Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 365: And the dance begins - 2

365 And the dance begins - 2

Looking at a random guy, holding the hand of her girl, helping her to balance, was something that didn't go well with him.

His fists, his jaws, and his body clenched and convulsed in anger, but he knew that he had to hide it underneath the facade. So taking a deep breath he looked at her and she looked back at him all worried, as she knew it well that this was not the way he was expecting the things to go.

Thanking him with a shallow smile, she resumed her practice.

"Ok guys now let's move on to the next step. How to move around with your partner. All the girls, can you form a line here and all the guys can you form a line on this side", saying that Raymond pointed towards the marked points.

As they all assembled in a queue perpendicular to him, he took a deep breath and then said,

"Oh for this, I would need a partner for demo."

As he said that, he could see that Patricia's eyes gleamed and she was about to come forward, but before she could even take a step forward,

"Can I volunteer as your partner for this demo?"

Raymond looked in the direction of the voice and saw her hand raised up and a playful smile spread on her gentle face.

"Miss ?"


Then looking at Patricia, Akira said,

"Hope you don't mind. I need to master tango as soon as possible as my marriage is in a week and my soon to be husband is a dance expert", saying that she shot a look at Raymond and then continued,

"So for our first dance on our wedding day, I want to surprise him with my Tango skills."

Hearing her touching story, Patricia said,

"Oh please dear !!! Go ahead", but somehow deep down, Patricia felt crushed as she was really looking forward to dancing with the handsome instructor.

"Now that we are all set, Miss Allie, would you mind to come forward to the center of the room", saying that Raymond extended his hand for Akira.

After she joined him at the center, Raymond said,

"Patricia, maybe you can join with Allie's partner", saying that Raymond pointed towards Tim, who reluctantly waved towards Patricia.

"So Miss Allie, you ready for the moves?"


Hearing the yes from her, Raymond went ahead and started the music.

Then coming close to Akira he said to the class,

"Now this is how I expect you to hold your partner. Imagine your partner is like a glass vase. very delicate in itself. So you can't hold her too tight because that might break her and you can't hold her too loose as well, because that will break her too."

Saying that he extended his right arm and?very delicately brushed the tip of his fingers from the nape of her neck to the center of her back, just above her tailbone and rested his hand there firmly.

"Like this", he said and looked into her eyes before looking at the rest of the class.

"Now I want you all to hold you partners in the same way."

As the members tried to do the hold, he whispered into her ears,

"Allie huh !!! Nice name you got there."

"Umm....", she mumbled and looked into his eyes feeling all weird and shy as she had no idea what next he was going to do. He next held her other hand with his free arm and extended it outward. His grip was firm yet tender and with his thumb he kept grazing on the skin of her palm, making her blush perennially.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

When he saw his students ready, he looked into her eyes and whispered,

"Just submit yourself to me?"


He smiled and said,

"Let your body be mine now", and saying that will one pull, he brought her breathtakingly close to himself. They looked so beautiful and perfect in each other's arm that the rest of the class stood in awe.

"Bend", he said and taking a step back he made her lean all over him, carrying her body on top of himself, they both bent like grass swaying in the wind. With the next beat with his hands, he pushed her back upright and placed his palm behind her back.

Then with a devious smile of his face, he said,

"Bend back", and saying that he placed his other hand on her chest and pushed her back. As she arched her back he asked her to raise her one leg up and then fall back in position taking one step ahead. As she stood back and took one step ahead with her leg, he bent a bit down and her leg crossed on top of his thigh.

She was dangerously close to him and her eyes were locked onto him. He could feel the heat from her body.

Gulping his own spit he muttered,

"Jesus Christ"

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