Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 238: Karaoke night again

238 Karaoke night again

"Yeah we should", Vikram spoke even though deep down his heart screamed to say no to that.

"Awesome, I will make my special Chicken Biryani for you both", Akira said and smiled, unaware of the fact that how much this statement would hurt Vikram.

Chicken Biryani was something that Akira always cooked only for Vikram and that too when he requested or whenever she wanted to please him. It was something that was special between only the two of them. So he couldn't bear the thought of Raymond taking away something that was special between him and Akira. Raymond was tearing away every possible bit of him that was connected with Akira and was replacing that with himself.

Vikram's eyes burned with jealousy and anger and he said,

"I am taking my leave now. Have a lot of work pending in the office",

Saying that Vikram turned and left without even bothering to turn back even once.

As he left Raymond looked at Akira and asked,

"I thought you took screenshots on your laptop. When did you take pictures on the iPad".

"I transferred them, you know just in case I had the opportunity to show someone when it was needed", Akira said and grinned.

Raymond looked at her and shook his head,

"I have turned you into an evil devil".

Akira smiled and asked,

"But a cute one right?"

Ruffling her hair, he turned back and looked at Simon and said,

"We are going to Tony's for just one round of beer and Karaoke. No one will drink more than one beer. Ok?"

"That's more than enough to get our parched souls all pumped", Simon said and happily turned towards his vehicle to start for Tony's.

Mike had already left for Teddy's place, so only Akira and Raymond went along with their teammates.


"So when did it start between you two?", Simon asked immediately after getting seated.

"Yes, we want the complete story", Kirk cheered.

"I knew that something was going on between you two after our first war room meeting itself. Wasn't it? God, you were so possessive about her", Simon asked and Akira blushed all scarlet.

"Was it that obvious?", Raymond asked looking at Simon and he chuckled and said,

"If it wasn't then would I have been asking you about it now?"

But then Kirk interrupted.

"No, I think she fell for him after he saved her from that attack and he would have fallen for her because she took care of you. isn't it?", he said and looked at them eagerly.

In order to avoid all the plethora of questions which were being served to them both or rather darted, she got up and picked up the mic and said,

"I am gonna sing a song coz that's what we are here to do".

"Which song?", Raymond asked looking at her.

"You will know when you hear it".

"Wooohhooooo", her team-mates cheered her as she went ahead.

She chose the song and before the song started, she looked at Raymond and said,

"This one is for you".

3.... 2..... 1

The first time we met,

didn't feel like you were the one.

With every passing day, I yielded,

falling into the web you had spun.


You subtracted my sorrows,

multiplied my joys and blessings.

You made me feel home,

as we ventured into new beginnings.


Every untrodden day with you

is nothing but a rollercoaster ride.

My heart is instilled with

unfathomed faith with you as my guide.


Oh, baby baby, I know you know it.

But still, I will say it

You are the ONE.


[Rhythm .....]

[She slowly swayed with the tune of the music but her eyes were fixated on him and he gave her all his undivided attention. He went into flashback and remembered the night when he had seen her at this same Karaoke place in Vikram's arm and how it had affected her and a smile curled on his face]



I have felt all myriad emotions,

overwhelmed I fell strange at times.

But when I just hold your hand,

life falls into place and everything rhymes.


Many months have passed,

but why does it feel like five days?

Your smile, your charm,

still smitten you set my heart ablaze.


Oh, baby baby, I know you know it.

But still, I will say it

You are the ONE.


Oh, baby...

You are the ONE.

She closed her eyes as she finished the last line, but before she could open her eyes, her lips registered the touch of his lips. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. The Raymond that she knew was always reserved in public, always correct with his behavior, never did he go out of the line in front of his colleagues. But somehow today was different. He was standing up there in front of everyone, proclaiming her with his wet and intense kiss.

"More and More", their teammates cheered and it was only then that he released her lips.

With her head bent down, she stared at the floor unable to speak or say anything and started biting her lips. Then she thrust the mic in his hand she ran back to her seat.

"Now you gotta show her how much you love her. Sing a song Raymond", Kirk shouted.

"Sing a song"

"Sing a song"

He cleared his throat a bit and then holding onto the mic he said,

"I am not good at singing. So I can't tell you how much you mean to me by singing a song but maybe I can tell you something to make you feel how deep and how intense my feeling are for you".

"Woohhoooo", everyone clapped and cheered.

He smiled looking at everyone but then his eyes turned towards Akira and looking at her he took a deep breath.

"I have to confess something to you".

"I didn't fall for you when you started working in our office. I had fallen for you way before that".

Hearing that Akira's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Yes, that's the truth. I came here once and saw you in someone else's arms. You were nothing to me back then. We were not even acquaintances. But the sight of seeing you with someone else other than me was unbearable."

He smiled and then continued,

"I don't know why. It was weird. But it was like a stab wound straight through the heart. So painful that I just couldn't breathe. I had no idea why. I struggled hard to not to think about you, but there wasn't a day ever since that you didn't haunt me. The thought of losing you even though you were never mine in the first place was the most intense feeling that I had ever felt. I had no idea who you were but I think my heart had already fallen for you."

She heard each every line of his and her eyes were swarmed with tears.

I literally thought I had lost you until the day you came to my office for that interview.

And I knew it was a sign from the universe because it had sent you back to me again. And honestly speaking, that day itself I had decided,

"I am gonna make this girl mine".

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