CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 356


"No, I'll come back myself. He's very busy." Joey doesn't have to tell Ye Lin the truth. It's not nice to talk about the quarrel between husband and wife.

Ye Lin's eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't ask any more. He just listened to Li Jia talking to Joey about the party for a while, and Joey listened carefully.

All the way to the hotel where the banquet is located, Joey was a little confused when he saw the flash of the media.

"Don't worry, they're not shooting us, it's the stars."

Li Jia and Joey quickly walk past the flashlights, and Ye Lin is closely protecting them.

"Hoo Why didn't you tell me? It scared me to death. I haven't been through such a big battle yet. " Joey really felt a little scared, even though those people didn't shoot her or didn't know her.

"Well In fact, this battle is really not big. " Li Jia laughs, "maybe your husband will take you to a more grand ceremony later."

Joey felt that even if she did, she wouldn't go.

"They won't put us on the news. Don't worry." Ye Lin knew what Joey was worried about, so he said.

"That's good." She doesn't want to be the focus of others.

Then they walked into the party together. On such occasions, Joey was not more beautiful than her. Her beautiful figure attracted men's eyes from the beginning, but she was so unconscious that she seemed to be just a humble woman. Her eyes are still so clear and beautiful, but at the moment, looking at his eyes is cold.

Sun Zhizhang's heart slightly astringent, yes, Joey does not hate him even if good.

"You and Did you go to Kyoto? "

Sun Zhizhang had known about Lu Jingyun for a long time. He thought he was superior at the beginning. Finally, in people's eyes, they are just clowns.

"Well, take time to come back and see your friends."

Joey is indifferent to sun Zhizhang, but his eyes are looking for Li Jia, hoping that she will come to save her.

Sun Zhizhang also suddenly did not know what to say. He was not qualified to be her friend.

"I'm sorry, I'll excuse you." Since there was no one to rescue her, she left on her own.

Anyway, there is no need to be polite to people like sun Zhizhang.

Looking at Joey's back, sun Zhizhang's eyes are gloomy.

"Ah Zhang, is that your friend?" Yinxi came over and looked at Joey's back, her eyes narrowed slightly. She seemed to have seen this woman before.

"Yes." Sun Zhizhang didn't talk about Joey much. He was silent and didn't say anything to Yin Xi.

This is a memory of his own, even if this woman how to please him, also have no right to know.

Joey looked at the delicate snack in front of him with a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not only wine. For Joey, such a snack was the most considerate.

"Your old lover again?"

Joey was scared by the voice behind her, and almost choked out the snacks in her mouth. Fortunately, she swallowed it in time, picked up the side of the champagne and took a sip, when the water was smooth.

When she turns around and sees someone coming, she is not polite.

"Why are you haunted?"

"You're flying around." When Lin Yanchen saw Joey, he was in a bad mood. In the past few nights, he has been quarrelling with Joey in his dream, or he will be upset when he sees her smile. Therefore, he, who has a bad sleep, brings his anger to reality. It was even more unpleasant to see Joey, the culprit who made him sleep so hard.

In particular, there was something wrong with the man's eyes just now, not to mention that many men present tonight had their eyes on her. Hum, sure enough, cloud elder brother is not in, she flower butterfly like recruit a man.

"Be polite." He said she was a butterfly?

"Hum, does Brother Yun know that you wear such clothes?"

Joey puffed at the corner of his mouth Do you care? "

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