Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 220: Taking A Walk

Chapter 220: Taking A Walk

No one really knew what Abraham had missed since they didn't remember anything, except for Laz. Knowing that what that old lady was saying was directed at him, Laz wondered if she nuts or if there was some deeper meaning to it. He had seen way to much crazy shit to not believe that there weren't people who could see the future. But for the time being, he was going to put it aside. He had just gotten to town and he needed some questions answered, such as where would they be working?

As such, when everyone started talking about going out to walk and party and saying they would unpack later, Laz decided to join them. It wasn't what one would call his scene, but since he needed to get a good look around, he figured this was a good place to start.

Laz still had no idea what he was looking for. On top of that, He felt like it was next to impossible to make that next step with his foundation base. It was like, he was missing the words to take the next step.

As a matter of interest, Laz had been testing out his powers ever since he could use them again. Not only was his body now several times stronger than it was before, but even his black flame and inner energy seemed to benefit from the grey mist that had bogged him down for so long. On top of that, if Laz ever ended up getting stuck in the place again, he was confident that he wouldn't be affected by the gas and allow it to build up in his system. In fact, he would probably be able to just circulate it through his system like it was normal energy. That's just how condensed and strong his flame had gotten as a result.

If Laz wanted to, he could probably destroy an entire block of this city before anyone even knew that had happened. But he would never do that as it was just a thought.

When they announced their intentions to Abraham though, he was a bit reluctant. Only Laz really understood why.

"Come on, we should all go. It will be fun," Madison said while looking at the reluctant Abraham. Ever since he had changed his clothes, he looked quite a bit more human. It was now everyone's thought that he was just a bit weird. But that didn't actually bother anyone. A weird guy like him could make things more fun, at least in their eyes.

"Yeah man. It's a great opportunity to learn a bit about where we will be living and working. You can hide in your room later if you want, but for now, it's go time," Eddy encouraged. He wasn't trying to be mean, he was just being straightforward. Benny had made the suggestion and everyone immediately got on board. Benny wasn't really the spokesman or anything for them, he was just the one who had gotten here first and had received the information from the actual contact for the hiring project. That was the only reason he knew more than the others.

"Come on."


With all three of the girls asking, Abraham finally said yes. Or it might have been because Laz nodded to him to encourage him. Abraham wasn't used to going out, but he seemed to strangely trust Laz although Laz had no idea why. Maybe because he latched on to the first person who was friendly with him.

They locked up and left, the guys getting one key each from Benny who had forgot to pass them out earlier. Laz couldn't help but wonder why they wouldn't just get a digital lock instead of having keys, but keys were probably cheaper. Hell, it looked like they have even just moved the old door knob and lock from the old door to the new one. That couldn't help but feel a bit impressed by their cheap ass attitude.

As the girls met the guys outside, Madison took the lead. Benny and her were both locals, but Madison had actually been here before so she knew where she was going. Just because you live in a city doesn't mean you know all of it's ins and outs. New Orleans was a good example of this. Not the biggest city, but not small either.

Despite Madison talking about various things, Laz wasn't really paying attention. Instead, he was focused on the different houses and such that they passed along the way. Strangely, it was the architecture that drew most of his attention. He had been to cities before, but not many. And most places liked to have that... new and modern feel. But here, it was all about the old culture that thrived. It was truly amazing.

Abraham just mostly walked near Laz while Benny, Madison, Angie and Eddy were walking at the front of the group. Steph was walking near Laz and Abraham just to make sure they didn't take up a lot of space. If one was to look on, it was almost like they were all divided by social classes, but Laz was an exception. After all, he was the most attractive male in the group, even though Eddy wasn't bad.

Laz woke up from his musing to see Abraham looking around with stars in his eyes. While Laz was just interested and impressed, Abraham was downright looking excited.

"Never really been out before huh?" Laz asked in a joking manner.

"Not like this. I can't tell if I want to throw up because it's scary or exciting."

"Probably both. No worries though. If you do pass out, I will pick you up off the street on the way back," Laz joked.

"Thanks." Abraham didn't get the joke. Steph did though and giggled a bit from the side.

"You're kind of easy to get along with," she said towards Laz..

"Should I not be?" Laz was confused by her statement.

"You don't look like you would be," Steph said while looking at Abraham. She wasn't looking down on him either and instead thought the guy was kind of amusing.

"What about you? That your natural hair color? Laz asked. He knew it wasn't but sometimes you just needed to give people a reason to talk. Besides, Laz could get a good read on people pretty quickly.

"Have you ever seen someone with natural bright blue hair?" As opposed to being angry at the question, Steph was laughing. Had someone looked forward, they would have noticed that both Angie and Madison were taking sneak peaks behind them while acting like they were staring at something on the road side. Benny and Eddy were completely oblivious to this fact as they were both asking questions of Madison and Angie, hence why neither girl could drop back to talk to Laz. They felt like Steph had gotten a lead on them, trying to get into first place with the hot guy of their vacation. Although there were sure to be many hot guys around, Laz was the boy next store which would make things much easier.

It was some sort of silent game they were playing.

"Yes. That I have. I honestly thought she was kidding that it was natural, but she wasn't," Laz responded, dead serious.

"That's not possible. How can someone have natural blue hair and better question, how did she prove it?" Steph asked, not getting what Laz was implying.

"The only way a girl can prove her hair color..." Laz said, still one thousand percent serious.

Benny and Eddy understood what Laz meant and started laughing while Abraham was confused.

"Why you..." Steph seemed to be annoyed by this.

"...She showed me her baby pictures. Imagine my surprise when she had a full head of blue hair right after she was born? I mean, how does that happen?" Laz said with a straight face as though he wasn't being dirty earlier.

This sudden change was too much, causing both Madison and Angie to begin laughing as well while Steph turned red. She then reached out and punched Laz's arm.

"That is so not what you meant."

"Of course it is. What else could I mean? What other way is there to find out natural hair color unless you look at baby pictures?" Laz asked, the very picture of a pure man.

Steph just hit him more while everyone else was laughing. Abraham was actually nodding his head as though he agreed with Laz, not understand the joke.

Despite them all being new to each other, sometimes it just took something little to bring a group together. Laz knew this and was happy to help.

Laz continued on while being punched, begging 'big sister Steph' to stop beating her poor little brother before running forward and using Madison and Angie as a shield, causing them to laugh harder. Not that Steph wanting to continue hitting him since doing so was like hitting a rock, but she wasn't going to let him off. When he finally jumped over and used Eddy and Benny as blockers, Steph threatened to hit both of them in the balls if they didn't move while putting on a angry face.

It was truly a relaxing moment for them all.

Just when Laz was about to run off to use Abraham, he stopped in his tracks and looked over across the street. He felt as though someone's gaze was on him and only him, like he was being watched. As such, Laz returned a look right at that person who was well hidden while his eyes turned blood red for only a quick breath. He had no idea who the woman was who had picked him out, but a gaze like that had meaning.

The woman quickly looked away and ran off before Laz could investigate further.

Seeing that Laz had stopped and looked somewhere, everyone else stopped and looked over too, wondering what had drawn his attention. Before they could ask anything, Laz took off running out front as though he was scared for his life from Steph, causing everyone to think they had been fooled. This caused another bout of laughter until Laz stopped and seemed like he was panting for breath while waiting for them to catch up.

Little did they know that Laz's sense had spread out to find that strange woman again, noticing her right away. She had a strange aura about her, almost like and infected, but not. It was very strange. Seeing her retreat away and keep running, Laz didn't decided to investigate anymore and just joined the group when they caught up. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, no sense in worrying about it.


The woman didn't stop running until she had gotten to a car that was down a few blocks, her speed much faster than a normal person. She jumped in the back and yelled at the female driver to go before bringing out her cell.

"It's me. Tell the queen that I might have found something, but I can't be sure. He's very sensitive and I'm not strong enough to follow him. Yes. I will be there right away."

The woman put the phone down and tried to settle down. It was an instinctual feeling like she had just escaped a crazed beast that would devour her without a thought. The gaze he gave her was so dangerous, she had almost peed herself, something she didn't think was possible. She had seen dangerous men before, but most of them just caused her to be cautious, not frightened. Ever since she was turned, it was the first time she felt this way.

She couldn't help but open her mouth and run her cute little tongue along her lips, gently passing over the fangs in her mouth.

She was very turned on right now.

She couldn't wait to tell the queen.

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