CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 413


Joey's eyes bent with a smile and said, "it's kind of like uncle."

"Yes?" Lu Jingyun put his head in front of her and kissed her lips, making Joey dodge slightly because of the prick of his beard.

"Uncle, do you smell it?"

The toot that Joey hates It's stinky. It's so dirty

Lu Jingyun's doting smile. "Who am I doing this for? Do you think I'm dirty

Joey was silent, a little bit lower. " You worried, husband? I'm sorry. "

Lu Jingyun's black eyes narrowed. "Do you remember how you fell?"

Joey thought about it and asked, "did you find out? Is it Lu Min? "

If not, Lu Jingyun would not be sitting here so calmly now. She would like to find out when she is asleep.

"Any more?"

Joy looks at Lu Jingyun in embarrassment. "Do you know?"

Lu Jingyun doesn't speak, but his expression has already let Joey know.

"It seems that I saw Sister Zhang's figure and followed her. I wanted to ask her what was going on, but she was pushed down. Later, I vaguely heard the conversation between Sister Zhang and Lu Min min. she was forced to have no choice. In fact, I think she still can't bear it, so I haven't been left in the stairwell without noticing. Otherwise, I don't know if I'm going to die now... "

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Jingyun immediately covered Joey's mouth and looked at her with some displeasure. Obviously, he didn't like Joey to make fun of his life so casually.

Joey took his hand and apologized Sorry, I said the wrong thing. However, I just want to say that you should not kill Sister Zhang too much. It seems that her family is threatened, and it is not easy. In the company, Sister Zhang takes good care of me

Joey knew he was hurt this time, Lu Jingyun should be furious. Even if he can't see anything now, Joey doesn't think he's so calm behind his back. Of course, she would not give up when she was hurt or even threatened with death. For the culprit, Joey will never appease, but Sister Zhang is a little pathetic after all.

Joey can't bear it. Sister Zhang, who once reminded her to be careful in Kyoto, would have given her the care she had given her before.

"Well, don't worry about these things. I have my own discretion."


"Besides, I'm angry." Lu Jingyun warned, Joey just shut up.

Sister Li walked into the ward at this time. Hearing that Joey was injured and hospitalized, she immediately made some nutrition soup according to Lu Jingyun's instructions, and also brought some necessities for the two people.

"Are you awake, madam? That's great. Thank God. I've stewed big bone soup and made some food. Sir, I've brought the clothes. You've been guarding your wife for such a long time. Go and have a rest first. I'll just stay here with my wife. "

"Yes, you take a bath and have a rest. There is a bed over there. I'm fine."

Lu Jingyun nodded and went into the bathroom with the change of clothes.

Sister Li helped Joey to sit up slightly, but it didn't take much. She was careful to feed Joey, but Joey felt embarrassed.

"Sister Li, I can still move one hand. I'll do it myself."

"No, I'll feed it. Don't move, madam. It's always good to be careful. I don't think you're doing a good job. Who is so cruel? "

While feeding Joey forcefully, Sister Li murmured low curse on the wrongdoer.

Joey had no choice but to bear it, hoping that these days in the future, it would not continue like this.

Lu Jingyun changed his clothes and came out. Looking at Joey's eyes calling for help, Lu Jingyun laughed.

"Honey, you should have some. Finish eating and go to the next bed

Lu Jingyun also took the lunch box handed over by Sister Li. However, he did not care about Joey's request for help. He took the lunch box to the side of the small tea table and sat down. There was a distance between Joey and looked at her protest eyes. He ate more happily.

In the end, Joey was fed and finished. Sister Li packed up her things and walked out of the ward. It's enough to have Lu Jingyun here.

"Don't sit here, go and lie down. You see, your dark circles are out. They're not so handsome. "

Joey touched Lu Jingyun's cheek with his fingers and turned around in front of him, making a sound of heartache.

Every time she is hurt or in a bad mood, it's not just herself that suffers. I believe Lu Jingyun will also suffer from her. D

transposition thinking, if Lu Jingyun was lying in bed today, how would she feel.

She can imagine, Lu Jingyun is in what kind of mood to rush back to see his injury lying in bed when how distressed.


Lu Jingyun kisses the palm of her hand. " If you call me, I'll squint for a while

"Don't worry, I'll sleep with you."Lu Jingyun just lay down on one side of the bed, body side, looking at Joey.

Joey only slightly tilted his head and looked at Lu Jingyun. They looked at each other and laughed. They were reluctant to close their eyes.

"Go to sleep." Joey urged.

Lu Jingyun just closed his eyes and kept smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Joey didn't sleep as she said. She had been sleeping much better. Now she looked at Lu Jingyun and couldn't bear to move her eyes. She watched for a long time.

When he heard his breath sink, Joey drew back his eyes and looked at the white overhead.

She almost forgot Lu min. when pan Shuai was still here, Sister Zhang reminded herself not to offend others. She was afraid that at that time, Sister Zhang had been threatened and bought by Lu min. But at that time, pan Shuai, or Sister Zhang couldn't bear to remind herself instead of giving her a stumbling block.

She thought Lu Min would be silent because of the incident, and the Lu family was finished, but she could still think of a way to revenge herself.

Joey didn't know what kind of feeling she felt in her heart, when the injustice was coming back to each other, whether it was the people she had dealt with before, or whether people would retaliate in the future. What would it look like?


it's a little late, which has kept you waiting.

Perhaps because of the momentary sadness in her heart, Joey had some fragile thoughts in her heart.

However, such an idea is only a moment, and it doesn't make you uncomfortable all the time. She couldn't let such thoughts affect her life.

After all, revenge and other things, or those in the heart of the abnormal people will do things, she will not have no reason to hate people.

People like Lu Min are not willing to do so, and they are twisted in their hearts.

Lu Jingyun will deal with Lu Min, she does not want to know. Before I wanted to be insulted by a man, but now I want to kill her. How can I deal with Lu Min.

Joey is not a soft hearted lady. At least she has to give her a tooth for a tooth. Of course, she believes that Lu Jingyun's degree of tit for tat will be more times.

Lu Jingyun woke up after a few hours' sleep. When he got up, he didn't seem to be asleep. When he woke up, joy spoke.


Lu Jingyun used his fingers to climb the broken hair in front of his forehead and sat down beside the bed.

"Drink some water. I told Sister Li to go back first and make some dinner. "

Lu Jingyun got up and poured water. He gave Joey a few mouthfuls before drinking.

"How does your body feel? Does it still hurt? "

"Well, don't worry about me." Joey looks a lot better, but the bandages around her body and head look a little scary.

Lu Jingyun's fingers gently brushed Joey's forehead, but as if he did not dare to touch, his eyes flashed with heartache.

"I don't know if there will be scars."

Joey knows that she has stitches on her forehead. Although her hair may not be obvious in the future, every woman can't accept the scar on her face.

"No. Even if there is, it can be removed surgically. Don't worry, there will be no trace. "

"Yes." Joey believes what Lu Jingyun said. If there is no such thing, there will be no such thing.

"What about the cooperation projects in the United States when you come back in such a hurry?"

"You don't have to worry about that. The cooperation has been confirmed. I will let Li Heng stay there to deal with the follow-up. There will be no problem. "

"That's good. However, I basically keep it now. There is no danger. If you're busy, do it. "

"There's nothing to be busy about. You're the only one that matters."

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