Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 260: The GCG finale - 4

260 The GCG finale - 4

After the scouting round was over, all the teams assembled near the confluence point where they had the session earlier.

Richard Taylor got up to the stage and looking at all the participants he said,

"Pick up as many bottles of water as you want and food supplements. The round will be of max one hour, but still, I would strongly advise you to take them in case you get lost in these dense forests."

"If you aren't able to complete within one hour then that itself will be disqualifying your team. You have to do it fast but the amount of points attained in each snatch is associated with the level of difficulty. So snatching fast doesn't mean snatching the best".

Then he signaled the man holding the fog-horn and said,

"Your finale round starts in 3, 2, 1 Go....."

The loud noise of the Fog-horn reverberated through the forest. All the contestants marched forward along with the spocks assigned for the game.

Raymond positioned himself strategically at the central place which sat at the center from where all the five targets were equidistant. He handed the written co-ordinates of all the places to Mike and Simon and then said.

"Remember, it's now or never. Go !!!"

The drone controller needed constant programming and control via the central unit which was with Raymond because the limitation of the game was that they had given only four controllers in the drone, but they could be configured. So depending on need, Raymond would program them for altitude, movement and rotation direction, etc based on the snatch needs.

Simon sped through the jungle along with Mike for their first snatch. The camera display unit wasn't integrated with the drone controller and only Simon could see the live camera feed and guide Mike accordingly. The restrictions on movements were a lot, but they had to use them to their advantage.

So soon after reaching the first snatch point, Mike immediately started riding his drone.

"Commander !!! Rider calling. I need altitude, right turn, snatch and video-enabled".


"Go for Rider !!!".

As soon as Mike heard it he looked at Simon, whose video screen was enabled in an instant and he started giving him navigation instruction.

"12 degrees to the right. Around 16-17 feet more up".

"Hang on Mike".

"Turn 2 degrees more. Bang on Snatch".

Spock1 immediately relayed,

"Team Delphie's first snatch completed within a record 3 minute 37 seconds."

Mike gave a high five to Simon and then they moved towards the second target immediately. Since the control options were limited, the other two teams were finding it difficult with the navigation of the drone.

"Commander, Rider calling. Snatch 1 completed. Moving for the second snatch".

"Go for Rider and hawk-eye".

Mike and Simon moved deep into the forest where a machan was erected. Navigating the drone was tuff in that area as the canopy was overly dense.

Simon placed himself under the tree while Mike moved ahead to get to the vantage point to start flying his drone.

"Rider starting. Enable somersault, deactivate...".

"Deactivate what Rider?", Raymond asked as he was unable to hear what Mike spoke next.

"Commander are you there?", Mike kept on repeating but alas, his voice couldn't reach Raymond.

Then Mike remembered Raymond's words and immediately changed the batteries of his Walkie-talkie. While he was doing so, the team of Gamma Corp completed their first snatch.

After hearing the relay, Mike's hands worked even faster and then he rebooted his Walkie immediately and punched into Raymond's walkie.

"Commander, Rider here. Deactive snatch, repeat deactivate snatch".

Raymond did so in a jiffy and replied.

"Rider on go".

"Hawk-eye to guide".

"Altitude 7 feet more, yes come on, right turn now, somersault and increase altitude by 5 feet more. Go on Rider. 10 degrees right turn, maintain altitude steadily. No somersault needed now.".

"Commander, activate snatch, deactivate somersault".

"Activation is done".

"Rider Snatch".

"And once again team Delphie has taken the taken the second fastest snatch in 12 minutes and 8 seconds", relayed the Spock3.

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