Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 492 - 174: Why do you want to kill me?_3

Chapter 492: Chapter 174: Why do you want to kill me?_3

Leonard Churchill also thought it should be so.

The literal meaning of this passage is that he had promised her something and left a written note as evidence?

When this passage was read out loud, a heavy sense of irony swept over him.

Leonard Churchill could even envision a scene: he was writing these words with a sly smile on his face.

The entire Summer Shepherd City would rewind in time, only the words on this statue remained.

Even a fool would know there was something wrong with this statue.

But it was just this line of text.

There were no other clues.

Catherine Carter did not dwell on why she was killed last time, and asked in a strange tone, “But…why didn’t you carve some useful clues?”

Hearing this, Leonard Churchill shook his head with a wry smile, “I actually did.”

Catherine Carter looked at him in confusion, “Huh?”

Leonard Churchill said, “The clue is… with my current abilities, it is impossible to make carvings on that statue. There is only one explanation, that is, the me at that time had already deciphered the secret of time rewind. But I chose to stop at the last step of rewinding time. The most likely reason is…”

Catherine Carter blurt out, “To rewind and resurrect me?”

Leonard Churchill nodded, “Yes.”

A certain look flashed in Catherine Carter’s eyes: Does this guy genuinely care about whether I live or die, thus giving up the opportunity to leave this Mysterious Realm?

Leonard Churchill knows his character well, obviously feeling that the key point was not who, butthat “promise”.

But he didn’t explain, and added, “It might not just be you, but also Colin… or perhaps there are some other things in this Mysterious Realm that have not been fully explored.”

As for Elder Clinton, he felt that if the three of them died, this old man would certainly survive.

Catherine Carter was listening but seemed to be half-understanding. She asked, “But why didn’t you leave a more direct clue?”


Leonard Churchill found it hard to answer.

Although he has completely lost his memory, he was the one who carved it, and he could fully fathom the state of mind at the moment he was carving.

He couldn’t possibly say that it was a challenge he left for himself, could he?

Given the same situation,

Ordinary people would definitely leave clues for themselves.

But Leonard Churchill very clearly knows himself, he wouldn’t.

This Time Reverse Secret Realm was one of the most amazing challenges he ever faced.

Moreover, judging from the situation, he had already cleared the level last time.

The joy of such a rare opportunity, even if there was a chance of death, he would have wanted to experience it again.

Or perhaps he wanted to unlock a higher difficulty?

Probably so.

Seeing his expression, Catherine Carter seemed to have guessed something and said it out loud for him, “Is it because you were certain in your heart that you could break through the level last time, so you’re sure you can do it this time too?”

Leonard Churchill smiled without commenting.

Once these words were spoken, the atmosphere became a bit weird.

Just like now, three pairs of resentful eyes were all focused on him: why didn’t you leave some clues?

But the probability was just as such.

Last time without carving, he was able to break through the level.

With such favorable conditions this time, it shouldn’t be impossible.

Catherine Carter looked at his expression, thinking that she understood, but the more she thought about the context of his words, the more she seemed to sense his intense disdain for death.

She was even more confused and thought to herself, “What a complex guy…”

She always thought that she knew Leonard Churchill was wise, calm, and collected, but now her perception of him suddenly changed.

This guy actually had such a crazy side in him.

Elder Clinton obviously didn’t think as much as Catherine Carter, nor was he as meticulous as a young lady, pondering a man’s thoughts.

He was looking all over the statue when suddenly he said, “Huh… there is a groove behind this statue.”

Leonard Churchill, and his companions’ gaze was drawn to it, but they could not approach the statue resembling a moon in the water and hence did not have a clear view.

Elder Clinton took a rubbing of the groove behind the stone carving.

Colin breathed in surprise, “Isn’t this the same Bronze Snake pattern the train conductor gave us when we came off the train?”

The pattern replicated from the rubbing was recessed – a perfect fit for the Bronze Snake they possessed.

It appeared to be a key fitting into a lock.

But in all actuality, it must be a highly esteemed ancient seal.

Understanding dawned on Leonard Churchill and his companions in that moment.

Regrettably though, the pattern depicted a circular motif of a snake grasping its tail.

And the Bronze Snake they held was just a single one.

“So you’re saying we need to find another Bronze Snake now?”


“It’s strange, what’s beneath this seal?”

“Most likely the remains of the Weeping Angel.”


Both Elder Clinton and Colin had seen the Weeping Angel before.

And Leonard Churchill got the Angel Feather from the Lionheart Family, Catherine Carter would probably be in the know of this as well.

Leonard Churchill saw no reason to hide anything.

However, Catherine Carter’s focus seemed to lie outside of this, she asked again, “Despite it all… I’m still curious… why were you trying to kill me?”

Despite the fact that she resurrected, she realized that Leonard Churchill wasn’t trying to kill her maliciously.

Moreover, he risked his life, betting that she could resurrect after one reversal.

The entire scenario was refined and remarkable for a lady, like her, brought up in a top-notch noble family.

Leonard Churchill chuckled, “I truly cannot give you an answer.”

However, he didn’t have much time to ponder over it given the sudden abrupt happenings in Summer Shepherd City.

On a pitch-black hill not far away, a ridiculously tall wooden building emerged out of thin air as if it were a mirage.

The wooden building was nearly a hundred meters tall and glowed splendidly with intricately carved beams and painted rafters.

Through the window panes, one could spot countless shadows of people moving around, the place bustling with activity.

Although the architectural style matched that of the wooden buildings in Summer Shepherd City, wasn’t this height a bit overstated?

On spotting this abrupt emergence of the wooden building, Leonard Churchill and his companions immediately realized the tasks lying ahead of them.

In no time, Leonard Churchill and his companions reached closer to the wooden building.

From a distance they noticed a group of people bustling around the building, arranging what appeared to be a large array.

Catherine Carter immediately recognized those people, surprised she exclaimed, “Those guys have made it here, too?”

The leader was none other than her cousin, Kak, along with Vivian White from the White Family.

Leonard Churchill’s eyes narrowed subtly, “Looks like they found another way to get here.”

Previously, they arrived here via the Ghost Train.

But not everyone could survive passing through the eerie time domain on the train.

It couldn’t have been managed by a large force such as the one they were looking at.

The only possibility was that these people had some alternative method up their sleeves.

Catherine Carter frowned slightly and spoke in a serious tone, “That woman has shown up which means my position must be compromised.”

It was Leonard Churchill’s first time hearing Catherine Carter address someone so insolently as “that woman”. It appeared the two bore a substantial grudge against each other.

However, he did not see it as a bad thing for their position to be exposed.

The Catastrophe in this Mysterious Realm was more threatening than people, the intruders might not necessarily gain any advantage.

Just as their conversations came to an end, and as Catherine Carter predicted, ear-piercing laughter echoed in their ears, “Well, if it isn’t the junior Carter!”

At this, a woman dressed in a white sundress formed from a distorted gleam of light not far away.

On witnessing the entry of the woman, Leonard Churchill’s pupils contracted faintly; he couldn’t understand her sudden appearance.

Just as Catherine Carter said, the characters from the White Family were indeed, mysterious yet formidable.

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