looked towards Raymond who also turned towards her at the same time. Their glances met and Raymond mouthed in her direction,

"I love you".

"I love you too", she mouthed and smiled all happily and wiped the tears in her eyes.

"Now please say after me", the officiator said and they both followed.

"I, Shawn Cummins take you Katherine Walker to be my wife".

"I, Katherine Walker take you Shawn Cummins to be my husband".

And then they spoke together,

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife", saying that the officiator lifted the gavel and struck it on the table and looking at the vibrant couple in front of him he said,

"You may now kiss the bride".

It was the moment for which he had been waiting for eternity. This was it. Their souls didn't need any tag, they were already bound with each other like an unbreakable vow. Taking a step ahead Shawn came ahead and held her face in his hand and said,


And next his lips did the talking.

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