Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 188: Trap

Chapter 188: Trap

Laz couldn't say he was surprised by Vivi turning into a human as he had his suspicions long ago. He knew she would tell him when she was ready and he was content to just wait until then. It was still surprising to see that although she was barely two in human years, she already had the body of a thirteen to fourteen year old when she became human. It spawned more than a few questions in his mind about how long she would live and if her life cycle would be more like a human or was she going to have the body of a twenty four year old when he turns 18? Either way, that was something to address later as now wasn't the time.

As Laz made his way along the side of the compound wall, all he could think of was what the hell was this? There was no way a house this small should have this many guards. It wasn't like it was some sort of military installation. Despite that, ever few meters, Laz encountered groups who seemed to be standing by and waiting for something. He couldn't help but think that the person they were waiting for was him and that was alarming.

When Laz finally reached the back of the compound, he stopped looking for a quiet way in. It was apparent that there was no free spot with which to safely pass the wall and get to the main building so Laz had to come up with some other plan.

Using his spiritual sense that human technology couldn't do a thing about, Laz discovered that for all the security on the other side of the wall, there was no security in the wall. There were camera's placed here and there along the side, but they were something that was there before and Laz could easily avoid them. They weren't meant to deal with him. As Laz was pondering what to do, he noticed that a few of the guards seemed to be talking.

"What the hell are we doing here?"

"Shut up. What's it matter anyway? We are getting overtime so we might as well just enjoy the nothingness around us."

"Come on. Really? It doesn't bother you that we are doing guard duty for some rich little shit out here in the middle of shit country?"

"You're getting paid, right? What the hell is the problem? Best part is, we don't have to do anything but watch for tresspassers. Worse comes to worse and we find one, we just subdue them and boom, instant bonus per head. This is why the private sector is so much better that government work. Sure, the job is more dangerous, but at least you can get rich pretty quick."

"Still though..."

"Get over your emotional issues and keep your eyes peeled. I'm going to get a drink. It's fucking hot out. Want something?"

"Nah. I'm good."

"So be it Rookie. Keep you're eyes on the prize and if you get one, you're splitting the bonus with me since I brought you."

"Sure thing."

Laz followed the first, older voice until it disappeared into an outlying building. Laz could be sure that it was one of the fellows bases that they were using, but he didn't know how many of them there were. Either way, since the older guard left, the younger one was left holding the security dog while staring off at nothing, almost like he was blanking out.

Laz couldn't help but think this was a stroke of good luck. After all, for anyone who has ever been a teen and watch a lot of movies and shows, they always had a few ideas on what to do in this sort of situation. Laz was going to test one of those ideas out right now.

Laz leapt over the wall without making a noise and snuck up on the younger guard who happened to be similar in size to him. The guard was somewhat unlucky as he had decided to relax in a camera blind spot, one of several that existed since the house and security wasn't built with being a fortress in mind. Without so much as a word, Laz struck the young man on the back of his head, causing him to drop like a rock. As soon as this happened though, the dog he was holding on to became alarmed and turned to find Laz starring at it. before it could so much as whimper, Laz's eyes turned a deep blood red as he make eye contact with the animal, causing it's body to shudder as it ended up emptying it's bowels on the spot in fear. Just as Laz was about to kill the guard outright, he noticed that the guard had tranquilizer rounds and couldn't help but smile.

"Consider yourself lucky," Laz said as he grabbed a round and jabbed it into the mans thigh before the injection mechanism took over, pumping the liquid into him. Although Laz had no idea how much was in there or if it would kill a normal person, he figured at least this gave the man a fighting chance.

Laz quickly dragged the man back to the bushes by the wall and stripped his clothes before changing into them and putting his clothes in his little pouch. Although they were a little big, that was still better than them being small. That would look even more obvious. After having done this, Laz once again checked to make sure they were still in a blind spot before walking over and grabbing the dogs leash. He then stood there and pretended to space out while waiting for the other man to return.

That didn't take long as the older man came back quickly. Even though he had no problem with wondering away to get a drink or whatever every now and then, he wasn't so stupid as to ignore his job completely and get kicked from the detail. That would have been a very poor business and career choice.

"Hey, brought you a water just in case," The man said while passing over the bottle to the disguised Laz.

"Thanks," Laz replied in a voice that was rather similar to the young man's. After having heard him speak, Laz was able to copy the younger man to a certain degree. As long as he didn't try to say anything else. The only reason the older man didn't recognize Laz was because both were wearing helmets along with sun goggles and face masks. Even if it was blazing hot out, as long as they were on duty, they had to be in uniform..

Despite Laz's rather decent voice impression, the older man seemed to sense something was wrong. Looking at the younger man, he couldn't help but ask,

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just hot... oh, I found something." Laz grabbed the dog's leash and pulled the reluctant animal along. With only a glance though, the dog become obedient and just did as he was told.

"What's that?" Even though the older man thought that something was wrong, he didn't think too much into it. After all, so far his year's had been smooth sailing and he had no indication that this job was going to be any different. Seeing the dog follow the young man so willing also caused him to relax and take a look at what he was being shown.

As Laz approached the area of the bushes where he had hidden the almost naked body, he stood to the side with the dog and pointed, causing the older man to wonder what was what. As the man walked by closely and saw the younger man laying there naked, he froze for a moment before he figured out what was going on. He then made to turn on his radio and request for help while he took off running since he figured he had no chance to try to kill this impostor. After all, the impostor had taken out the young man quickly and easily with no noise in only the few minutes he was away. This was obviously a trap that had been set up for him.

Before the man's hand could even reach his radio to turn it on though, Laz had popped out in front of him as though the man had blinked and Laz had appeared. Laz quickly lunged forward and hit the man square in the stomach, causing the air to fly out of his lungs and making him not able to breathe. Laz caught his body just before he fell by moving in close. Within just another blink of time, Laz vanished with the guard and appeared back at the wall.

For the men inside who were watching the camera's this all happened within a moment and he had no idea what to make of it. From his viewpoint, the young man had checked something and then returned to standing with the dog in view. Then the older man came back and offered him a drink which the young man took before going out of the shot. The older man followed and then stepped back into view momentarily while suddenly the screen flickered and the young man was there holding the older man's body. Just as he was watching while cursing the recording quality, the young man was supporting the older man's body as the older man looked like he was vomiting repeatedly.

After seeing and understanding what he thought had happened, the guard watching the camera's let the group leader know who then called over.

"Team 17. Team 17. Report."

"Team 17, situation normal."

"Then what's the old man doing 17?"

"Heat got to him sir. He's going to sit back near the wall in the shade and drink some water until he cools down sir. Over."

"17, do you need medical assistance?"

Laz hesitated on the line for a few before calling over to the older man who was passed out on the wall. As he made it sound like he was getting instructions, the home base just waited. When Laz finally came back on the radio, he simply said,

"Tell them to shove it up their asses. I ain't giving up on this pay day just because of a little puke. I'll be fine," Laz relayed back the message the old man had supposedly gave, causing those listening to laugh. They all knew about his temper and attitude and knew that fighting him on it was a bad plan. As such, the group leader just laughed and told Laz to tell the old man not to over do it and stay in the shade. He isn't that young anymore. Laz then made it sound like the old man was screaming at him before cutting the call, causing the hq to laugh more while they went back to their business.

As for Laz, he grabbed a few stake nails out from his pouch and dragged the older man over to the open space of the wall. After getting the older man into position, he nailed the man to the wall by means of his uniform, including putting one thought the back of his helmet to keep his head up straight. Although a normal person would have needed a hammer and a bit of luck, Laz was able to do so simple by heating the nail a little and driving it through the wall with his bare hand.

After looking over his handy work to make it seem like the man was leaning against the wall naturally, Laz put the leash around the man's hand and tied it so that it wouldn't go anywhere before turning his gaze back to the dog.

:Stay here, move around a bit but don't pull the leash,: Laz ordered to the dog while glaring at him. After sensing the dog accept his order, Laz walked away and did a quick sweep of the surroundings while making it look like he was doing regular rounds. As he approached the next blind spot, Laz suddenly vanished from the screen using his high strength to run towards the main compound.

As for the man watching the video of Laz, he simply cursed again a few times while smacking the monitor screen and swearing he would get them to update their system if they ever wanted them to come back and do this again.

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