Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 171: The Infinity Technique

Chapter 171: The Infinity Technique

In the quiet of the cave, Laz slept. When he opened his eyes, he was met by the blue haired goddess of abuse that had been silent for a long time now.

"It's you!" Was all Laz said while she smiled back.

"Do you know why I summoned you?"


"Sigh. You creatures. I'm not sure if you're being stubborn or you're just stupid."

"Who are you?"

"You're not at the point where you need to know that yet. Instead, let's talk about you. Based on everything I know, you shouldn't exist. And yet, here you are..." The sexy woman was sitting at her white wooden table while sipping something from an exquisite looking tea cup while her eyes ran along Laz's body. Had this been the first time he came in contact with her, he would have been more scared of that look. As it was, now he was just somewhat annoyed and so stood there without saying anything or moving. When she finally finished though, she nodded her head somewhat and told him to sit down.

But Laz didn't move.

"Is there something you don't understand about what I said?"

"Just tell me why I am here again. Obviously you want something so just come out with it," Laz responded annoyed.

"There isn't a gentle bone in your body, is there? Here I am, offering you a seat and you can't even appreciate it," she responded while pouting.

"Should I? I know nothing about you, or wherever the hell we are. And on top of that, you don't even bothering tell me anything. I'm not complaining, nor do I really even want to know. Just say what you've brought me here to say and let me get going..."

"Heh he he he... You've become so mature compared to the first time I met you. And yet, to me, you will always be a child. And you think I don't know what I pulled you away from? Mating on the ground like animals with some random bitches you picked up? Truely, the minds of you creatures is hard to fathom.." The girl's words trailed off while she shifted her position, the hem line of the red, wood fiber like dress seemed to ride up along her flawless white skin, almost to the point of showing something that would normally be kept hidden. Laz didn't even spare it a glance this time.

He was way too angry.

The black flames of his inner energy raged out like an expanding hurricane as his eyes flashed and turned blood red. The tattoos on his chest, having reduced down, expanded out to cover his upper chest and arms as he looked at this girl in rage.

"Don't fucking insult them..."

Yes, that's what he was angry about. He didn't know who this girl was and although she had helped him a couple times, that didn't stop him from being pissed off about the way she spoke about Ruby and Leona.

"Well, arn't you all serious all of the sudden." With that, a golden light flashed from the girls eyes and spread out to contend with the blood red from Laz's. As the two energies met, the blood red light was barly able to hold on for a second before being crushed by the golden light. Not only that, but the golden light continued to spread, covering Laz and putting out the black flames that had surrounded his body. They too lasted only a moment. Once the golden light hit his body, he was sent flying from where he stood, not stopping until he had hit the stone light wooden wall of a small gazebo in the girl's garden.

Laz had been defeated with but a casual glance from this girl. But she was far more shocked that he was. If one took a moment to consider her realm as opposed to his, his energy shouldn't have been able to resist her's at all. As in, he should have been instantly crushed as soon as the golden light hit him. But that fact that it didn't caused her to be amazed. Seeing him panting in front of her from the strain of having fought her as he got up, the girl couldn't help but reveal a rather inchanting smile. For she knew that the only way he could have hung on with his own strength being as weak as it was would be that his innate power was rather special and epically strong. The more her grew, the more that it would mannifest.

Although she had only taken him on as a whim, it seemed like she had really been blessed by the goddess for having found someone like him.

"Still insist on protecting your ego? Let me explain something. Just because you don't like what I said doesn't mean you can magically become strong enough to fight me or even get me to appologize. You're far, far to weak for that. Here's something your society has forgotten over the years, strength equals right. Pretty soon, everything you know will change. When that happens, those weak and insigniciant things that call out for justice will be silenced while those that have actual strength will stand at the top. If you can't handle people talking about you or those close to you, than you have to be strong enough to make them shut up. But for now, just sit down and cap your arrogance. I don't have time for it," the beauty said while retracting her golden aura..

Laz had no choice but to sit down as he knew that no matter what she said, he really was no match for her. Despite this, a burning sensation had once again risen inside of Laz as her words echoed throughout his being.

'She's right,' Laz thought to himself.

So far, he had been lucky in a way. He had yet to meet someone more powerful than him and started to feel like he was special. But now he saw that even this rather delicate flower in front of him was still far stronger than he was. He now knew that he still had a long way to go.

Before she said anything else, she indicated a plate of strange looking fruit that was sitting on the table.

"Here, take one," she said.

Laz didn't move right away but instead looked at her in the eyes. Although he knew that this girl was not something he could fight against, that didn't mean he would just do whatever she said. This wasn't about his ego, he just wouldn't allow himself to be controlled so easily.

"Relax. It's nothing harmful. Take it."

Laz reached foreward and grabbed a piece. The fruit looked like some sort of dried out peach. It had a golden sheen to it and was plump and moist in his hand. Without another thought, he placed it in his mouth and started chewing.

"The world that you know is wrong. However, that's not relly your fault either. I've seen some of the myths you have written down in the annauls of your history, things that seemed to have become more fiction than fact. And yet the truth is that all those things, as distorted as most of them now are, are based somewhere in fact. Such as this food here. It's actually something that your people used to claim was the food of the gods, one that could make a normal man immortal. But as you can tell, it's not actually that amazing."

The piece of fruit, after Laz had chewed it, disolved in his mouth, sending bursts of flavor and waves of energy throughout his body. It was truely the most amazing thing he had ever tasted. Not only that, it also contained a decent amount of energy that he couldn't ignore. Instead, he circulated his energy in the way that he had discovered and spread the energy through his body, nourishing ever fiber of his flesh. This type of energy wasn't able to make an impact on the condensed ball sitting below his stomach, but it was able to provide a ton of additional strength to his flesh, skin and bones. Although he didn't know what it was, hearing her explination, he could imagine how if a mortal had taken it, assuming they survived, their entire bodies would go through an explosive change.

To a normal human, the person who had consumed it might really be considered a god.

"Now than, you've already reached the peak of what the condensation realm can allow. On top of that, due to some unknown amount of luck, you have strengthened your body to a point that would allow you to rise to the next realm. I honestly thought that you would have to rely on the pwoer of this ambrosia, but it seems like that little puddle you found did an excellent job on it's own. Ah well, i guess this can be considered a bonus." The girl sighed as she explained.

"The next realm?" Laz had been wondering for some time and it looked like hew as going to get some answers.

"The Foundation realm. And after that, the wording on the next realm changes depending on who you ask, but the best way to describe it is the Void Origin realm."

"Foundation? Void Origin?" Laz was confused.

"Alright, here is a way that you might understand. In the Awakening realm. you gather the materials. In the Condensation realm, you mix the building material, getting rid of the impurities and get the energy ready. In the Foundation Realm, you start laying down the base of power. The larger and stronger it is, the more you can put on top of it. In this realm, it's very, very important not to rush. And finally, the Void Origin realm. This is an abstract concept to you, but just imagine you are starting to put buildings on the foundation. You begin to build. As far as the other things go, you will figure those out on your own based on your own abilty. What I am truely curious about is how did you find that technique to build your energy. It's not simple and yet it conforms with the make up of the universe. For something so powerful to end up being learned by you... how did you do it?" The girl asked. This was actually the first time he had used this technique in front of her, but somehow it seemed to be something amazing.

"I made it up... actually..." Laz said, not sure how to respond.

"You made it up?"

"Yeah, based on how I saw energy flow..."

With this, the girl sat back and lost herself in thought. It was a while before she spoke again.

"Since you are the creator of this technique, then by law, you get to name it. Do you have a name for it?" She asked, looking at Laz.

"A name, why would I name it?"

"Because there are thousands of techniques out there. How would someone know what technique they were using if they didn't have names...?" The girl looked at Laz like she was looking at an idiot.

"Fine... Well..."


"I guess I will call it, The Infinity Technique."

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