CEO, Your Wife Wants Divorce Again

Chapter 452


Joey said the address and quickly asked, "don't you come here? Just let the driver come. "

"Twenty minutes."

"Well, I'll go in and sit down and come out."

After hanging up, Joey looks at the time and says 20 minutes. That must be 20 minutes.

Joey scratched his head, forced himself in and found the box, where the people were already singing.

"Joey, how did you come?"

"I answered the phone and my husband asked me when I would go back. Ha ha He's a little worried. "

Joey said this to let these people understand her, maybe generous to let her go.

"Let your husband come! We didn't see him when we went to the hospital to see you. Just take this opportunity to get to know each other. "

"Why, is husband Joey coming? That's good. I've caught Joey so early. How could he be a handsome man? "

These people make a fuss, but Joey is dumbfounded. That's not what she wanted.

"No He's a little busy, and he's very introverted. He's not used to meeting strangers

"What do you say? A big man is afraid to see people? Are you reluctant to let him see people? Is it a handsome man

"No, just ordinary people." Joey laughs awkwardly, and before they ask again, he runs away to order a song. "What do you want to sing, I'll give you some!"

"If you want to sing, you should sing one!"

"I can't sing. I don't know how to sing."

"That's not good. Sing it for us. You have to sing it."

They're not going to let Joey go. Joey has no choice Then I'll think about what to choose. "

I looked at my watch and thought that when they finished singing, I should be able to get along without singing.

After 20 minutes, she would make an excuse to leave. She just hoped that Lu Jingyun would not come to frighten her again.

Behind Joey, a group of people are talking and laughing. One or two are singing, the others are talking or playing games "This little bee, that little bee." Joey can only sit on the front song table and light the screen, but he doesn't order his own songs at all.

As time drew near, Joey looked up at his colleagues and opened his mouth That... "

No one heard, or her guilty voice was too low.

Even Yang Fan is playing with people. Joey shakes his head, pulls the microphone aside directly and announces to the microphone.

"Colleagues, you go on playing. My one... "

People who come back to their senses look at Joey and see her expression that she is going to leave first.

"No, it's only a few minutes. Joey, you're the main character today. You can't go."

She didn't think she was the main character.

"Yes, I can't leave. If I go back a little later, will your husband miss you and be unable to sleep?"

"No, it's something at home."

"What's the matter so late?"

Joey can't argue. He looks to Yang Fan for help.

Yang Fan received Joey's eyes and laughed, "OK, don't embarrass Joey. Let her go. Maybe there's something wrong with the family. "

"This Well, let Joey sing a song before leaving. Let me enjoy it when I come. "

Yang Fan spread out his hand to show that you must go after singing.

Joey looked at the screen, and it was playing again Anita Mui's "intimate love." I'll sing it then

"Well, when you sing well, I'll let you go."

"I don't think your husband wants you, but you miss your husband. It's a pity that he's not here. He can't hear such a good song

Others joked and joked, Joey had turned his back to the crowd, some embarrassed cheeks turned red, and slowly sang to the screen.

"The wind is still blowing tonight. I think you are gentle, and your days are extremely relaxed.

Not without a trace, just want you too thick, how can you dream all the time.

Love on the way to have you, I am not lonely, you are so good to me


Dear ones, dear ones

This is the most exciting time of my life... "

With Joey's soft voice, the intimate lover sang from her mouth, but it was extremely graceful.

Joey was embarrassed at the beginning, and gradually put himself into it. He thought of Lu Jingyun, his kindness to himself, and their intimacy

"Dear ones, dear ones..."

The music gradually stopped. With Joey's singing stopped, there were not many people behind. When Joey finished singing and his mood was not even, there were only scattered applause.

She doesn't care whether others listen seriously, but Joey really wants to Miss Lu Jingyun at this moment tonight.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go first. You can keep playing.""Well, we'll have a chance to do it next time."

"You don't have to. Go on. I'm going."

Joey took his bag and waved his hand. Seeing that they were busy again, he quickly opened the door and went out.


As soon as Joey opens the door, Lu Jingyun leans against the wall in the front porch and looks at Joey with a smile.

"You Why did you come in? "

Joey quickly looked back. No one came out. He stepped forward quickly and took his arm. "Go home."

Lu Jingyun but with her steps forward, in walking to a box door, suddenly hugged her, opened the door and walked in.

"What are you doing?"

In the dark box, Joey is against the door panel. Through a transparent gap on the door panel, you can see the lights in the corridor. If someone walks around, you can see clearly.

Joey only felt that Lu Jingyun was a little strange in front of him, and he felt his burning breath blowing in his neck like this, which seemed to be a little excited.


"Sing it to me again."

Lu Jingyun kisses Joey's earlobe, and his voice is a little heavy. The attractive magnetic voice makes Joey's body tremble.

Although the realization was very dark, Joey couldn't help blushing.

"Did you hear that?"

"I love..."

He looked up from Joey's neck, reached out and turned on the light, and his black eyes went straight into Joey's eyes.

Unable to adapt to the light, her eyes narrowed slightly. Lu Jingyun had already pulled her to the middle and sat down.

Lu Jingyun curled up with her and drew her closer. She kisses her from time to time on her forehead. The voice of laughter overflows.

"Go, order a song. I want to hear it."

Joey chuckled shyly. "Have you reserved this box?"

"Well, I'm afraid you won't come out all the time. Wait here first. I didn't expect it. I heard the surprise. "

Joey blushed and quickly got up to order the song and asked Lu Jingyun again Since I don't go, I'll listen to you sing, too

"Say it after you've finished singing:

hum, this man doesn't even hum when he takes a bath. She has never heard him sing. I don't know what it's like to sing a song with such a beautiful voice?

When the prelude sounds, Joey sits on the song ordering platform, and Lu Jingyun reaches out to her Sit down. "

Joey is really shy. He sings intimate love in front of him. Of course, he can sing without him.

Lu Jingyun eyes urged, Joey slowly walked to Lu Jingyun side, but was pulled by him, and then he was steadily placed on his legs.

"Start, don't be dazzled, sing quickly..."

Joey turned his face, ignored the people behind him as much as possible, and began to sing, staring at the pictures on the big screen

“…… It's not without a trace... "

"Dear ones, dear ones..."

"Well..." A song is not over, singing intermittently, only because the man did not intend to let her sing well, dishonest hands around her waist groping, and his lips are covered with her ear lobes, when she sings to her intimate lover, hands have already rushed into her chest Lu Jingyun, be honest. If we don't listen, we'll go home. "

"You sing your song, I listen..."

"Listen to what? That's how you hear it? " Joey's mouth twitched, pointing to the position of his hand, protesting.

Lu Jingyun is not embarrassed at all. Instead, he looks at Joey innocently.

"Honey, it's not my fault. It's you who sing so well. As soon as you sing the intimate love, I want to love you hard. What should I do?"

Joey stares and blushes. "You Go home and... "

Lu Jingyun approached her face and kissed her on her red cheek But there's a lot of feeling here

I feel like a fart!

Joey bit his teeth. " Stop singing and go home. "


Lu Jingyun quickly pacifies Joey. " All right, all right, Yi. I won't disturb you. I'll listen to you finish. When you were singing there, I really liked it. Honey, can you sing it again? I will not interrupt you this time

Joey looks at Lu Jingyun's sincere expression Honey

"Well, if you disturb me again, I will kill you."

Joey agreed to go on again. He got up, left his arms, and sat down at the bar.

Lu Jingyun didn't chase after her, but her eyes followed her all the time. Her legs overlapped and her body was sitting lazily, looking at Joey's attentive appearance.

Her singing is not particularly beautiful, but it has a special taste. Her soft voice, from the beginning of stiffness, has gradually been infected with deep feelings.Just listen and know that she has entered into it, as if thinking of something particularly sweet.

Lu Jingyun's mouth is smiling, his black eyes are affectionate, and his eyes are firmly locked on Joey's body.

Ha ha In fact, the little woman is also shy. Just as she sings about her intimate lover, he will be a little excited. She will also be speechless, as if it is hard to speak shyness. Her eyes will be swept over secretly at this moment. When she sees him watching all the time, she quickly shifts her eyes, like a frightened rabbit.

His Yi baby is still so lovely and painful, he said it is true, he really want to put her in the body at this moment, mercilessly love.

When the music was over, Joey got up and went back to him.

Lu Jingyun pinches Joey's chin and stares at her lips.

"It's just this little mouth. It's so beautiful to sing. Darling, I must try it often..."

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