Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 241: That night with her - 2

241 That night with her - 2

Suddenly his lips curled in a smile.

He fondly looked at her and said,

"I always knew you were good at keeping promises".

He extended his arm and brushed his thumb on her lips and as her lips parted with his touch, he said,

"Ready to go?"

She slightly nodded her head and he traced her lower lip again before starting the car and when he did, he just sped through.

The tires of his car screeched as he braked in front of his house and he immediately came out of the car to open the door on her side of the car.

He held her hand and escorted her in like she was some princess and after he unlocked the door, he turned towards her and said,

"Wait here for two minutes. I will be right back", and saying that he quickly went inside.

Akira stood there outside the door laughing in her head, picturing him gathering all his dirty laundry and hiding them before she entered.

A couple of minutes later he came back and said,

"Close your eyes and open only when I say".

"Really Raymond? You don't need to hide any mess from me".

"Oh please, just stop using your head and come inside. Close your eyes now", saying that he came behind her and with his one hand he closed her eyes and he wrapped his other arm around her waist to guide her inside.

As they reached close to the stairs, he removed his hands and said,

"You can open your eyes now".

As she opened her eyes she saw the entire staircase lit with bright golden yellow rice lights and petals of rose strewn all over the place.

"Oh my God. You did all this for me?"

"Well, I had some inside information that you are too much into Bollywood. So I had to make it all cheesy for you just the way you like it. So do I pass? Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it, dummy".

Akira said and turning back she kissed him on his lips and then asked,

"Do we have roses all over your bed as well"

"That's kind of part of the whole package", Raymond said and chuckled and then tracing his finger over her collar bone he said,

"But I am going to rig you so hard, it's all going to turn into much".

She picked his finger from her chest and then lightly ran her fingers on his ear and said,

"I can bite, you know !!!"

Saying that she smiled and started climbing up, but then suddenly she heard him say,

"You are not escaping from me that easy" and saying that he scooped her in his arms and kissed her deeply and when she moaned he traced his finger near her neck and said,

"Your lips will only be busy saying my name tonight".

Saying that he smiled and climbed up. Once he reached the end of the staircase, he gently put her down and asked,

"Want to drink something? I need you hydrated".

"Some water would be nice".

"I have something special for you", saying that Raymond immediately went to the bar and got a bottle of wine but only one wine glass. He poured the white wine into the wine glass and came close to her.

"Where is my glass?"

"Why do you need a glass?"

"Ooohhh so we are sharing glasses now. How cheesy of you Ray. I didn't see that coming".

"We aren't sharing the glass".

She looked at his face with a question mark unable to comprehend.

"We are sharing my mouth".

Saying that he took a sip of wine and inched closer.

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