Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chapter 567

Episode 567 Those who protect, those who kill (1)


The air felt heavy.

It was a new law faster than ever before. Ma Dong-pil was convinced that he was moving faster than ever.


Clothing was torn. It was unable to overcome air resistance.

Even if you don’t climb the pole, if you master the use of internal energy, you can allow the internal energy of your whole body to permeate even your clothes. Even if you reach the peak expert level, it is possible.

That means that Ma Dong-pil is currently pouring all of his energy, even the small amount of energy that flows through his clothes, into speed.


The bushes where Ma Dong-pil passed were indiscriminately torn or torn apart.


Slowly, my breathing was having trouble. As extreme divine techniques are practiced without considering the body, not only the internal energy but also the body’s endurance is decreasing exponentially.

‘We have to go as quickly as possible!’

There was no other reason why Ma Dong-pil was pushing himself like this.


With Cheonma’s close escort, he became the leader’s closest confidant, but in fact, Seoryang no longer needed an escort.

This was a fact that even Ma Dong-pil himself, the bodyguard, acknowledged.

Since you never know what might happen in a martial arts world, you should always take full care of the cult leader’s safety, but Seoryang has already completely escaped that area.

Xiliang is not defeated. never.

Words such as arrogance, carelessness, and weakness did not apply to Seoryang.

Although he cannot be said to be absolutely invincible and immune to anything, he has the ability to naturally seek safety when he feels a real crisis is approaching.

In a time of peace, he would have lived strictly as a guard warrior. However, in wartime, Seoryang was the one person who did not need an escort.

In other words, Ma Dong-pil was moving from an invincible shield responsible for the safety of Seoryang to the sharpest sword wielded by the king.

And the target the tip of the sword was aimed at was Sanghyeongseong Fortress.

‘Has the leader arrived?’

The leaders of Shingyo and the combined combat units headed to Sacheon.

Ma Dong-pil was different. While Xi Liang was inspecting the front lines, he headed straight to Cheolhyeolseong Fortress.

He recalled Xiliang’s words.

– Damsayoung’s next move is not read. But I’m not one to miss this strange gap. In that case, the sharpest and most unconventional move he will pull out will probably be iron-blooded.

Surprisingly, Seoryang’s prediction for Damsayeong was spectacularly wrong.

‘I never thought Namgung would get hit.’

I couldn’t even imagine. Who would have thought that Dam Sa-yeong would pour all of her mighty power into the Namgung family.

From then on, Ma Dong-pil risked his life and ran. I thought I had some time to spare, but there was no guarantee that I would be safe even though I was an iron-blooded character since I had even been attacked by Namgung.

Ma Dong-pil’s prediction was accurate.

According to information confirmed by Haomun’s branch, the enemy’s strength, which destroyed Nangong, was heading towards Iron Blood Castle.

‘The leader is definitely coming.’

No, you may have already arrived. The level of the sect leader who has opened up the new demonic sect system of the Old Yumagong is already on a different level from that of a teenage expert.

If the leader goes to Sanghyeolseong Fortress, the destruction of Sanghyeolseong Fortress can be prevented. Ma Dong-pil had no doubt about it.

However, variables always exist.

‘I don’t want to admit it, but Damsayoung is a cunning person. He must have calculated that the leader would request support from the Iron Blood Castle.’

Now the entire midfield is engulfed in war.

Ma Dong-pil’s sixth sense was also sharp.

And his sixth sense allowed him to come up with reasonable inferences based on his past experiences and information, while at the same time gaining insight into the current situation accurately.

‘In other words, even if you can’t stop the leader, you can prepare enough to stall the time.’


As it broke through the surface, a huge water column rose up.

Tread water and move forward. It was a water monument at the highest level of divine law.


I crossed the wide river in one go, consuming a tremendous amount of internal strength, but thanks to this, my breathing became even heavier and my internal skills became sluggish.

It was worth it since we covered hundreds of miles without stopping.

Ma Dong-pil slowed down and chewed Shingyo’s special energy drink.


The pores of the entire body opened and absorbed natural energy, contaminating it with an ink-like energy, and the power of Gu Yu Demon Gong was unleashed.

Ma Dong-pil, who had accumulated more than half of his energy by activating his magic for over half an hour, sped up again.

It was like that all along. When my stamina and internal energy were depleted, I activated my magic energy with the energy booster, and when I felt my body was feeling better, I

ran through the mountains and rivers at breakneck speed without thinking about anything else.

When I was hungry, I immediately hunted to fill my stomach and made sure to get at least as much sleep as possible. Even if you move quickly and arrive quickly, it is meaningless if you don’t have the strength to fight.

How many days have passed like that?

When it finally entered the territory of Sanghyeolseong Province in southern Jiangsu Province.


Ma Dong-pil’s eyes sparkled.

‘Magic power!’

It was quite a distance. It seemed like it was more than ten miles away.

Still, I felt a magical power that was beyond imagination. The swirling power and the roar of the ground shook Ma Dong-pil’s nerves.

Ma Dong-pil took a deep breath.


Guyumagong was activated again.

It wasn’t that I was energized by the vitality group. With the power he possesses, he naturally opens his magic attack to its maximum level and maximizes the use of his energy.

Googoo googung!

The sound of something collapsing was heard.

The outer walls of Sanghyeolseong Fortress were clear. I could tell without looking.

Although he was anxious, Ma Dong-pil did not move impatiently. The fact that the walls have collapsed now means that the enemy’s attack on Iron Blood Fortress has only just begun.

Gather more strength. Be fully prepared.

Let’s go!

Blue lightning struck from high in the sky.

Ma Dong-pil’s eyes deepened.

‘It’s not the leader.’

A fictitious thunderbolt with magical power.

That’s lightning tactics. It was completely different from the reigning Demon Emperor, who approached it with martial arts and drew true lightning.

Of course, just because it wasn’t as good as the reigning Demon Emperor didn’t mean it wasn’t dangerous.

Thunder energy is the most destructive force in nature. If hit directly, even extreme magic experts will not be able to avoid fatal damage.

‘I heard that brain tactics are one of the top techniques. That means…’

Demonic energy soared in Ma Dong-pil’s eyes. My strength was almost full.

‘It means that troops were truly dispatched with the intention of destroying Iron Blood Fortress!’

It was then.


The weather has changed.

It’s not a feeling. The weather was really changing.

Dark clouds began to gather in the clear sky. The dark clouds quickly brought up moisture.

Ma Dong-pil’s magical eyes grew bigger.

‘What is that power?!’


A place dozens of miles away from Sanghyeolseong Fortress.

A storm of fire energy that gave goosebumps with just a trace of energy, and the thunderbolt that calmed the storm shook heaven and earth.



Ma Dong-pil’s body became another thunderbolt and was shot.

* * *

‘It has changed.’

Gorumazon’s eyes wavered.

‘Something has changed.’

Dam Sa-yeong, who was leisurely approaching with her back to her, was showing the same appearance as when we met in the past at Mt. Wudang.

In fact, the temperament he exuded was no different from then. The clear and transparent energy reminded me of a sky without a single cloud, but

it was so clear that I felt a strangeness that evoked a dark fear.

‘Your energy has decreased?’


The temperament remains the same, but the amount of external air emitted has decreased significantly. Even if you play it well, is it at the level of a top expert?

It never occurred to me that he was a master of fireworks competing for the best in the world, excluding the religious leader.

But Gorumazon was nervous.


The amount of energy decreased, and countless gaps were visible in the leisurely pace as if one were taking a walk.

However, Gorumazon somehow saw an illusion of a monster as large as Taisan in his seemingly weak opponent.

Gorumazon, who was glaring at Damsayoung, opened his mouth.

“Did you know?”

Damsayoung smiled.

That blurry smile resembled a dark cloud that did not match the air waves of the clear sky.

“Such questions are meaningless. “The only thing that matters is that I’m blocking your path.”

Those were words that conveyed great confidence.

Not everyone could have the confidence that they could stop 1,000 troops alone. Moreover, those 1,000 people were the Cheonma Army, the strongest unit of the Protestant Church.

A cold, murderous look appeared on Gorumazon’s face.

“I don’t know what trick you did again, but I will make you realize that showing up alone was a fatal mistake.”

Damsayoung shook her head.

“Even though you are enemies, your power is truly amazing. Also, look at the number of troops.

Even if I want to use tricks, I don’t have the strength to do so.

Furthermore, aren’t you and the Cheonma Army all veterans recognized by everyone? “It’s a trap, so even if I dug it, I would have retreated and not foolishly charged.”

“If you do this, it means you are confident.”

“I was greedy in hiring talented people. I had no doubt that if I took everyone under my command, I would one day become the best in the world with that power. But….”


Dam Sa-young’s temperament gradually changed.

“At the last moment, it is always my own strength to trust.”

Gorumazon sneered.

“So you came all this way because it was the last moment?”

“No way.”


A blue essence surged from Dam Sa-young’s body.

Gorumazon’s face hardened slightly. This is because I felt a strange power blooming within the blue air waves.

‘What is this power?’

King of Earth and King of Fire.

It felt similar to when I was with those two. The color of the power was different, but it felt like the root was the same.

“I just came because I was curious to see how much confidence I can have in my powers right now.”

“That curiosity will lead you to hell.”

Gorumazon shouted.



With a roar that seemed to shake the heavens and earth, a thousand demonic armies spread out to the left and right.

Ugh! Wooooow!

Damsayeong’s energy wave shook like smoke in a strong wind.

He quietly admired.

“That’s amazing. It really is the Cheonma Army. Just forming a formation can deliver this much pressure, right? “It makes sense to say that this is the worst army in the history of Wulin.”

Furthermore, Gorumazon’s response was equally surprising.

Gorumazon is strong. With that level of skill, it is worth being greedy for a one-on-one match even if you lose. Especially considering Mine’s winning spirit.

Nevertheless, he was trying to attack with the Cheonma Army. The goal is to pursue a perfect victory rather than a warrior’s desire to win.

‘It’s a shame.’

The Uicheon Alliance does not have such a seasoned veteran. If he had even one such talented person under his command, this fight would have been much easier.

“Are you ready?”

“dog sound.”

Gorumazon shouted.

“All of the Cheonma Army kill the enemy’s leader…!”

It was then.


Astonishment appeared on Gorumazon’s face. Damsayoung, who was a long way away, disappeared in an instant.


Before I could even find him, there was an eerie explosion and a thick spray of blood.

“Hmm, the swirling energy waves are as hard as steel, but the body is actually flaccid.”

Before we knew it, Dam Sa-yeong appeared on the left side of the Cheonma Army’s formation.

And in front of him, as many as twenty demons from the Cheonma Army scattered in six groups.

An evil smile appeared on Dam Sa-young’s face.

“Now, shall we begin?”

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