Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 211: Waking Up In Bed With A Woman Isn't Always A Good Thing

Chapter 211: Waking Up In Bed With A Woman Isn't Always A Good Thing

Laz felt warm. And soft... so very soft. Or maybe that's just what he felt and not how he was feeling. Either way, Laz was enjoying the soft and warm feeling pressing against him.

In no way was Laz even semi lucid at the moment. In fact, even if he opened his eyes at this moment, he would still see only darkness. This had to do with him over taxing his body again and again. Without the support of his inner energy, Laz was like a high performance machine running on low grade fuel. Unless he calmed down the things he made his body do or was able to free his inner energy, his body would break down at some point in the near future. The only positive side to any of this was that although long term battering on a body would cause it damage, short term could be considered beneficial. He was forcing his body to go through a type of training that would have been impossible otherwise.

Laz had no idea what he was doing and was just making stuff up as he went along. Some of it worked and some of it didn't. Having advanced as fast as he had through awakening, condensation and now into foundation forging, his energy was massive but his body was way weaker than it needed to be. Even if he was vastly stronger than an average person, almost superhuman, it wasn't yet enough. Perhaps others would have a different experience since his fighting style relied on a strong body more so than others. But for those like Leona and Ruby, they would also experience the same things he did after a while if nothing changed.

But Laz knew nothing of this at the moment.

At the moment, in dream land, Laz was cuddling with a beautiful, naked temptress. He couldn't make out her face, but he also wasn't focused on her face. Instead, he was face deep into her decently sized mounds, kissing and nipping at various points while his hands held tight to her smooth back. In return, the temptress in his dream was running her hands through his hair while occasionally moaning. Her arching back would have caused her to spilt away from his hungry mouth had he not been hold her close and had she not been gripping tightly to his head. It was clear to tell that she seriously enjoyed the skill that Laz had an abundance of.

It was obvious that Laz wasn't awake since had he been, he would have already moved on. Instead, he continued to cuddle and caress the soft bodied temptress in his dream while having no thoughts about doing anything else. Mostly, this had to do with the powerlessness of his body. Of course, even if he had no thoughts or feelings of going to the next step, his body was still that of a young man and couldn't help but respond to the stimulus. As such, his member was already standing firm and rubbing the temptress in other spots. Ones in which she responded in kind by shaking and rubbing against his manhood with a passion.

Had they not had clothes on, their bodies would have taken action by course of nature.

In the dream, Laz was laying on a soft cloud while his snow white temptress was huddled up close to him, her upper body completely revealed while she wore a bare minimum on her lower half, just enough to cover her entrance to ecstasy. Laz himself was clothes in simple shorts, ones that had slid now enough to show all of his toned abdomen. When her hands weren't locked into the soft locks of his hair, her hands would do a full circle around his body, feeling every part of him she could reach. The rhythmic grinding and thumping of her hips caused his already escaping shorts to fall farther down as his barely contained love stick continued to trace a sensual line between her legs. Her heavenly garment was more that just a little wet at this point.

Just as Laz was getting lost in the feel of his temptress' body, she had somehow reached a hand down to grab his large meat stick, feeling that even two hands wouldn't be able to contain this beast. Laz responded in turn, reaching around and grabbing her gently curved but well proportioned ass. Feeling this extra stimulus, the temptress bit down hard on Laz's neck, but the result was far from what she had planned. Instead, her mouth felt like it had bitten down on a soft metal, causing her teeth to slip off and bite her tongue instead. The pain instantly shocked her awake. The resulting scream then shocked Laz awake.



Laz fell backwards off the bed, an obvious result from waking up too fast while being pushed. Having slid off though caused his shorts to remain on the bed, slumped over the side of it. As for the temptress of his dreams, she was now grasping a blanket to cover her upper half while trying to figured out what the hell was going on.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Sarah screamed, seeing Laz stand up unsteadily.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING AGAIN?" Laz asked back in a loud voice, not understanding what was happening and only knowing that he recognized Sarah.

Instead of a quick response, Sarah just covered her face and stuck an arm out while pointing down. Laz followed her finger and noticed that while his one hand was grabbing on to the old wooded chair and the other was rubbing his sore forehead, his third arm like appendage was pointing strait at Sarah in return.

"Oh. OH?!? Sorry. Sorry. I must have dosed off. And I guess I am just so used to sleeping naked that I stripped in my sleep." Laz didn't offer an apology, just an explanation. He failed to consider that Sarah knew a whole lot less about what had happened than he did since she was basically passed out the whole time. Because of this, she glared at him while he quickly put on the clothes that he had taken off in his sleep.

"WHY ARE YOU IN HERE?" She finally asked, rather loudly, once she had calmed down a bit.

"I was saving you."


"Would you stop yelling. My head is already killing me and you're making it a hell of a lot worse." Laz didn't give a shit about her feelings at the moment. Had these things not happened like this, Laz probably would have been asleep for a couple days at least. He felt like he had been woken up after the world's worst hangover.

"What the hell happened?" Sarah finally calmed down enough to ask. The only reason she was even being remotely controlled was because she felt that her underwear was still on, although it was rather moist. She also had no lower pain, showing that he hadn't taken advantage of her with that flesh club. Even though she was a virgin, she was fully aware that something like that would hurt a hell of a lot the first time. And probably many times after..

"Ugh. You.. after the attack in the forest, when all of them were dead, something happened to you and you became sick. Or, I should say, you felt the onslaught of the awakening," Laz explained while he sat down, now fully clothed. He was still in pain and that wasn't going to go away any time soon.

"Awakening?" Sarah was confused, not having heard that expression before.

"Awakening. It's what happens when you become infected. It's also the first stage you go through," Laz explained calmly while crawling over to the bed. Sarah jumped back a little as Laz reached out, but he only grabbed a water bottle she had by the bed before slumping back down and taking several huge gulps.

Laz then leaned forward enough to set the bottle down on the bed next to her.

"Take a drink. You need it." Laz pointed at the bottle.

"But you already..."

"I'm pretty sure that we've already crossed that line so I wouldn't worry about it," Laz said, guessing what her complaint was.

It wasn't like it was a big deal for a guy and a girl to share a drink if they had been friends for a while, that was simply old world thinking. Of course, If you didn't know the person, then sharing germs like that would be a bad idea. In this case though, that line was already crossed so why bother with it now, even if they didn't know each other well.

'Luckily we didn't end up having sex or this would be a whole different kind of headache,' Laz thought to himself as he saw Sarah drink the rest of the bottle.

Get dressed and come downstairs when you're ready. You need to eat and let you're family know that you are doing ok. Laz then slid open the window of Sarah's room, jumped onto the outcropping and took a leap off the roof. Landing on the ground, he felt like he was going to pass out, but managed to stay on his feet. Laz then went over to the wood pile on the side of the building, grabbed a few logs and made his way out towards the fields.

It was already the morning of the next day, which meant they had been out for many hours. Laz felt like he was seriously hungry. At the same time, Laz knew that Tyr was nearby, waiting for him.

Laz finally located Tyr who was sitting near the forest on an overhang of rock, one that looked out over the miles upon miles of forested lands. Tyr had a nicely wrapped web sack behind him and already had a pile of rocks and wood set up for a fire. Seeing Laz arrived, the big guy suddenly turned small and hop up on Laz's shoulder, rubbing his head against him.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Thanks for getting everything ready. Are you hungry too?" Laz asked, seeing the excited little spider.

:Hungry,: was his reply and Laz laughed. He knew Tyr could take care of himself and had probably already eaten, but Tyr seemed to enjoy eating cooked food too, something which he couldn't do for himself.

As Laz started up the fire and got to roasting the still fresh demon beast meat that had been stored perfectly in Tyr's self made sack, Laz sat back and pulled out a bottle of whiskey that he had saved in his storage pouch. He had other bottles that he had gotten, different kinds and different spirits, but this one he had saved since it had originally been shared between him and two others.

For some reason, tonight seemed like a good night to drink it and remember.


Sarah's family was ecstatic that she was fine and Onacona couldn't thank Laz enough. The old man had been worried that he would lose his granddaughter since they had lost everyone else from this. Only after he was assured that she was fine did he relax. Laz spent the next few days sharing the technique he had used with his spiritual sense to help the infected get through the initial awakening. Laz then spent a bunch of time with Sarah, sharing with her all of the things he knew about realms, advancing, getting stronger and using the technique he had devised, the infinity technique.

She treated all of his words as pearls of wisdom and wrote all of it down, but only after he told her she was free to. It wasn't some sort of secret technique or forbidden knowledge he shared so she was free to pass it along and use it as much as she was able to.

Neither of them spoke about what had happened in Sarah's room.

Between teaching Sarah and Onacona, Laz's days were pretty busy. He still spent time burning off the grey fog as much as possible. Laz wasn't sure, but the fog seemed like some sort of energy that didn't belong. It was very different than anything he had encountered before, like the heat energy of the nectar or the cold energy form the pond. As Laz burned it away, he would occasionally feel the fresh energy seep into his bones and organs. It was like, his inner body was getting a strong injection of something that Laz couldn't figure out. Unlike when he had tempered his body within the stone pool, this was more inside than out.

That was the only thing preventing Laz from going crazy at the slowness of the whole thing.

After things had settled back down, Onacona came to Laz one night while he was enjoying a demon beast roast with Tyr. Laz wasn't being anti social by not eating with the family, he did still have breakfast and lunch with them. Laz was just making sure to spend time with Tyr and focusing on calming his mind.

It wasn't easy, trying to work through those lines he had learned, over and over again. But he felt that it was helping.

Seeing the old man walk up, Laz offered him a stump which he happily sat on while Laz went back to cooking.

"You don't seem surprised to see me?"

"Well, I figured you knew where I was and what I was doing, so no. Not really." Laz replied back, offering the old man some wine he had gotten from he forgot where. He only barely remembered something about Vivi ordering it online for some reason when she told him about it and then never hearing about it again. Apparently, she had stored it in the pouch because she accidently ordered a ton and had no way to get rid of it. Either way, he had kept it since it wasn't bad.

"It's not that."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You've... already helped me more than enough. Saving Sarah and teaching me how to save others."

"Just spill it old man, no worries." Laz laughed at he looked up at the stars.

"It's Kamama."

"Sarah? What about her?" Laz was now fully paying attention.

"I don't know. But she seems to be always looking somewhere. I didn't understand where, at first. But then I figured it out. She is staring at these woods. Sometimes for hours on end. And she's been so quiet lately. Normally, she's on her phone or wanting to go somewhere and do something. But now, she sits quietly in her room, looking out the window." Laz hadn't noticed, but that was because he was so busy during the day, he didn't have time to.

"Did you ask her about it?" Laz asked.

"I did. She said... the forest... it's spirits... seemed to be calling for her."

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