CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 408


"Really? That's great. Come back quickly. I don't think I can sleep so well without you holding it at night. "

Joey didn't mean to be coquettish, it was.

When I was alone in bed, I was really not used to Lu Jingyun around. I closed my eyes at night and no one held them. I didn't sleep so fast. Even if I fell asleep, I would wake up in the middle of the night. I would wake up again after waking up for some time. When I woke up early in the morning, I even saved my brain.

"Honey, I'll take you with me when I go on business." Lu Jingyun is the same, without his own little woman holding, he is also uncomfortable sleeping.

"You don't have to divide the company. Maybe I'll get used to it if I get used to it

"What are you used to? I can't get used to it. "

"Don't be overbearing. What are you talking about? Work is important. Don't be coquettish Joy jokingly coax Lu Jingyun to comfort him.

"Yi You come to America to accompany me. "

If he said that he would not be coquettish, he did.

"Don't worry if I go on such a long flight alone?"

Lu Jingyun said a lot. Well, he is not at ease.

"Next time, I will take you next time." For a man who always wants his little woman by his side, it's really a torment to have no wife for so many days.

"Say it again." Joey doesn't make such a positive commitment. " Good, you should have a rest. I still have to go to work. Although the boss is not in, I have to be a good employee and I can't be lazy

"The boss gives you the right to be lazy. Steal it again."

"Steal your head." Joey retorted with a smile All right, you go to bed. I count dozens, immediately lie down, hang up. 1、2、3……”

"Good, good, you count slowly..."

After ten, Joey said good night to him and hung up.

"What good night do you say in broad daylight? With whom? "

Yang Fan didn't know when she appeared behind Joey with the folder. Seeing her guilty look, she must have made a lot of private phone calls.

"No wonder you hide in the warehouse and call your husband sweetly?"

"Ha ha He went abroad on business

"Good night, isn't it? It's still night over there? Well, I said, how can you and your husband always be so bored? I've really convinced you. "

Joey shrugged and laughed, "I don't know. That's what we think we should do anyway

"Well, maybe you have a long shelf life. I think for the longest three years, you can see if you can be as tired as you are now. "

"I think so." Joey decided without hesitation.

"Don't be so sure. We'll see." Yang Fan knows that the people in love are not so greasy and crooked. After a long time, they will fade down and gradually turn from love to kinship. At that time, the feelings were dull but they would be watery.

However, she did not know that Joey and Lu Jingyun are not in general love and marriage process. Their feelings are gradually cultivated after marriage. Even if it is a greasy and crooked period, it is still early.

"All right." Joey doesn't argue.

"Since your husband is not here, don't rush home at night. Let's eat together."

"Yes, it's your treat." Joey made a preemptive strike, and Yang Fan's family smoked. " Well, the more money, the more stingy

"Ha ha I'm just stingy. I'm not picky. I'll take whatever you ask me to eat. "

"well, Mrs. Kuo, I has the final say to go to the evening where I can eat. I must not complain."

"Of course, I won't complain. It's too late for me to be happy with food." She has not always been so rich. She has also suffered a lot.

In the evening, Yang Fan took Joey to a barbecue stand on the side of the road instead of a high-end restaurant.

Instead of complaining, Joey was more excited and happy.

"Ha ha, I knew you would like it." In fact, Yang Fan is not really mean and harsh. Joey has heard Joey say that she likes to eat barbecue. However, the husband who loves to eat barbecue is very considerate to her. She is afraid that her food is not clean and her stomach aches.

"I love it. Come on. First give me twenty kebabs of barbecue, and then some roast vegetables, everything except green pepper." Joey was not polite at all, but he was ready to eat so much that he forgot that he had been admitted to the hospital for eating barbecue.

Yang Fan is also generous. He really wants to feed Joey enough. " How about another beer? "

"Good." Joey thinks that she can handle a little beer, and there should be no problem.

So they sat on the roadside stall in the heavy smoke, drinking and eating meat happily.

During the period, the two people do not stick to small sections, bold and frank laughter attracted passers-by frequent side eyes. I think it's two women again.

After drinking enough, Joey didn't look drunk. Yang Fan knew how to behave. They just shared a bottle of beer, so they didn't get drunk.However, as soon as Joey got up and almost lost his footing, Yang Fan thought, well, the amount of wine is too small.

"It's OK. It's OK." Joey laughs foolishly. They walk to the side of the road. Joey reaches out and stops the taxi. Yang Fan, after all, is worried and gets on the car with her.

Yang Fan helped Joey into the taxi, only to remember to ask Joey's home address.


Joey seems to be a little confused. He blinks and looks at Yang Fan. Maybe he looks innocent. Yang Fan is helpless and asks again.

"Joey, where do you live? I'll take you home! "

" my family, I live in Tianjing garden on XX road! "

Just finished, Yang Fan just felt a breath, hiss Where do you live?

The driver seemed surprised and asked Are you sure it's Tianjing garden? That place is not accessible to ordinary people. "

"I think so." Yang Fan looked at Joey and said to the driver, "go to Tianjing garden."

But he muttered to Joey, who was sitting on his shoulder with his head on his back.

"You girl, you said you were rich. I didn't expect that you would still have the money to live in Tianjing garden. It's really hidden!"

"Hey, hey..."

Joey seemed to be a little sober and a little confused, only smiling and enunciating indistinctly: "that's where my husband used to live."

"Isn't your husband yours?"

"Yes, yes." Joey sat up straight at once, but in fact, there were some crooked armchair windows He is mine, and all of them are half of mine. "

"Tut You're smart All property is divided in half, even if it is separated in the future, it is definitely not a small amount.

And the people who can live in Tianjing garden can't imagine the base number of property.

Anyway, it was higher than Joey's rich wife she had imagined.

"I'm smart? It's not... " Joey hit his head against the glass again and knew that he would not touch it with his hands,

"OK, you're not smart. You are a fool, you are a fool. "

"Yes, that's what Xiaoxiao said about me."

Yang Fan smiles. It seems that she can see through Joey, a lucky girl.

Looking at Joey's dazed eyes closed, no longer said anything, Yang Fan did not ask any questions.

Until the car to the Tianjing park outside, directly blocked by security outside the park.

"Joey, Joey, wake up and get home."


Joey just sober up, look at Yang Fan, look at the car, for a while did not respond.

"We're outside your house. The security guard won't let us in. Tell the security guard."

"Oh, oh..." Joey pokes his head out of the back of the car and looks at the security guard. As soon as the security guard sees Joey, he is courteous and even flattering.

"Mrs. Lu, you are back. Are you? "

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