Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 266: She was ready to beg

266 She was ready to beg

As she started driving the car towards Katherine's place, streams of tears started pouring from her eyes. She didn't even want to think of the worse. She had no courage to even think of a life without him. So her mind had conditioned her to think that he was still ok.

Her heart wanted to halt and embrace the pain but she still drove ahead all determined, because she wasn't ready to believe that Raymond could leave her just like that.

She pounded on Katherine's door and when she opened she blurted,

"Where does your dad stay?"

"What happened Akira? Why do you want to meet my dad all of a sudden? And why are you crying in the first place?"

Katherine raised her hand to wipe her face but she flinched away.

"Something had happened to Raymond and I want to know if he did all this".

"What has happened to Raymond?"

Akira looked at her and gulped her own spit and said,

"I don't know, he just fell down from the waterfall and people, people aren't able to find him back. I don't know how it happened or who did all this, but right now I need his help".

Saying that she looked at Katherine all blank and then said,

"He cannot leave me all alone like that right? I mean we didn't have any time? I need more time with him. He had promised to be back by tomorrow morning and I don't know where he is right now."

Katherine slumped on the floor after hearing what Akira had to say.

Akira looked at Katherine and said,

"Why are you slumping down like that? He is just missing. We need ways to find him. We need money, we need manpower and there is only one man who can provide all that".

Katherine looked up at Akira.


"You think he will help?"

"I don't have the scope of an IF in my life right now, Katherine. He has to help me. I have to go there now. I don't know. Raymond might be suffering there all alone, without food or anything. I can't sit here peacefully. I will beg, I don't mind but please take me to him".

"I think you don't know the fact that he hates us, from the bottom of his heart".

"I don't care about it Katherine, can we please go to him?".


[At BridgeRoad Residency]

"Do you have a prior appointment?"


"Please help to provide your identity then. I will try to contact inside first".

Getting all irritated Katherine came out of the car and punched in the security code at the gate and the gates opened in an instant. The security was amazed to see her being able to open the gates.

Looking at him she barked,

"I am his effing daughter for God's sake".

And saying that she sat inside the car and Akira zoomed inside before the security could say a word.

As they reached inside, Sebastian was shocked to see his daughter in his house, dead in the night in her night clothes.

"What brings you here?"

"My brother".

"Raymond is... ", and her voice just chocked and seeing that Akira barged in,

"Raymond's life is in danger. He was in the Amazons for a gaming contest and he fell into a waterfall from quite some height."

"So?", Sebastian asked all nonchalantly.

Keeping her fuming anger in control Akira requested,

"People aren't able to find him and we need your help to search for him. You have resources and we know you can do it. So please can you help us? For the sake of your son?"

"And who are you, with so much audacity to ask me all this?"

"I... I work at his place".

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