Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 230: Come closer and I will make you believe

230 Come closer and I will make you believe

David looked at the picture of Akira and Raymond captured on his DSLR and a smile spread on his face. Looking at the lovely family together, all that he could do was to smile. It had been years that he had seen them together and happy like this.

He immediately transferred the pictures into his mobile phone and sent them to someone.

Katherine was the happiest person in the room because she not only found love for herself today but she also had her brother, find the love of his life. Now everything seemed sorted out for them. It was the beginning of a new phase in their lives, an exciting and happy one it was.

Turning towards Akira she said,

"I knew that you would say yes, but you should have seen my brother freaking out".

"Was he?"

"He was rattling like leaf today morning and he..."

Katherine's statement was interrupted by a call on Raymond's phone. It was from Mike.

"Hey, Mike !!!"

"So is it done?"

"Yes, it is and she said yes", Raymond beamed.

"Obviously she had to say yes. I knew that already and I told you so. I don't know why you were worrying unnecessarily"

"You never know what runs in the mind of a girl, you can never ever guess what she really wants. Especially this one".

Akira punched him again hearing his statement and then snatched the phone from Raymond's hand and said,

"So you knew about it?"

"Of course I did. Do you know, he told me officially about it and took my permission to propose to you since I am family? I mean, who does that these days? He is a keeper Akira. Don't make him regret his decision".

"I know Mike, I never will".

Akira disconnected the call but everyone could see that the smile on her face had become bigger and brighter.

"He told you about it, didn't he?", Raymond asked.

"That guy, can't even keep a thing to himself", Raymond mumbled but Akira came forward and kissed him on his cheeks and said,

"I like you so much more now Mr. Raymond".

And then the party decided to move on to Shawn's place to celebrate.

They talked for hours and ate happily. Mike also joined them later.

After putting Kate to bed, Katherine and Shawn excused themselves for a walk in the park while Mike was busy playing on Shawn's Xbox.

So finding the room all to themselves, Akira said,

"I feel like dancing with you right now".

Raymond got up from his seat immediately and pulled her into his arms because that's what he was dying to do.

Leaning on his chest she said,

"I still can't believe Raymond that I am engaged to you?"

"Come closer and I will make you believe", Raymond said and pulled her even closer. So close that the only gap between them was of their clothes.

"Did you mean it?"

"Did you mean all of it?", Akira asked as her tiny little brain was still not able to process the fact that they were already engaged.

"When I said I loved you, I meant it from my heart. I desire you, but my love for you is greater than any desire that is lurking in my heart".

She looked up at him and her eyes spoke of nothing but love.

Taking a deep breath and looking at her, he said,

"I will never let you disappoint your mom".

Akira looked up at him with a question mark on her face.

"I had read your old diary".

'When did you?"

"That's not the point that I wasn't to discuss now Akira."

"But why would you do that?"

"I wanted to know why you never did anything with Anthony, I mean I knew there would have been moments, but you never took a step forward with him. I didn't know how he resisted you for so long when I can't keep my hands away from you for even a second".

"So I wanted to know if I was doing the right thing before I took any step further".

"Raymond you..."

"I know about it Akira. I have read it all. You had promised your mom that you won't do anything until you find the right guy and get engaged. So I wanted you to keep that promise intact Akira. So before I touched you, I just wanted to make sure that we kept our part of the promise".

Akira couldn't believe her ears when she heard his reasons.

She was touched, beyond touched.

How could a man, risk everything just for the sake of keeping a promise that she had made? How could a man take a leap of faith just so that she didn't have to cross the line?

"Do you think, you will be happy with me, like forever? Am I good enough for you?"

"Will there be a time, where you will regret your decision?"

He ran his fingers on her cheeks and said,

"If I would have delayed it even by a day, I would have regretted. If there was any way possible, I would have done it even sooner".

"Why?", she asked touching his hand.

"Because I am dying for GCG to finish. My hands are itching to touch you. And I swear on the seven heavens, if I do, I won't stop Akira. I just won't".

She came closer and kissed on his cheeks and said,

"Then win it for me tomorrow".

"And what do I get in return?"

"Tomorrow night, at this same time, I promise I will make all your wildest dreams come true. But now you need to go back home and rest well. We have a big day tomorrow".

Saying that Akira held his hands and took him downstairs.

Shawn and Katherine were back from their walk so they said their goodnights and Raymond dropped both Mike and Akira at their place. But before Akira could enter inside the door, he pulled her hand back and gave a deep kiss on her lips and whispered,

"Wear something inice in black tomorrow night, for me".

His car then zoomed into distance, but she stood there looking in his direction, touching her lips, wishing tomorrow night to never end.

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