Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 236: Proclamation of love

236 Proclamation of love

Both Akira and Mike stood there all shocked because they never expected him to tell it so soon.

"Wait, what? You and Akira?", Simon said almost on the verge of shouting.

"Can't be. You two are dating? I mean right under our nose, all this time?"

Kirk said with both his hands placed on his waist unable to believe what he just heard. Then turning towards Akira he asked,

"Is he telling the truth or he is pulling a prank on us?"

Akira stood there all silent, unable to process this sudden turn of events.

All baffled, Simon turned towards Mike and asked,

"She ain't telling or conforming, at least can you tell us what is the truth?"

"The truth? I mean whatever he just said. That's the truth", Mike said shrugging his shoulder.

"But when, how, it's not possible", Simon retorted.

Kirk then looked at Simon and spoke with a hint of irritation,

"You told us that she was dating Vikram and that's why she went to work in his company. And now this. What sort of information are you feeding us, man?"

"I just told you what I saw", Simon replied.

"I never dated Vikram. He was just a friend. A family friend", then turning towards Raymond she said,

"But this man here is everything for me".

She smiled looking at him and that smile was enough to tell that she was truly, madly and deeply in love with him.

"Holy cow !!!. How long have you two been dating?"

"A couple of months, give or take", Raymond replied all nonchalantly.

"So you guys have been fooling us since long?", Simon asked, still unable to process all the information.

Raymond smiled hearing their accusation and said,

"Well not exactly. We were just not explicit".

"Now let's pack up. This arena makes me all dizzy".

"Pack up and leave? Do you think we will let you so easy? It's time to hit the bar now and you are treating", Simon said and Kirk joined him in unison.

"But guys this is not a victory yet. We need to wait for the third round to finish".

"We are not going to celebrate this victory, we are going to celebrate you two. And we are not taking No for an answer".

Raymond looked at his ecstatic team and caved in.

"Fine guys. It's been long that we celebrated. But on one condition".


"None of you will bring the hangover back to the office tomorrow. Because we have a lot of work to do before Tuesday's event and tomorrow is the only day that we got".

"Oh yeah. we are down for it", they all screamed in unison and started packing.

They were about to reach the parking area when Raymond saw Vikram leaning on his car. It was obvious that he was waiting for them.

Seeing him Akira's nerves flinched in an instant. It was extremely hard for her to keep all that hatred inside and still act cool with him like as if nothing had happened. Raymond could sense it and he instantly curled his arm around her waist and lightly squeezed it and said,

"Focus on me and not him and stay cool. You can do it".

Akira looked up at him all amused, unable to understand how he could read her like she was an open book. She smiled back at him and held his hand holding her waist and walked along.

"Congratulations are in order my friend", Vikram said and extended his hand towards Raymond.

Raymond shook his hand and pasting a fake smile on his face he said,

"Thanks. Wouldn't have been possible without your support".

"I always had faith in you and your company".

"Me too", said Raymond and smiled back looking directly into his eyes.

"So how is the preparation for the final round? I mean the rules are changing every minute. Is the final play round of your game ready for it?"

"Well technically yes. But God knows if some evil mind tries to manipulate the rules again, then yeah we might be going for a toss".

Vikram looked at Raymond trying to read between the lines but before he could say anything further, he saw Raymond's team coming in full force. So he decided to stay silent.

"Ah, Mr. Vikram are you shocked to hear the news too?", Simon asked.

"What news?"

"The news of these two being together?"

"So you made it public?", Vikram asked all surprised looking at Akira.

"Oh yes, they have. Just now. And he is treating us at a bar as well to celebrate", Simon added.

Vikram stood there staring point blank at those two like he had lost his pulse.

He felt like they both took a knife and had stabbed him deeply, right in his chest. But he couldn't let his emotions make a fool out of him. So he somehow got them under control and asked,

"Am I invited to the party?"

"Of course you are", said Raymond and smiled at him.

"But just a friendly suggestion. I mean the last round is on our head. So don't you think it will be better if we can strategize and fix anything that is pending from our side to ensure a hundred and one percent readiness? We can celebrate after you are back. I had checked with the authorities and you guys need to leave tomorrow for the game. So I guess we don't have much time in our hand".

Raymond looked at Vikram and then looked at his team and then said,

"Well one beer won't hurt, would it? They all have promised to behave".

Raymond looked at Vikram and he could clearly see that tension lines were forming on his face.

Then looking at Akira he said,

"I guess you guys could have waited till the event was over. What was the rush to tell them?"

Raymond took a deep breath and said,

"I am not a man who waits for things to turn its way. I believe in turning things towards my way. So if I like something, then I put a ring on it. I don't wait".

Akira smiled hearing Raymond and then deliberately brushed her hair behind her ears, showing that rock on her finger.

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