Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 198: Flee

Chapter 198: Flee

The It was hard to talk while on the road, hence why nothing could be changed after they started moving. Despite Laz's now increased range, the girls weren't allowed in the caravan and their route was completely locked down. Due to all of this, Laz could only trust that everything was in place for his escape.

Even if it wasn't that wasn't going to stop him.

The place where they had chosen for Laz to free himself was a deserted stretch of highway. For anyone who has traveled the country before, they would be able to tell you about miles after miles of empty land. Not that there were no trees or wildlife, but that there were almost no humans living anywhere near by. That's why the highways were so important in the first place. Without them, travelling would take a much greater period of time.

Despite the ever growing population of the U.S., there were still thousands of miles of unused land no matter where you went. And that was the opportunity they needed.

The two guardsmen watching over Laz couldn't help but kicking him a few times to see if he responded before sitting back.

"This is fucking boring. I can't believe they called us in for a prisoner transport."

"Yeah, well. I guess this is one special prisoner for our entire unit to be called."

"It's boring as shit."

"Suck it up. We just have to do this until we reach Pennsylvania, then it's someone else's problem."

"Still, kills the entire day, you know?"

"Yeah. But so what? We're serving our country, one prisoner at a time..."

It was easy to tell that neither of them wanted to be here, but they had no choice. Orders were orders. At least if they were out driving, there would be a bit more to do. But they had drawn the short straws for this assignment.

"Any idea what he did?"

"I heard some stuff, but it's fucking nuts."


"Yeah. This sack of shit apparently went on a murder rampage and killed over fifty gang members before burning their entire place to the ground."

"What's the problem with that? Few less of them is a good thing any day."

"Would have been fine if he stuck with the bangers, but then he decided to light up that mayor's house and kill a whole bunch of people in there."

"Why? I mean, why the hell do you go from killing street thugs to hitting a small town mayor's place?"

"No one really knows. There is a video or something, but I haven't been able to find it. Besides, you saw the damage. How many people you think died in there?"

"If he's so dangerous, then why the hell did they only put the two of us back here? Shouldn't he be lock in a cage and strapped to the back of a semi where everyone can watch him or something?".

"He's not an animal and he's still an American."

"I don't know man. They're saying this disease changes them. Makes them not so human any more."

"The fuck you on about? Does he look like something other than human to you?"

"Well, no. But, I mean. Come on? How the hell do these guys do this shit like super heroes?... and better question. What do we do when he wakes up?"

"He ain't waking up. But, worse to worse, we just hit him with a full clip of this stuff." The guardsman patted his rifle, indicating the special shots they he been giving. If for some reason the prisoner started moving, they were to unload at least one clip into him while radioing out for a status update. Assuming they never called out or fired a shot, it was assumed things in the back of the armored car were normal and they would be relieved once they handed him over to the PA national guard. Simple.

"Damn man. It's getting fucking hot in here. Are they messing with us for kicks?" Only now did both men notice that the temperature of the enclosed area seemed to be increasing.

"Hang onm." The guardsman knocked on the small door flap that led to the front.

"What?" Asked the driver after opening it.

"You guys having some fun up there with the A.C.? It's way to damn toasty back here and we don't get windows.

"Didn't touch it. Maybe you're having a hot flash grandma?" The driver laughed along with the passenger, both of who were guardsmen in the same squad as the ones in the back.

"AH ha ha ha. Funny. Crank it up back here or soon you'll be greeted by the smell from my ball sweat," the back guard threatened while rubbing his crotch against the window.

"Damn. Alright. Alright. Don't go threatening my life like that," the driver joked while cranking up the air. He then closed the window.

"Done. Should be a bit better now," the man said while feeling the cool air come rushing in faster.

Despite this, the temperature in the back continued to increase, causing both men to grit their teeth in frustration. They just thought it was a problem with the truck and there was nothing they could do, at first.

"Holy fucking Satan's left testicle. It's like a fucking sauna in here."

"Yeah... what the fuck is going on?"

Both men got up and started banging on the window.

"Hot enough back there for you?" Both the driver and passenger started laughing, clearly having turned on the heat.

"I'm going to shove this gun up your ass and give you another hole to laugh out of if you don't turn the air on."

"Alright. Fine. Wimps." The window closed and both men went to sit down, clearly feeling like this assignment couldn't be over fast enough. When they turned back around however, their prisoner was standing up while rubbing his wrists as the last bit of iron chain melting off, hitting the bottom of the truck with a hiss before cooling off. The worst part was that Laz hadn't removed the covering from his head yet and was just standing there in the beat up clothes he had been locked up with. Combined with the hood over his head, Laz's appearance couldn't have ben more frightening.

Had the men who had been sent to watch over him been better trained or had more experience, they might had reacted quickly. But for these two, the only thing they could do was stare on in horror as Laz stretched a bit to relieve the fatigue in his joints.

"Damn. That kind of hurts. I mean, I know that some people are into this stuff, but wow. You must really have to like it rough to do it like that."

"He.. he... he..." said one of the men while pointing to Laz.

"Shoo... shoot... him. Shoot him."

They both raised their guns to take aim, but Laz was faster. He simply reached out, using the black flame to cover both of his hands and touched the barrel of the guns, causing them both to melt before the terrified guardsmen could even pull the trigger.

"Now then... time to go... oh. Hold on..." Laz just figured out the sack was still over his head. He had been focused on where he was outside and on where the various troops were in the vehicles around him. Because of this, Laz wasn't really paying attention to what was happening inside the car he was in and failed to notice his face was still covered.

After removing the hood, the two guardsmen couldn't help but take a slow breath of air.

After all, neither of them had ever seen a man like Laz who basically looked perfect. Not only had Laz's power improved by breaking through the realm, but even his looks had improved. If it wasn't for the aura of masculinity that Laz produced just with his gaze, the two men would almost think that Laz's face belonged on a female. Had Laz known about this or looked in a mirror, he would probably want to sit in a corner, curl up into a ball and cry.

Laz knew nothing of this. After taking the bag off his head, he once again started seeing with his eyes. He couldn't help but notice the weird look he was getting from the two in front of him and it sort of confused him.

'I thought they would be a bit more scared, but it doesn't seem like it,' Laz thought to himself while watching the two who looked almost like they wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

'Guess I'm not frightening enough?'

Laz didn't have time to worry about it since it was almost his stop. Instead, he walked to the back of the armored truck and turned, putting his hands on the side wall as though feeling it for a minute before taking a deep breath. He then took a few steps back and got into a fighting stance.

Just as the two guardsmen were coming out of their stupor, Laz struck forth,



The side of the armored car practically exploded, blowing off the wall and the wheels, causing the car to pull to the right side as it went off balance.

The guardsmen could do nothing more at this point except for hang on while Laz had his feet firmly planted into the floor, not even moving despite the armored car's crazy lurch to the side.

Of course, due to the crazy high speed directional change, the car began to barrel roll as it flew off the ground, allowing Laz the perfect chance to drop out of the hole and onto the hood of the Humvee that was now below him. Of course, he dropped with the full weight of his body behind it, one that he been strengthen through various means.

Normally, a regular person dropping on to the hood of a moving vehicle would result in the person going flying like a tumble weed. But in Laz's case, he dropped as hard as he could, causing the front of the vehicle to drop down so much that the bumper caught the pavement and sent it flying forward while also rolling through the air.

As for Laz, he took a causal step off the hood as he began walking, almost like he didn't even notice he had sent the Humvee flying just by stepping on it.

After the commotion, all of the other vehicles in the convoy noticed a problem and began breaking, causing a series of fender benders as they all tried to stop. The ones in the front of the convoy then tried to get out of the way of the flying cars as much as possible but had little success.

Laz just walked towards the edge of the road that also happened to be on a raised stretch of highway, being around twenty feet off the ground. As the various members of the guard rushed out of their vehicles to surround him, Laz stood on the side of the bridge while smiling.

"You all seem to think we are some sort of monsters? Or is it just me whose getting a whole lot of attention?" Laz called out while watching himself being encircled. He looked up and even noticed two helicopters hovering while snipers took aim at him.

'Well, this is actually bigger than I thought.' Laz realized that he hadn't noticed the helicopters. Then again, he hadn't been paying attention to the air as he was mostly focused on the ground. This was an oversight on his part.

As he spread his senses around, he noticed that in an area not to far away from him, Leona, Vivi and Ruby were all waiting in a getaway car for his arrival. The original plan was that they would pick him up after he jumped down from the bridge and ran away. But that plan didn't account for the helicopters that would be able to follow him even after he jumped. They weren't a part of the convoy that had left the estate so they hadn't been taken into the plan.

Since he had noticed this, it was obvious that the girls had noticed this as well.

"What do we do?" Vivi asked with worry dripping from her voice.

"We stick to the plan," Ruby said, although she hesitated. She knew that if Laz came to them, the only thing that would happen was that they would all get caught. It was next to impossible to escape air born pursuit in a car out in the middle of the country. You couldn't just drive it through a dense woods.

"We can't. He can't..." Leona was feeling the worst of all. If it wasn't for her, none of this would have happened.

"We can still make it, it's just going to be a whole lot harder is all..." Ruby was still trying to convince the girls that this was the best way when she couldn't even convince herself.

*Sigh. Who knew that this would happen?* Laz's voice came into their heads, shocking them. They were actually quite a ways away and could only barely see what was going on. Yet he was able to talk over that distance.

*Get over here so we can go,* Ruby said, telling him to hurry.

*We can't. I can't. And you all know that this is out of the question now.* Laz was sighing to himself, thinking that maybe he had been a bit shortsighted. Even Lady Mathilda had said the plan had almost no chance to succeed, but Ruby insisted that they go ahead with it since it was the only plan they could come up with in such a limited time.

*Listen. I love you, all. But it seems like we may need to be a part for a while, ok?*




*Alright. That's enough. I'm going to be super wanted and I have no idea if I'm even going to live through this. Maybe a normal bullet won't kill me, but they high powered sniper rifles would even cause my head to explode.* Laz couldn't help but appreciated the hardware, even if it was pointed at him.

*But I'm going to try. Ruby, Leona, take care of Vivi and Tyr... ops. Well take care of Vivi anyway. Apparently Tyr is somehow still with me.* Laz noticed that Tyr had appeared on the back of his shirt at some point and was resting on his shoulder while peeking his little furry head over to see all the lights pointed at them.

*As soon as I get somewhere safe, I will give you a call. If... and I do mean If I don't reach out to you within the next 48 hours... then you all need to get somewhere safe without me, ok? Go with Black Rose or go with Vivi to Blood Moon, either way, keep yourselves out of sight. Got it?*

Laz had expected to hear them fight back against him or yell at him or any number of things, but the only thing he heard back was three gentle voices,

*Flee you fool!*

Laz couldn't help but smile.

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