Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 232: GCG - The walk of victory

232 GCG - The walk of victory

Vikram's hand turned all cold after hearing Akira's statement. He wanted to retract his hand back, but he just couldn't. The look in her eyes, the confidence that she had on Raymond, the way she looked at Raymond, it all killed him bit by bit.

He gave a fake smile and then said,

"I am going to check on some other matter now".

And saying that he left the booth and dragged his hurt self forward.


[10:30 am]

It was time.

The announcer came to the control center and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We welcome you all to the 9th Annual GCG event, 2019".

And the entire arena was filled with loud cheers.

"So to inaugurate the event we have amongst us the CEO of Infinion Mr. Garrison Pollard. A big round of applause for him guys".

Suddenly all the cheers and all the applause started to faint for Raymond. He looked towards the control center and saw Mr. Pollard walking towards the dice and somehow the blood dried in his veins.

"What happened Raymond?"

Akira asked all worried, as she saw the color drain from his cheeks.

"He was the man who called off my dream deal at Singapore", Raymond said gritting his teeth.

"Then prove him today how wrong his decision was", Akira said and looked at him with her assuring eyes.

Mr. Pollar held the mic and said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's GCG is a record in itself, for this year we have record participation of fifty-seven companies who are going to fight for the title".

Again the whole arena was filled with the sound of applause.

Vikram sat with a smug face in the control center because he knew it was already time for Raymond's dream to be shattered into pieces.

"So to make this event a bit special, we have decided to let only those companies participate who can help to give a live demo of their Virtual reality-based rounds augmented with their system. We know it is a sudden change in the rule, but that's how we mix it up".

There was a sudden silence that spread across.

"What to do now Raymond? Why did they suddenly changed the rules now?", Simon asked all worried.

"This was not what we signed up for", Kirk shouted.

"This is the complete bending of rules. This is anarchy", they shouted.

All their effort was about to go into the drain, but rather than that there were more worried about the setback that Raymond would face. But surprisingly he was taking it all well, he looked all calm.

Turning towards them he said,

"I will handle it. Trust me on that".

And suddenly there was a huge uproar in the arena as many of the companies now were debarred because of the new rule. It took more than fifteen minutes to get the entire crowd under control and when it was, Mr. Pollar again went up to the Mic and said,

"Your booths have been provided with a Go Live button. And the teams which have there AR and VR augmentation ready, please press on your Go Live buttons so that you will be included for the first round".

"May the best team win !!!", saying that he took his seat back.

Next, the announcer came on the dice and took over the charge of holding the first round,

"So now we have 2 companies ready with Go Live, and now we have a third one from Compton Ltd. The clock is ticking people, last 60 seconds to Go Live and to participate".

There was chaos at Delphie's booth but unfazed with all that Raymond was busy with his system. Then he looked up and Kirk and said,

"Make it Go Live Kirk. From Display number 2".

"But we don't comply with the rules".

"Actually we do", Raymond said and smiled.

"Last 30 seconds",

Kirk heard the announcement and panicked. He rushed and made the system Go live in 10 seconds.

"We have a fourth participant now Delphie systems".


Vikram exclaimed and got up from his seat all surprised.

"This can't be happening. Not possible".

He was unable to understand, how this was happening.

After taking a couple of steps ahead he called up Peter,

"Can you explain to me what is happening? How can they participate even after the rules have changed?"

"Their game supports it. I have just now checked their Go Live banner. They have AR plus VR support enabled. I don't know how but they do".

"I had checked their project update. There wasn't anything mentioned about it", Vikram shouted.

"I know, even I am surprised, Mr. Vikram".

"Then do something about it".

"I will try to see what I can do".

"Wait a minute", Vikram asked and paused.

"Where is the venue for the final round".

"I am not sure about it sir. But I guess some forest nearby".

"Increase the wired transaction value for the members. I need venue number 2".

"But the venue has already been fixed by them".

"Then make them choose a new one. But it has to be at Venue number 2. I need that to change now. make it happen, Peter. At any cost".

Saying that he disconnected the call and stormed from the control center towards the central display.

The banner of Delphie was projected on the screen loud and clear.

As he looked at the banner, his fists clenched and his eyes burned within in rage.

He heard someone's footsteps approaching him and before he could turn he heard his voice and knew that it was him.

"Isn't the banner amazing !!!"

"Yes, good work", Vikram said trying hard to suppress his anger.

"Well, all thanks to you".


"Because you sent an angel to me who did it all".


"Akira did it, all of it !!!".

He said and glanced at Vikram, who was rotting from the inside. Then smiling at him he walked back towards his booth. There was clear sign of victory written all over his face.

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