Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chapter 591

Episode 591 Disciples of the Nine Great Heavenly Demons (1)

He had a dream.

It wasn’t just a dream. Unlike other dreams, it clearly showed his past.

‘Who is that person?’

The blurry image of someone became increasingly clear.


Startled, he quickly bowed his head.

“Are you here?”

Are you here?

That short sentence gave me goosebumps.

My heart was pounding like crazy. Before I knew it, my back became wet, my mouth was dry, and even my hands and feet were shaking.


The air in Daejeon heated up.

The temperature rose, my body became wet with cold sweat, and I felt strangely chilled.

“It’s increased quite a bit.”

It was a great compliment.

The absolute person he knew was not a person who easily praised someone. Most people don’t even tell me that I did a good job or that I had a hard time.

Has it increased considerably? Those words can be said to be a rare compliment for an absolute and unprecedented being.

He answered with a trembling voice.

“It is a blessing from Master.”


That absolute person was his master, the great lord of the 100,000 demons, and a living disaster itself.

Cheonma Lee Cheon-sang.

Even though he possessed absolute force, he did not go out into the world, and yet no demon dared to be dissatisfied,

and furthermore, all demons were convinced that his martial arts were absolutely invincible.

“Is it my favor?”

“Yes yes!”

“I didn’t give you anything.”

He swallowed hard.

My mouth was so dry that even my throat felt sore.

“I heard you’ve been living a pretty interesting life lately.”

I could tell without having to look up.

Master’s face showed a faint expression of interest, and his eyes were filled with a boredom that was hundreds of times more intense than that interest.

“You got hit by the third one?”

As expected, it was like that. There was nothing Master didn’t know.

Because he is the master of Protestantism? Because every informant within the Protestant Church gives him every single little report?


Even if he was not an informant, he was a person who knew everything that was happening within the Protestant Church.

Possessing divine eyes that cannot be guessed by human common sense, I did not know that Master’s eyes could reach not only to the Protestant Church but also to the whole world.

“The first one came out of the closed building. You must have met him, right?”


“You made it to the top of the pole. That’s amazing.”


“But even that greatness seems to fade in the presence of the third. As you know, the third’s martial arts skills have long since surpassed yours.”


My fists naturally gained strength.

Yes. I hate to admit it, but it was true.

He’s like a nerd who suddenly got caught in a coin trap and used to live today and tomorrow. Such a guy suddenly escaped from his demons, entered the Gojuk Forest, and came out into the world, having practiced great martial arts.

And again several months later.

The martial artist of Seorang, who was his priest and much younger in age, had far surpassed himself, who had risked his life to practice martial arts for a long time.

“Becoming a supreme demon is an area that requires more than talent or effort.

There are even those who are lucky enough to reach extreme demon status.

In that respect, the state of extreme demonism provides its own level of fairness to all martial artists in the world. It can also be said to be a semi-level state.”

He was inwardly surprised.

Master was not a man of many words. I don’t know about other disciples, but at least he never said this much in front of himself.

“The first and third have reached such a level. It must be a daunting level for you now.”

He gritted his teeth without realizing it.

Yes. For him, the ultimate goal was still a long way off.

No, he had never even broken through his own limitations in the first place. As a scholar of the Heavenly Demon Church, he accumulated outstanding military skills for his age, but in the end, that was all.

An ant that wanders, not even knowing where the peak is, let alone climbing through it.

I transcended human limitations and gained unprecedented strength, but I felt even more ashamed because I gained this power not through expedient methods, but through expedient methods.

The third one wouldn’t have done that.

Even his eldest brother, Jin Gwan-yong, studied the expedient method of combining two gods and demons and rose to the level of a supreme demon. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have even been able to dream of reaching the extreme.

But the third was different.

There were no shortcuts to this guy. Although I was angry, I knew it because I had reached my current level through countless shortcuts.

He is orthodox among orthodox. He was a true demon who trained in martial arts, gained enlightenment through countless experiences, and reached the ultimate level with an unimaginable will.

Compared to the third child, the eldest brother is just a child.

Regardless of the level of strength, the process of reaching that position is different. Even if the two of them went head to head right now, it would be difficult for the eldest brother to beat the third.

Because lies don’t work in martial arts.

There were no loopholes in the state he had built up through severe asceticism and pure martial zeal without any shortcuts.

“Much more so, the third one is not just a martial arts expert.

He possesses an outstanding brain and has the wisdom and determination to use tactics that go beyond common sense without hesitation in order to get what he wants.”

That was why he felt defeated by the third.

He was not only an innate warrior, but also possessed outstanding intellect.

It is difficult to find a wise person among the most intelligent people. The reason is because you are already smart, so there is no need to be stubborn.

But the third did not. Whether it’s Ishin Happo or anything else, there are plenty of ways to improve your martial arts skills if you look for them. There was no way the third child didn’t know that.

However, he stuck to one path without any shortcuts, and eventually he reached the extreme and reached the realm of perfection.

‘Maybe even he already knew.’

The feeling of defeat that washed over me made me feel weak.

The master’s praise for the third child and the difference between vessels once again becomes apparent.

He spoke like this without realizing it in front of the Absolute One who is the best in the world, even the best of all time.

“Do you want me to give up?”

There was no answer back.

Gritting his teeth, he raised his head.


It felt as if my eyes were burning from my magical eyes, which were filled with extreme drowsiness.

But he gritted his teeth and held on. The feeling of extreme defeat and futility actually gave me the strength to overcome fear and intimidation.

“My eldest brother and third brother are so outstanding that my chances of becoming their successor, even though I haven’t even reached their feet yet, are close to zero.”


“Is that why you called me? Did you want to tell me not to throw away my life needlessly and to leave the stage because it’s a fight I can’t win anyway?”

He was excited like never before.

Did the anger that I had been holding in for so long burst out? He said things that would normally be unthinkable in a turbulent shout.

“If that’s the case, then why did you take me as your disciple? Why didn’t you teach me martial arts properly?

Why are you telling me that someone who was so indifferent to his student should leave the stage now? Have you developed sympathy for me that you didn’t have before?!”

“You don’t deserve it.”


“I am disqualified as a teacher. But that doesn’t just apply to you. It applies to everyone.”

He gritted his teeth.

Yes. This absolute demon does not favor anyone. He was a person who did not know such feelings in the first place.

In that respect, he was a truly fair person. Because I was indifferent to everyone and viewed everything as worthless.

That made me even more angry.

If you were going to leave it like this, if you were going to leave it to the good guys to survive on their own, why did you make them your disciples?

“I didn’t want this life!”

“That’s none of my business.”


“But you chose.”


“I told all my disciples, ‘Wouldn’t you regret it?’ I told you that as my disciple, you could obtain glory and power beyond measure, but you could also fall into the abyss.”


“I told you to choose, and everyone chose according to the results. You, too, just made your own choices like other children.”

“That’s nonsense! We were all young back then! We were at an age where we couldn’t think normally…!”

“Should I have comforted him?”


“Is that what you wanted from me?”

His face turned pale.


“There is no point in questioning me about that. In the end, it will only end up revealing your own incompetence and pettiness.”

“But me!”

“The first and third never had any regrets.”

I was speechless for a moment.

Yes. Not to mention the third, that mean and vicious Jin Gwan-yong has never once regretted his current situation.

Just move on.

My environment was like this, so I just did everything I could in this environment.


Finally he realized. The difference between myself and those monstrous executioners.

They don’t complain. In an environment where it would not be strange to pour out criticism beyond complaining, all I could do was look ahead and run.

Are you afraid of that demon? Not like that.

This is because I know that complaining will not change reality.

This is because I realized that I would not be able to achieve a better life if I listened to the reprimands of a demon god who could not feel the same emotions as a fingernail, like I did now.

The only thing that can change the unfortunate reality is the drive and effort to make real changes, not complaints and dissatisfaction.

The eldest brother and third child, the rare monsters who reached the extreme limit at such a young age, must have already realized this.

“Just get out of here.”


“With that kind of attitude, you can’t even get past the fifth, let alone the first and third.”

A fierce demonic energy flashed in the eyes of the Absolute.

“Let me be clear, Duma. If you go any further even after realizing your defeat, you will surely die.

And you will long for life and a future. You will beg for your life not from me, the master and master of Protestantism, but from your rivals who led you to defeat. will be.”



He chose.

“We will see the end.”

He stood up and turned his back.

“I will never leave this stage. If I lose to my competitors, I will struggle to survive no matter what.”

With those words, he left Daejeon. Actually, that was the end of my memory.

But surprisingly, this dream world gave him the voice of the Absolute that he had not heard at the time.

As he looked at his back as he dangerously left Daejeon, he saw the face of a demon god speaking in a bitter voice.

“…I called you because I saw your future. But you made the same choice again.”

* * *

Guan Ping opened his eyes.

A demon knocked on the door as if he had been waiting.

“Chief Ji!”

“What’s going on?”

“The leader has arrived!”


“What should we do? First of all, let’s take you to the VIP room…!”

“It is done.”

Guan Ping sighed and stood up.

“He is the head of our school. I will go out and greet him.”

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